what are the best metabolism tablets

Im looking at getting some metabolism tablets to help me lose weight a bit quicker whoch ones would be the best to get


  • NSkip4
    NSkip4 Posts: 21
    You do not need tablets! Exercise does this! Most of this metabolism talk is rubbish, everyone's always changes you don't have a set metabolic rate... :) - Don't waste your money!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    no tablets or we would all be on them...eat good....get off your butt....this aint easy...no pills...but its worth it...get busy
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    Oh really so many people have said to me get them they work to burn that extra fat that is stubben etc...and they said you prob dont lose weight because its to slow and there is really fast.....im at that stage were its harder to lose weight because i dont have that much to lose and it takes longer some weeks ill lose it some weeks it stays the same etc...
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    None....you don't want to **** around with your metabolism
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Trust me, I've spent pounds on wonder pills that are supposed to burn fat, speed up metabolism etc, and that's the only pounds I've lost!

    The only thing that speeds my metabolism now is exercise!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Really you just want to find a good balance of how much energy you are taking in vs how much you are burning off. Even when you're being really careful it's easy to do things that slow you down, such as estimating your calories eaten or exercise wrong.

    I took some diet pills for a bit, thinking it helped, but I lost at the same pace without them. It's just a waste of money.
  • mrrad
    mrrad Posts: 46
    Are you taking the p**s

    Just looked at your diary, do you ever eat any homemade real food?

    If you really want to lose weight and step up your metabolism look at some of the diaries of members who are consistently losing weight. There is lots of help on here from knowledgeable people.

    But this does entail eating fresh food and doing some exercise.

    I appreciate losing weight is difficult I have struggled all my adult life but you have age on your side get some good habits now and you won't need to worry when you are 40.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    There are no magic pills to help you lose weight. The only thing that will work is eating healthy and exercise. There is a multi-billion weight loss industry out there to con you with quick fix gimmicks, because they don't make any money if everyone knows that you can do it for free.
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    Im just starting out so im still learning whats good and whats not....i do have meal replacment shakes and sometimes i dont eat etc and im also trying to get off the caffiene and trying drink just water and im also still learnignt o train my body into exerecing again as i have become a bit lazy over the years.Ill get there and im learning each day and i spend most of time reading the forums etc to find out what i can
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Is your diary accurate? Because you're killing yourself if so.
    You don't need pills, you need to take a good hard look at what you are putting in your body already, not add more crap!

    Most days you DRASTICALLY undereat (which CREATED your "slow metabolism"), and when you DO eat, it is junk food.
    Your body is literally STARVING for nutrition.

    Take a multivitamin, drink a protein shake, and eat a well balanced meal, STAT!
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    Yes my diary is acurate
  • Diggy2011
    Diggy2011 Posts: 198 Member
    Its good you've posted thou and people get wound up and yes its a slow process I love cooking from scratch I don't always mind but when I do I see results good luck keep reading and learning and getting motivated I've learnt lots x don't forget eat your bmr
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Im looking at getting some metabolism tablets to help me lose weight a bit quicker whoch ones would be the best to get
    The magic pill:love:
    And what happens once you cease popping that pill?

    You gain back the weight - lol
    Just try this little secret.....EAT MORE AND EXERCISE!
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Yes my diary is acurate

    Then this is a big problem. If you want to speed up your metabolism, you need to eat more. You are literally killing your metabolism by starving yourself and not eating enough calories. You should be eating at a minimum 1200 to be healthy. I've also noticed you're usually only eating 2 meals a day. 5-6 small meals is whats best for your metabolism, but shoot for at least 3.

    No pill will help you unless you make serious changes to your eating habits and put more food in your body.
  • mrrad
    mrrad Posts: 46
    Ok I appreciate not everyone has the benefit of being taught how to cook etc, but there is a lot of information out there.

    Start with a little change every week.

    Week one, drink 2 litres of water a day

    Week two, eat one piece of fruit a day

    Week three, make one meal from scratch

    Buy the Michelle Bridges Crunchtime cook book easy recipes that are healthy and easy.

    Aim for 1200 calories at least.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    You'll need to work on eating more, to get more fuel and nutrition into your body. If you're really out of shape and not used to exercise, it's enough to just start out with walking. You can start out with what you're able to do and just increase as you go. Walking is great exercise because it doesn't put much stress on the body but still burns a good amount of calories.
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Ok I appreciate not everyone has the benefit of being taught how to cook etc, but there is a lot of information out there.

    Start with a little change every week.

    Week one, drink 2 litres of water a day

    Week two, eat one piece of fruit a day

    Week three, make one meal from scratch

    Buy the Michelle Bridges Crunchtime cook book easy recipes that are healthy and easy.

    Aim for 1200 calories at least.


    Your food diary speaks volumes. You are not eating properly or enough. Now I am not perfect but I do eat mostly fresh homemade food. I learned to cook when I had my little boy as I didn't want to feed him junk out of a jar and it was the best thing I ever did. The trick is to take it slowly. Start with having breakfast everyday as this "kick-starts" your metabolism. I love eggs for breakfast and just poach/dry fry/scramble them with a bit of toast and then take some fruit to work for a mid morning snack. Learn how to make up a nice salad with a good serving of protein. The Food Doctor books helped me to understand what I should be eating at each meal/snack and the proportions. Aim to eat 3 meals and 2/3 snacks and eat at least 1200-1300 cals per day.

    Good luck!
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    When I started mfp my main goal was not to lose weight but to fix my metabolism, after years of dieting incorrectly, (sometimes taking pills, sometimes starving myself) and sitting at a desk job all day my metabolism was so slow it was running in reverse.
    I researched a little and while trying to figure out how to get my metabolism started in the morning I discovered a few things.

    1. Exercise is the best kickstart to your metabolism...and it doesn't take much, just a couple minutes of jumping jacks, running in place or any activity that will increase your heart rate will wake your metabolism up.

    2. Eat when you wake up...this one is difficult for me but I noticed a more consistent drop on weight when I began to follow this rule, (try to eat some form of protein, your body burns through it slower causing the metabolism to work longer)

    3. There are some foods that can help, your metabolism likes spice, hot sauce, ceyenne pepper, cinnamon, chili powder.

    4. Keep giving your metabolism a burst throughout the day by doing little sessions of exercises ...every time I would go to the bathroom at work I would do 20 squats, 20 incline push ups, and 20 jumping jacks ...everytime I would refill my water bottle I woulc run (as fast as I could) up three flights of stairs, also try to eat a little something every 2 to 3 hours through the day...

    I tried all of these at the same time so I can't pin point which one worked best for me, but I've lost over 80 pounds without taking any pills and my energy level has definately improved.

    Hope this helps, good luck! :)
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    pills will just mess up your metabolism so when you stop taking them you will gain weight back - eat healthy clean food and exercise - job done :)
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    metabolism pills are great at making money for the metabolism pill industry.

    that's all they do though.