Scales! Which One's Right??



  • Cr8tive_Ingenuity
    i purchasd a scale and it gives me different readings everytime i step on it. this is my third scale and all the cheaper ones tend to do this so i just go with the trend.. i had a 200 dollar scale by Tania and it worked extremely well but i dont want to spend that kind of money on a scale
  • Changinghabits68
    Changinghabits68 Posts: 69 Member
    In all honesty, the traditional ones in our doctor's offices is what I would go by . Reason being is it could be flooring, if it isn't straight and/or slanted, carpeting is another and digital does screw up easier especially if the batteries are starting to run down.

    This is why I was always told never weigh yourself more than once a day, preferably once a week.
  • jbosey
    jbosey Posts: 119 Member
    I got sick my scales showing a different weight each time I stepped on it, all within 3 minutes. I went and bought a digital scale and paid a good bit for it and it did the same thing. I could get 3 different numbers by a couple of pounds each time I stepped on it too. I agree it doesnt really matter but when you pay for something you want it to do its job. Its like having a car that only cranks sometimes. So I ordered a healthometer on the internet with the weights that slide across the top. As long as I dont move this scale I get the same reading when i stand on it. I also like the fact that I can check it by putting it on zero and it is perfectly balanced. Now, I might NOT be getting the correct weight, but at least it is the same number no matter how many times i step on it within the same time period.

    It is also important that you have it on a firm hard surface, no carpet or floor that gives.
    Happy Weighing!
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    Unless a scale is calibrated on a yearly basis and calibrated masses are used to check it every day, it is not accurate.

    As there are very few scales that fulfil this criterion, none of which are found in people's bathrooms, take every weight measurement from a bathroom scale as being a very rough estimate. I would trust a scale in a doctor's office a bit more.
  • karenCalandro
    EVERY SCALE WILL READ DIFFERENTLY, only weigh yourself on ONE scale, preferably the one at home.