Not Eating My Exercise Calories!!



  • thelassiemickyjames
    Many people have told me I need to eat back at least 2/3 of my exercise calories. MFP gives those calories back to you because your body isnt supposed to have less than 1200 net calories to function properly and lose weight. Theres a science to it! But I am no doctor...
  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    I ate my exercise cals for 3 weeks once in an experiment for myself and gained so i never eat them now, maybe 100 odd time but usually none at all and im losing still, your best off ignoring all advice, like i did, try for yourself and see what works for you, some of my friends eat half and still lose, try it was a few weeks and see what happens xx

  • thelassiemickyjames
    By the way I've always lost more weight when I consume around 1400-1600 when exercising. Probably because my body doesn't think its starving and conserve fat!
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    I ate my exercise cals for 3 weeks once in an experiment for myself and gained so i never eat them now, maybe 100 odd time but usually none at all and im losing still, your best off ignoring all advice, like i did, try for yourself and see what works for you, some of my friends eat half and still lose, try it was a few weeks and see what happens xx

    We are not saying that you will not lose weight if you don't eat back your exercise calories - of course you are! Probably faster than those of us who do eat back exercise calories. BUT THE MAIN POINT OF THIS DEBATE IS THAT ONCE YOU HAVE REACHED YOUR GOAL IT WILL BE EASIER TO MAINTAIN IF YOU EAT BACK YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES DURING YOUR DIET!!!!!

    I hate hearing "I don't eat back my exercise calories and I still lose weight" - I KNOW YOU ARE LOSING WEIGHT!! We are just trying to help you KEEP IT OFF!!!!!!!!
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    You do not have to eat back your exercise calories.



  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    You do not have to eat back your exercise calories.


    I think this is my favorite comment of the day.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    i like coconut water and a protein shake. and I eat back my exercise calories. smiley-sign0154.gif
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    You do not have to eat back your exercise calories.


    I think this is my favorite comment of the day.

    you should see my Atkins diet comments. Not enough popcorn in Orville's basement for those...
  • FuffaGirl
    FuffaGirl Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for all the replies guys, I am definitely going to eat back at least 1/2 of my exercise calories because I have not enough energy the following day to run or train as the same level as the day before. But I'll let everone know if it has a positive effect or if I gain weight (nervous laugh)

  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I ate my exercise cals for 3 weeks once in an experiment for myself and gained so i never eat them now, maybe 100 odd time but usually none at all and im losing still, your best off ignoring all advice, like i did, try for yourself and see what works for you, some of my friends eat half and still lose, try it was a few weeks and see what happens xx

    We are not saying that you will not lose weight if you don't eat back your exercise calories - of course you are! Probably faster than those of us who do eat back exercise calories. BUT THE MAIN POINT OF THIS DEBATE IS THAT ONCE YOU HAVE REACHED YOUR GOAL IT WILL BE EASIER TO MAINTAIN IF YOU EAT BACK YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES DURING YOUR DIET!!!!!

    I hate hearing "I don't eat back my exercise calories and I still lose weight" - I KNOW YOU ARE LOSING WEIGHT!! We are just trying to help you KEEP IT OFF!!!!!!!!

    Actually everyone does say you will stop losing weight if you dont eat your exercise calories
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    I've lost steadily by eating them back, and am currently kind of stuck. This is most likely because I wasn't eating enough--trying to lose one lb. per week. I just decreased my deficit (to lose only .6 lbs. per week) to hopefully stop the plateau. I only have 8 lbs. to go until my goal.

    If you don't have a lot more to lose, you definitely should eat them back. MFP has a built in deficit. And I find that if I don't I'm VERY hungry (which usually equals grumpy, too). I'd say "listen to your body," but my body and mind still aren't communicating effectively, so I rely on the MFP calculations to make sure I'm eating enough.

    Good luck!
  • wozzy38
    wozzy38 Posts: 137 Member
    Thats a good idea..just experiment a little bit and see what happens..I am eating a percentage but just started so not sure what my results will be yet :) Good Luck!
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    I ate my exercise cals for 3 weeks once in an experiment for myself and gained so i never eat them now, maybe 100 odd time but usually none at all and im losing still, your best off ignoring all advice, like i did, try for yourself and see what works for you, some of my friends eat half and still lose, try it was a few weeks and see what happens xx

    We are not saying that you will not lose weight if you don't eat back your exercise calories - of course you are! Probably faster than those of us who do eat back exercise calories. BUT THE MAIN POINT OF THIS DEBATE IS THAT ONCE YOU HAVE REACHED YOUR GOAL IT WILL BE EASIER TO MAINTAIN IF YOU EAT BACK YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES DURING YOUR DIET!!!!!

