Binge Drinking



  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    YOu are certainly not alone. PLease invite me to the group, as I share the same problem. I hit my goal last June, and during the five months it took me to get there, I had to quit drinking all together. then slowly, it started with one here and two there. Went on vacation and all hell broke lose. My culprit at the moment is wine. I can drink an entire bottle a night, and more on the weekend, and of course, when I do, I eat anything and everything.
    So.....I have just started back yesterday.....I have told myself that the drinking will have to stop almost completely, or even completely if I am lucky. I had one ....ONE glass last night, and that was it. Major accomplishment for me!!!!
    I enjoy my wine, dont get me wrong, and I will probably not stop all together, but will do everything in my power to tone it down a great deal!
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    Invite me to the group please!!! :)
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    AGREED!! That is actually my biggest problem...possibly my only problem actually because if and when I drink...I can't stop, so I end up drinking between 10-20 beers (or more even) & then I also don't sleep. I stay up all night, might get a few hours sleep in the morning, then eat whatever I'm craving because I seem to have no willpower when this happens...& then I start drinking again to get over that first hangover!! This is a typical weekend for me...& for the guy who posted "just stop drinking entirely" that is not a realistic option for a lot of us (& it's a bit frustrating when people say that cause we need to make long-term lifestyle changes, not sacrifices that we will feel deprived by). It's part of our social networks & we enjoy it! We just have to find a way to control it better & control what we do after we drink, better. I'm focusing on slowly cutting down on the number of drinks I consume, & how many days I go out. Watching my calories on here is a big help I think. We'll see how it goes I guess!

    So where is this "group"?? :)


    This was the "group" for me.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Yeah, I have an issue with binge drinking too. I've resolved that when the New Year starts, I stop drinking altogether. I'm just tired of acting like an idiot the night of drinking and feeling nasty emotionally and physically the morning after. I don't drink that often anymore, but when I do, it tends to be quite a bit. So, I'd rather just stay away from it than continue in this ridiculous cycle that I'm trapped in.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    There's a support group for this. We meet at the bar.
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    I've never really been much into drinking. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've had alcohol on one hand (and that's in my entire life). I've just never been much for it. I'll have a glass of wine on occasion, but even then that's fairly rare.
  • staceyb2003
    staceyb2003 Posts: 203 Member
    Me too, I've thought about posting this question. Please add me.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Yes. I binge drink. I have no off button at all. Once I get going I mostly don't stop. I think this is holding me back on my weight loss too. I got pretty wasted at the office Xmas party the other week, so at the moment I am trying hard to avoid the pubs. xx
  • Angel87a
    Angel87a Posts: 113
    I drank at least 10 beers on Saturday night into Sunday morning & managed to lose 2 pounds by Monday & no I did not puke. I really think it's all in moderation. I didn't have any drinks before that though..
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    I keep it to the weekends, but then I tend to go overboard (read getting drunk and being lucky that I have a SO that takes care to assure I make it home safely). The stories are pretty classic lol.

    It's definently a problem but not one I'm willing to address for the time being. I can't imagine being sober at a bar :)
  • Kris10can
    Uggh....that is my worst problem! I am on track all week....exercise......and then when I know I am gonna have drinks Saturday night I spend a whole lot of time exercising....and it is soo sad to see how quickly you consume those liquid calories. Uggh!! But I do love my drinks!
  • cattracy0829
    cattracy0829 Posts: 177 Member
    I don't really drink during the week...but I seem to binge drink every Saturday night and go way overboard...I try to hardly eat anything Saturday during the day to save the calories (which probably makes it even worse). Saturday night is usually date night and I guess I relax more after I have had quite a few...not the best mentality. Then every Sunday I am depressed, miserable, and get absolutely nothing done.

    Please send me an invite if you like. We can all support each other...
  • Kris10can
    I also heard that drinking slows down your metabolism by 70%..... I am assuming that is until all of the alcohol is out of your system
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I think I substituted eating with drinking!
    I had a few hard stalls but I bumped up my calories and pushed through it.
    I limit my drinking to 1 or 2 during the week and well... the weekends, I don't limit as much as I should.
    It is my guilty pleasure.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    Just stop drinking altogether - no alcohol at all - NONE!
    And if you find that you are unable, maybe you're an alcoholic and should join AA or something.

    I used to drink much - loved getting drunk! When I decided to get fit, drinking was no longer in the cards. Now I have my glass of vino in the evening, and that's it.

    Again, just stop; it's that simple unless you are an alcoholic, then get help for yourself.


    and whats up contradiction? a glass of wine is still drinking...
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    i deal with this as well. please add me.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Crap! Wrong group!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    AGREED!! That is actually my biggest problem...possibly my only problem actually because if and when I drink...I can't stop, so I end up drinking between 10-20 beers (or more even) & then I also don't sleep. I stay up all night, might get a few hours sleep in the morning, then eat whatever I'm craving because I seem to have no willpower when this happens...& then I start drinking again to get over that first hangover!! This is a typical weekend for me...& for the guy who posted "just stop drinking entirely" that is not a realistic option for a lot of us (& it's a bit frustrating when people say that cause we need to make long-term lifestyle changes, not sacrifices that we will feel deprived by). It's part of our social networks & we enjoy it! We just have to find a way to control it better & control what we do after we drink, better. I'm focusing on slowly cutting down on the number of drinks I consume, & how many days I go out. Watching my calories on here is a big help I think. We'll see how it goes I guess!

    So where is this "group"?? :)

    It's fine to drink because you enjoy it, but if you're at the point where you CAN'T STOP (your words) you need help.
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    I used to drink way too much and it was the major thing keeping weight on me really - because eating is not a problem for me and if anything I wasn't eating enough (unlike the people who want to eat cheese and crackers etc when they drink) - but over drinking calories. :devil:
    I pretty much don't drink anymore most days - mainly because I would rather eat those calories while I am doing the exercise I am doing (have had a complete lifestyle change - left work and everything) and now that I don't drink most days I really see how crud it makes you feel when I do drink and only have 5 hours sleep :noway: . I seem to of changed - tonight I thought I would have a beer - had two and couldn't wait to get to my dinner and get off the beer - once upon a time I would of continued drinking and the dinner would of stayed on the bench. :drinker:
    Pretty much I mostly 'forget' to drink now - so unless I am out I mostly don't bother at all. I haven't really tried out the not drinking when going out - because I am happy enough to have the odd social occasion drinking - I don't think that is going to send me off the rails weight wise.
    I can't really offer advice as to what I did - I don't seem to be an addictive person so I just say 'no more' - like I can hammer a packet of cigarettes while drinking too - but just give up after that - I originally gave them up cold turkey also. I just decided I would rather be healthy than end up like my dad I suppose.