I need help...or just someone who can relate



  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I used to be the same way. I just don't keep any junk food around the house anymore. I'm not someone that can just have a few chips -- I'll eat the whole bag if it's there. I also prelog all of my food for the day and this seems to help me.

    This. Exactly.

    Me too, I can never just eat one thing, I've learnt I can't buy a pack of muffins and keep the rest for later, I eat all 4 at once...... Nutella is evil - I just get a spoon and sit and pick at it. So I don't have it in the house. It's hard when things you binge on are brought in the house for other people, I think writing down when you feel a binge coming on/after then you can look at see what triggers you. Mine is boredom, and feeling low!
    You are not alone! x
  • GGO50
    GGO50 Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined last Friday. I keep celery sticks and Mini bags of pop corn on hand. Also have my Now and goal photos posted just as a reminder that it is working and staying on target to get the weight off. Already down 1 pound!!! It is a start to my goal.
  • tfemerson
    Pick yourself up...dust yourself off...start all over. Yeah. -Peter Tosh
  • niknak2308
    niknak2308 Posts: 315 Member
    As someone already said, everyday is a new day... well I always look at it as why wait until tomorrow? Draw a line under it now and move on immediately. Don't get stressed and worked up about it... I think we all need a binge occasionally... The fact you're feeling crappy about it means your head is in the right mindset... and soon perhaps your body will tow the line and follow suit. Onwards and upwards!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    When I start getting into a bingeing cycle, what works for me is to completely clean up my diet for a few weeks - nothing processed, no added sugars or salts, etc. After a few weeks, I start slowly adding my 'normal' foods back into my diet and they don't seem quite as good as they did before. I know you can find something that works for you! It is a hard cycle to stop.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I know how you feel - if I blow it a little, then I just assume the day is lost forever and I spiral out of control the rest of the day. The important thing is to see the big picture - get back on the bandwagon the next day. You can't change the past (no matter how recent) - those calories are already consumed - but just start anew the next day. I try to keep most junk out of the house - that way if it's not there, I can't do too much damage. Keep at it and good luck! :happy:
  • ms_erica
    ms_erica Posts: 173 Member
    omg i can totally feel what your experiencing because i go through that from time to time. especially i have nothing to do around the house and im bored out of my mind i tend to go to the fridge or cabinets and try to find munch on something that maybe i shouldnt be munching on. but the way i try to avoid this is by keeping myself busy so i wouldnt have to resort to that, or go for a walk on the spot. sometimes it can also be that i feel stressed and find comfort in food and turn to the bad stuff...so i really make the effort to either write my emotions down on a journal or vent it to someone who i confide in. I also find that if i exercise in the morning and have a big healthy breakfast i tend not to go and sabatoge myself. good luck and hope this helps
  • DottieNewton
    DottieNewton Posts: 112 Member
    I think that anyone who is or has been seriously overweight can relate to this. We are all FOODAHOLICS. For me, I know I have to change my thinking in order to change my behavior. Just because these negative and destructive thoughts of FOOD are in our head does not make them good or okay to act on them.
    We have to retrain our thoughts and say NO to destructive behavior.

    A very smart person said "You can't keep on doing the same things and expect different results". If our behavior and our relationship to food does not change--neither will our unhealthy bodies.( I can say WE because I have been/am right there with you.) We have to fight this thing!!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    The best thing you can do to stop it is when you feel that urge, drink some water and then take yourself away from the kitchen. Go in another room or better yet, go exercise.

    Best advice in all--remove yourself from a potentially detrimental situation. You can do it; it's just going to take some time, patience and discipline. I'm on the journey with you--always recovering. :-)


    I'm alone in the house today, no hubby working in his office, he's off to a meeting with the big boss.. Kids are at school, house is quiet, there are cookies and chips, and some awesome holiday food in the fridge that I want SO bad right now, and nobody would be the wiser if I ate it... but you know what? ONLY YOU CAN DEFEAT YOURSELF, ONLY YOU CAN WIN THE BATTLE AGAINST YOUR OWN SELF DOUBT, SELF SABOTAGE AND LACK OF WILLPOWER.

    Do you want to be the winner? Do you want to defeat the saboteur in your head, or roll with her?

