Do you look like your siblings?



  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    It's so weird to read all different answers. Sometimes I think it would be cool to look alike, but I also think it would be odd.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I have 7 brothers and sisters. The oldest two are adopted, so they don't apply due to lack of genetics. The remaining six break down like this:

    2 men, 2 women: Milk white skin, Scottish red heads
    2 men: darker skinned, black haired Italian looking

    The other man with red hair could be my twin, except he is 5 years older than me and quite a bit heavier.
    Interestingly enough, my two daughters could be twin, except they are 6.5 and 18 months.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I love this scenario. I have one younger brother and one younger sister. Now that we're all grown, we look more alike, but growing up we looked so different!

    My dad is a very slight man with dark features and fine straight hair, my mom is more of an athletic build (now overweight) from a Scandinavian background with light curly hair hair and blue eyes.

    I am the oldest am the smallest of my siblings. I have the darkest skin and eyes and fine, curly hair.

    My brother is the middle and is tall (well, 5'10 which is tall for our family!) and gangly with light brown thick curly hair and grey-ish brown eyes. He can't tan, only burns and peels.

    My sister is the baby and is only an inch or so taller than me but very muscular and is a terrific athlete. As kids my brother and I teased her for being the "fat one" and I'm surprised she turned out so well. :laugh: Her hair is dark blonde and her eyes are electric blue -they are so cool! She naturally has pale skin but she tans pretty well in the summer since she coaches tennis all day.

    I find it so amusing how different we all are but you can totally tell we are our parent's children. :tongue:
  • Ashalena
    Ashalena Posts: 162
    Nope, not at all. The only resemblance I have with my brother is that we both have black hair.

    We italian mutts from Northern and Southern Italy. He has really nice dark skin, curly hair, big beautiful brown eyes, long eye lashes.

    I have lighter skin, very light blue eyes and nappy hair lol
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Options brother and I often get mistaken for twins....which I find absurd. He's 6 years older than me.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I have two older sisters. They are obviously sisters and, while I look as if I am most likely related, it appears as if we are no closer than cousins.

    I'm 5'10" with curly reddish brown hair and millions of freckles. I have an hourglass figure, but I have freaky long legs and a short torso (and short arms and small hands)
    My next sister, who is about a year and a half older, is 5'2" with dark blonde/light brown stick straight hair and a peaches and cream complexion. She has short legs and a long torso and is definitely more bottom heavy, with a miniature waist.
    My oldest sister is 5'6" with medium-dark brown mostly straight, slightly wavy hair, a standard complexion (no freckles to be found -BOO!) and is shaped pretty much like what I imagine the average woman to be.

    My sister (the short one) has been known to joke that she got my dad's dominant genes and my mom's recessive ones, my oldest sister got my mom's dominant genes and my dad's recessive ones, and I... well, I got all the "leftovers."

    On another note - my hubby and his sister look SOOOO much alike that people have asked if they are twins (although her hair is slightly darker and she has hazel eyes and his are blue). She's 4 years younger, but he looks younger than he really is.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I think I look a little bit like the second youngest but nothing like the other 2 older ones. I am the youngest BUT I have a different father to the others so it's not a stretch that we don't look alike.

    What do you guys think?

    I am the tallest girl out of the siblings, at 5'4 1/2, then my brother is 6'2. They all have dark hair, mine is naturally a mousy colour. Me & the next youngest have hazel eyes, the 2 eldest have brown eyes.

