
My husband bought me a juicer and gave it to me for an early Christmas present tonight. I was wondering if anyone else uses a juicer and some recipes u might use with it. i am kinda a picky eater but tonight i tried a drink with apple, grapes, carrots and celery and it wasn't to bad. willing to try anything.


  • taradele72
    I was borrowing a juicer for a little while and I found that one of the BEST things to juice is Watermelon. Now, let me tell you, I am not a Watermelon fan AT ALL but I LOVE the juice it provides. When I was juicing it, even my son loved it with the addition of lemon juice. You may want to try it. It is one of the best detox drinks that you could ever consume AND it is higher in vitamin C than orange juice (and without the acid).
  • rana_bear
    LOVE LOVE LOVE my juicer. I have a carrot juice most mornings with various fruit and veg combinations. Some of my favorites are

    - Carrot, celery, beet, lemon juice
    - Carrot and orange
    - Carrot, apple and ginger
    - Cucumber and mint (tastes like a mojito)
    - Carrot and spinach or kale

    Vary the ratio to your preferences.

    You'll find more combinations on the net. They are best drank within 20 mins of making them but if you want it to last a bit longer, add some more lemon juice.
  • wimmerfan
    thank you both i am going to try all of them at some point have to get paid and then i am going to go get even more (different) fruits and veggies to have in the house. can't wait to really get to using it my 1 and 3 year olds liked the drinks i made tonight with it so i think we are goingt to make this a family thing. I work in a hospital and i thnk i am going to make a drink to take to work with me so then i can still have some at work ecspecially when i work 12 hours.
  • lilgriffo
    Carrot, Apple Orange! Staple fruit and veg you always have and super yummy!
  • nyspotlight
    I love my juicer. I have an Omega VRT.

    I usually do:
    5-6 kale leaves
    a BIG handful of spinach
    5-6 celery stalk
    2 persian cucumber
    1/3 of a lime
    1 apple (I sometimes substitute 1/4 a pineapple)

    This tends to make 20-24 oz or so. I usually drink 12-16 ounces first thing in the morning, then drink the rest after I workout (whenever that is). I really find it helps my stamina and spritely energy! :-) haha.

    You can also juice fruit and then blend with 1/4 avocado (or some banana), spirulina and wheatgrass powder to get you started liking greens.

    In general, celery has a lot of natural sodium, so it is awesome for working out.

    A great post-workout juice:
    2-3 stalks celery
    2-3 carrots
    1 small apple
    1/3 of a lime

    This should make 8 oz or so, which is perfect for me right after a run.

    If you have a centrifugal juicer, straining isn't an issue. If you have what I have it helps to pass juice through a sieve to get rid of green bits.

    When you're getting started, do less greens and more fruit to get used to it, then you can add greens as you learn to love them. And, seriously, you will. I'm shocked at how I crave the green juice.

    Also - CAREFUL with beets. They are a powerful cleanser. I don't take them often, but if I add even 1/4 of a beet to some juice it'll usually knock me into a serious nap for an hour or more. If you wanna add them, add then in small amounts and maybe when you don't have someplace to be for a while.

    Happy juicing! You can add me if you want more ideas.
  • nyspotlight
    Oh - one more thing.

    Juice will separate and oxidize if left alone. You can try to minimize the oxidation (some say it affects the nutrients... I'm not sure what a difference that actually makes) buy storing any juice you're taking to work in a darkly-colored bottle. Or one of those aluminum ones?

    But, seriously, I'm not sure what a difference it makes. Just shake it and it'll be fine. I'm just saying don't be icked out if it separates. It goes right back to yummy with some agitation.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Watermelon and pineapple is delicous.
    Or watermelon and lemon.
    I don't have a juicer but if I'm ordering a juice, I'll get one of those. Simple but yum!
  • niki30
    niki30 Posts: 40
    I have a Jack Lalayne juicer. I love it! My son loves to make his own smoothies from the juice. I love carrot apple grape juice. Pears are really sweet. There are some great websites out there for recipes and stuff. I love making muffins from the pulp. I have made carrot apple muffins...yummy! Have fun with your new toy!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I've never gotten fancy with mine only ever use it for apples. Love fresh apple juice!
  • almawr
    almawr Posts: 77
  • wimmerfan
    thank you everyone. so excited to try everything