    It IS ok to have junk in the house, it is not ok to give in and say today is a failure and binge on it. You need to decide what's more important, getting to your awesome goal, or feeing better through food right in this instant..

    Did you know that most food cravings can be satiated with 1/2 a serving or less of that food, and 8oz of water? Wasabi almonds are my weakness... serving is 28 nuts, but if I'm really craving them, 3 will do...especially if I don't have it in my calorie count to eat all 28.

    You are BETTER than the food that is your weakness.
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    I find when I work out real hard at the gym or at anything else, I dont want to wreck it by binging. Also, being as I am a binger, I will make sure that I have a healthy snack to binge on if I do have that urge.Dont buy crappy food!!! My kids and husband eat the same as I do and they are fine:)
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I've struggled with a binging problem since I was like 10-11 years old. When you feel like binging & talk yourself out of it, you [or at least i do] get this 'oh yay I didn;t binge!' feeling & it kinda helps you stay on track. Next time you feel like you want to, just put all your effort into talking yourself out of it, you'll be happy you did & the positivity you felt will keep ya going in the right direction, hopefully.
  • mjenson17
    mjenson17 Posts: 13 Member
    I know how you feel as well! I have been doing well logging in and going to the gym and yet I GAINED two pounds even though my tracker says, "in 5 weeks you will have lost two pounds". I was like well obviously NOT because I gained!! I was so mad I ate pie and had a beer!!! Which just of course made me feel worse. I know I just have to stick to the plan which can be frustrating when you aren't seeing any benefits.

    I've been trying to do what someone else had mentioned: pre logging. That way I know what I'm going to eat and how mny calories/fat it counts for. I also don't feel like adding to it so I stay away from foods. I find it hardest sticking to my plan when I am at home because food is staring at me at every direction. Sometimes I just have to leave the house! I'll go walk around the mall, or find a coffee shop and only get a coffee! No sweets. Sometimes it helps to just get your mind off of what you were focusing on in the house. I hope this helps. Good luck!

    I might also try writing down my frustrations, or my temptations before I grab for that snack. Maybe if I try to reason with myself on paper, I can convince myself easier that I really don't need it.
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    The first thing is to take it easy, I mean 80% of humans are like these. If as a kid you would eat chocolates after dinner if they were availale (30% would wait a couple of hours but most would eat them directly even if not angry), there is nothing to do but to keep that kid of food away. You are in the 70% and noone knows why we are like that yet.

    The second thing, if you can stay away of these a couples of weeks but have drops down (like me), consider you have bulmia crisis from time to time. I feel bad for two tree day and restart the entire process (taking good habits back). It may sounds childish but I try to let my wife decide what I eat in such cases as she never eats junkfood (she is part of the 30% who do not eat if not angry, stop in the middle of the plate, etc.).

    Now, to handle my "diet", I can have a piece of dark chocolate until 12 AM...what I mean is that the best moment for "junk" (this is healthy actually) is in the morning (as you will burn it through the day)...so you are on the right side. I also can have peanuts and a beer on Thursday eveneing and about every two weeks I have a complete meal (starter, dinner, dessert). You have to plan "extras" in advance, the fact that you feel good with them (satiaty, satisfaction,...) should make you forget about the food you do not have home anymore. I went from impulsion to planification I could say. If I go too impusive in an extra, I pay it through exercise the next day, but now I even go the other way around: I exercise before an extra, it even feels beter.

    Do not be hard with yourself and avoid negative though, it brings nothing. Turning the page, looking ahead and going slowly, with a few come back is the best way to progress.
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    It may sounds stupid but I discovered...the carrot!!! I was not a fan if not cooked, so everytime I want to snack, I go for this f*** carrot. It is good without being extraordinary but you have to chew it a lot and you are not that hungry afterwards: I divided my spagtti ratio by 2 (I am a spagetti fan, I can eat 300g easy) eating a carrot half an hour before. I got more full after 150g than previously with 300g and would throw out if I had to continue.

    Incredible the POWER of the carot...well, on me, my wife says it makes her angry. She has this with apples and I got very angry after an apple (I feel like I digested everything I ate and have to get a meal as soon as possible)...is it our mind or there is a rational explanation to this?