    I think you look like your mom!
  • My brother and I look like the male and female versions of eachother. Its almost scary.
  • TamsinEllis
    Haha I look enough like my (older) sister that if we are stood together in a room of completely un-related people, they can notice slight similarities (mostly our accents raised by London parents in the country where everyone talks like 'Yerrrr I'm going ta the marrrket' .. some weird thing with R's round here, so we've got kind of a mish-mash of both accents but since she lives in Wales she's picked up a fair bit of accent from them so we don't sound exactly alike now) We're both short shes 5'1 and I'm 5'2 naturally she's blonde and I'm brunette but unnaturally I'm blonde and she's ginger. She has a very round face, bad acne and apple cheeks, whilst I have rarely had 2 spots at the same time, an oval/heart shaped face and high cheekbones but not much - urm don't know how to word this so here goes - cheek fat. She's got thin lips I have fat ones (I do a weird smile so my lips look small since if I smile normally - especially when wearing lipstick - I look like a toddler who got in the jam jar!) We are both well endowed, both have very small feet, she has a long body and short legs, I'm the opposite. she carries her excess weight pretty much everywhere whereas all mine goes to my belly, then a bit goes to my chin and a bit to my thighs. All in all most people see a very vague resemblance (and make jokes about that imaginary milkman too ... except we actually do have a milkman he comes 3 times a week!) but if we're in a room of complete strangers and stood by each other everyone can generally draw the comparisons, although they always assume I'm the elder sister haha!
  • LaGordita87
    LaGordita87 Posts: 161 Member
    Me and my brother look nothing alike but people alway say i look like my mom and no one thinks my brother looks like my mom or dad but he looks so much like our cousin, my dad's sister's son(my dad and aunt have different dads but the same mom) it's really weird lol.
  • amerr
    amerr Posts: 190

    We all look very similar. And yes, there are 8 kids in my family. I'm the second from the right.

    It got cut off...

    I can see the whole thing by right clicking and choosing "View image" but that only works with firefox.
  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    I think I look a little bit like the second youngest but nothing like the other 2 older ones. I am the youngest BUT I have a different father to the others so it's not a stretch that we don't look alike.

    What do you guys think?

    I am the tallest girl out of the siblings, at 5'4 1/2, then my brother is 6'2. They all have dark hair, mine is naturally a mousy colour. Me & the next youngest have hazel eyes, the 2 eldest have brown eyes.

    I think you look like your mom!

    That's what I say! I have seen photos of her younger and we are almost identical!
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    Not at all. I have long, dark curly hair - my sister has short blond straight hair.

    We also have opposite personalities- i am more quiet and laid-back, she is loud-mouthed and likes to start fights with people.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    Love them, and no we don't look a like but you can tell we are related. I have 9 siblings I am the eldest

    4 with very white skin 2 girls, 2 boys, 2 out of these have brown hair and 2 have black hair
    5 have dark bronze skin 4 girls, 2 boys, 3 have black hair and 2 have brown
    We all have big beautiful either hazel or dark brown eyes.
    Some have hair like ilk can't be curled while the rest of us have normal thick and wavy hair.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Yes, but a lot better looking though my siblings are in obvious denial of this fact...:wink:
  • TCWE
    TCWE Posts: 51 Member
    I look NOTHING like my older sister.

    She is blonde, dark blue eyes, light skin tone, 5'5, fit body.....

    I am brunette; light blue/green eyes, dark olive skin tone, about 5'8 , total hour glass.

    None of the same mannerisms at all; like different things; like different types of people/groups.....yet were best of friends!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I didn't think my sister and I looked much alike, we are 15 months apart and she has brown hair and greenish/brown eyes and I am blonde with grayish blue eyes, but beyond the coloring there is a definite resemblance.
    Her kids are very different though, she has one girl who is very tall and athletically built with super-curly brown hair and brown eyes, and the younger daughter is blonde with blue eyes and very slight build and short.
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm one of six. (4 girls 2 boys) and none of us look alike. We are part Irish, Scottish, German, French, Welch and a smidge of American Indian. I have the irish features, my one brother has the german features, my one sister has french features and another sister has the indian features... the other two just are a mismatch :) We are a crazy bunch. :)
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    BTW here is a pic of us as kids.
    She's on the left looking like a satanist, i'm on the right looking at my sparkler like i'm on acid

    No I do not look like my sisters. I have blond hair and Blue eyes, they have Red hair and dark Brown eyes. Until recently I was the heavy one of the family, but I now am much smaller than they are. My profile picture is of me(baby) and my sisters and aunt. I have a picture of my family in my profile pictures from my wedding last fall. At that time we were more closer to the same weight.

    I take after my father and they take after my mother. It just is the make up of our DNA.