    I hate hearing "I don't eat back my exercise calories and I still lose weight" - I KNOW YOU ARE LOSING WEIGHT!! We are just trying to help you KEEP IT OFF!!!!!!!!

    Actually everyone does say you will stop losing weight if you dont eat your exercise calories

    Sorry you are right - there is also a possibility that your metabolism will get screwed if you don't eat your exercise calories back, especially if by not doing so you net under 1,200 calories a day, hence going into starvation mode, hence plateauing. However this might not happen (you might not plateau) and therefore you might have a false belief that not eating your exercise calories is the way to go - only to find out you were wrong once you reached your goal weight only to gain it all back.

    I eat back my exercise calories - My weight loss might be a little slower than those who don't, but at least I am doing it the healthy, sustainable way for once in my life. I have learned this to be the best way through experience and research. Trust me it's still hard for us who eat back the exercise calories - we are not guaranteed not to plateau - heck I did a couple weeks ago (and when I did I seriously considered stopping eating back my exercise calories) but I zigzagged calories a bit instead and got right out of my plateau.
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    Eat back MOST bUT NOT ALL of your exercise calories!! There is an amazing post about it here:

    The most important point from the linked article is that WHENEVER YOU LOG EXERCISE, YOU ARE OVERLOGGING YOUR CALORIES! Here is a direct quote:

    Mistake #2: Overreporting the "extra" calorie expenditure of exercise

    Most people count the calories they spend exercising as "extra" calories. There is a difference between calories burned while exercising and "extra" calories burned exercising. Here is an example: you burn 300 calories on the treadmill instead of your usual activity (watching TV at home); in reality, you have to subtract the calories you would have spent watching TV from these 300 calories to calculate how many additional calories you burned. Let's say that watching TV, you would have burned 80 calories. In this specific case, you have expended 300 calories while exercising, and 220 "extra" calories.

    Calorie counters mindlessly add the calories burned exercising as "extra" and in some cases, this practice can significantly influence the calorie calculations. Hence, calorie software counts the part of your usual activities that overlaps with the extra activities twice.

    There is more info in the link about how to actually calculate real "extra" calories. So, beware of eating too much back! It will hurt in the long run (as I found out, gaining weight eating 1800 kcal and working out to burn "600" a day. -_-)
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    I ate my exercise cals for 3 weeks once in an experiment for myself and gained so i never eat them now, maybe 100 odd time but usually none at all and im losing still, your best off ignoring all advice, like i did, try for yourself and see what works for you, some of my friends eat half and still lose, try it was a few weeks and see what happens xx

    We are not saying that you will not lose weight if you don't eat back your exercise calories - of course you are! Probably faster than those of us who do eat back exercise calories. BUT THE MAIN POINT OF THIS DEBATE IS THAT ONCE YOU HAVE REACHED YOUR GOAL IT WILL BE EASIER TO MAINTAIN IF YOU EAT BACK YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES DURING YOUR DIET!!!!!

    I hate hearing "I don't eat back my exercise calories and I still lose weight" - I KNOW YOU ARE LOSING WEIGHT!! We are just trying to help you KEEP IT OFF!!!!!!!!

    Huh! Could you write this a little clearer? I'm not getting it....
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Eat back MOST bUT NOT ALL of your exercise calories!! There is an amazing post about it here:

    The most important point from the linked article is that WHENEVER YOU LOG EXERCISE, YOU ARE OVERLOGGING YOUR CALORIES! Here is a direct quote:

    Mistake #2: Overreporting the "extra" calorie expenditure of exercise

    Most people count the calories they spend exercising as "extra" calories. There is a difference between calories burned while exercising and "extra" calories burned exercising. Here is an example: you burn 300 calories on the treadmill instead of your usual activity (watching TV at home); in reality, you have to subtract the calories you would have spent watching TV from these 300 calories to calculate how many additional calories you burned. Let's say that watching TV, you would have burned 80 calories. In this specific case, you have expended 300 calories while exercising, and 220 "extra" calories.

    Calorie counters mindlessly add the calories burned exercising as "extra" and in some cases, this practice can significantly influence the calorie calculations. Hence, calorie software counts the part of your usual activities that overlaps with the extra activities twice.

    There is more info in the link about how to actually calculate real "extra" calories. So, beware of eating too much back! It will hurt in the long run (as I found out, gaining weight eating 1800 kcal and working out to burn "600" a day. -_-)

    Thanks! This makes sense....
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    If you don't have a lot more to lose, you definitely should eat them back. MFP has a built in deficit. And I find that if I don't I'm VERY hungry (which usually equals grumpy, too). I'd say "listen to your body," but my body and mind still aren't communicating effectively, so I rely on the MFP calculations to make sure I'm eating enough.

