gain weight working out

It is always the same for me.. every time i start to work out I gain or just dont lose.. then i stop working out and i will lose 3-5lb.. can someone help me with this.. why does this happen. I having been watching what i eat and my weight does not move even when i workout.. am i doing something wrong? i am doing the c25K and the 30 day shred and some light yoga (about 30min) and I do this every day.. i WANT/NEED to lose weight.. any advice???


  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    Bump . Same thing happens to me ... A lot
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    Have your been eating back most of the calories you have burned? Your diary is closed, so we can't see exactly what is going on, but I do know you are supposed to eat more when you work out. Most of it is probably because you are gaining muscle weight, and when you stop working out, you lose that muscle weight. I would suggest to start taking measurements. Just remember that muscle weighs more than fat, and it maybe not just be that you aren't losing weight, that your body is burning fat, but gaining muscle first. :)
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    these are called newbie gains! :P if u are eating sufficent amount at first you will see gains on the scale.. this is because ur muscle is instantly retaining water and growing! so this is a good thing! continue working out this weight gain will stop very quick when ur in a calorie deficit and u will start to burn fat on top of the muscle!

    muscle will make u look alot more toned and help you reach your "perfect body 5x sooner as you are building muscle and burning fat...

    reason why i tell alot of ppl to "bulk" or build allot of muscle before actuly cutting or loosing weight is because it is ALOT easier to cut when u have sufficient amount of muscle as it speeds up ur metabolism and eats alot more cals through out the day!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I'm kind of stuck like that. Since I've joined and seriously been trying to lose weight, however many months it's been, I have GAINED weight AND inches. :( It's so frustrating.

    I do however think for me personally it has to do with having PCOS and going off the pill...but either way I haven't lost any weight or inches and its' sooooooooo depressing. :( I can tell I've got more muscle (especially in the stomach area) but it sucks because I half of my jeans don't fit anymore. :(
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    I'm kind of stuck like that. Since I've joined and seriously been trying to lose weight, however many months it's been, I have GAINED weight AND inches. :( It's so frustrating.

    I do however think for me personally it has to do with having PCOS and going off the pill...but either way I haven't lost any weight or inches and its' sooooooooo depressing. :( I can tell I've got more muscle (especially in the stomach area) but it sucks because I half of my jeans don't fit anymore. :(

    keep working out u will start melting the fat on top! ur sizes will go down drastically... i was size 34 pants at 170lbs now im size 32 pants at 210lbs like wtf lol
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    When you first start exercising (especially weights) your muscles retain water. They do this so they can repair themselves. This is a GOOD thing!

    You will gain weight for the first week or two. It's only temporary. I promise. I did NROLFW for three weeks (stopped because of life reasons. Starting again on the 18th Jan) The first week I gained. The second I lost .4kg. The third? 2.8kg lost. Almost died when I stepped on the scale.

    If you weigh in weekly try and avoid doing weights the day before you weigh in. That will 'lessen' the shock.

    Muscle makes your metovalisim faster and looks better. Muscle is denser than fat and while you may weigh more, you'll be smaller. So make sure to take measurements!