    Good luck!

    That's what I do as well.
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    I ate my exercise cals for 3 weeks once in an experiment for myself and gained so i never eat them now, maybe 100 odd time but usually none at all and im losing still, your best off ignoring all advice, like i did, try for yourself and see what works for you, some of my friends eat half and still lose, try it was a few weeks and see what happens xx

    We are not saying that you will not lose weight if you don't eat back your exercise calories - of course you are! Probably faster than those of us who do eat back exercise calories. BUT THE MAIN POINT OF THIS DEBATE IS THAT ONCE YOU HAVE REACHED YOUR GOAL IT WILL BE EASIER TO MAINTAIN IF YOU EAT BACK YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES DURING YOUR DIET!!!!!

    I hate hearing "I don't eat back my exercise calories and I still lose weight" - I KNOW YOU ARE LOSING WEIGHT!! We are just trying to help you KEEP IT OFF!!!!!!!!

    Huh! Could you write this a little clearer? I'm not getting it....

    I am basically trying to point out that by eating back your exercise calories, you will prevent yourself from going into starvation mode, which may result in plateauing or gaining back the weight fast once you have reached your goal due to your body not being able to properly metabolize regular foods (that is, IF YOU ARE ALREADY IN A DEFICIT - which most of us on this site are).

    I am sorry I know this is very high level - I could get into a lot more detail but I am actually about to leave to go grocery shopping. There are MANY posts and articles on why going into starvation mode can hurt your metabolism. I recommend reading them!
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    I ate my exercise cals for 3 weeks once in an experiment for myself and gained so i never eat them now, maybe 100 odd time but usually none at all and im losing still, your best off ignoring all advice, like i did, try for yourself and see what works for you, some of my friends eat half and still lose, try it was a few weeks and see what happens xx

    We are not saying that you will not lose weight if you don't eat back your exercise calories - of course you are! Probably faster than those of us who do eat back exercise calories. BUT THE MAIN POINT OF THIS DEBATE IS THAT ONCE YOU HAVE REACHED YOUR GOAL IT WILL BE EASIER TO MAINTAIN IF YOU EAT BACK YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES DURING YOUR DIET!!!!!

    I hate hearing "I don't eat back my exercise calories and I still lose weight" - I KNOW YOU ARE LOSING WEIGHT!! We are just trying to help you KEEP IT OFF!!!!!!!!

    Huh! Could you write this a little clearer? I'm not getting it....

    I am basically trying to point out that by eating back your exercise calories, you will prevent yourself from going into starvation mode, which may result in plateauing or gaining back the weight fast once you have reached your goal due to your body not being able to properly metabolize regular foods (that is, IF YOU ARE ALREADY IN A DEFICIT - which most of us on this site are).

    I am sorry I know this is very high level - I could get into a lot more detail but I am actually about to leave to go grocery shopping. There are MANY posts and articles on why going into starvation mode can hurt your metabolism. I recommend reading them!

    Different things work for different people - there's no 'definite' about any thing when it comes to weight loss. Rather than demanding people do things a particular way all we can do is offer advice, explain the science behind different methods and then let people work out what actually works for them.
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    I ate my exercise cals for 3 weeks once in an experiment for myself and gained so i never eat them now, maybe 100 odd time but usually none at all and im losing still, your best off ignoring all advice, like i did, try for yourself and see what works for you, some of my friends eat half and still lose, try it was a few weeks and see what happens xx

    We are not saying that you will not lose weight if you don't eat back your exercise calories - of course you are! Probably faster than those of us who do eat back exercise calories. BUT THE MAIN POINT OF THIS DEBATE IS THAT ONCE YOU HAVE REACHED YOUR GOAL IT WILL BE EASIER TO MAINTAIN IF YOU EAT BACK YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES DURING YOUR DIET!!!!!

    I hate hearing "I don't eat back my exercise calories and I still lose weight" - I KNOW YOU ARE LOSING WEIGHT!! We are just trying to help you KEEP IT OFF!!!!!!!!

    Huh! Could you write this a little clearer? I'm not getting it....

    I am basically trying to point out that by eating back your exercise calories, you will prevent yourself from going into starvation mode, which may result in plateauing or gaining back the weight fast once you have reached your goal due to your body not being able to properly metabolize regular foods (that is, IF YOU ARE ALREADY IN A DEFICIT - which most of us on this site are).

    I am sorry I know this is very high level - I could get into a lot more detail but I am actually about to leave to go grocery shopping. There are MANY posts and articles on why going into starvation mode can hurt your metabolism. I recommend reading them!
    Awh! Thanks! You're so sweet.... It was soo "very high level" and waaaayy over my head. Have a great day!