Skinny and healthy!

Hello everybody,
My name is Anna and since few weeks I'm a vegan! I have to tell you it's a new way of life! Totally different style! I have much more energy, don't even feel like eating anything fried or empty in calories, I stopped smoking and I drink alcohol only for a very special occasion (and it's organic red wine). I go to the gym much more often(mainly just to run) and I sleep better! I really think about what I'm eating and that makes me to control my weight! About a week ago I was searching for some new vegan recipes and also wanted to check if this diet is ok for my health. Even tho I feel great I thought I'm gonna check if my idea to quit eating all the animals product was a smart one. I found a book that I ordered and can't stop reading! It's sooooo funny and good! The tittle is 'skinny b*tch'- amazing I'm telling you! Anyways I feel great in my body and love it more with everyday! Take care guys! Wish you all the best! Please don't hesitate if you need support or hints!


  • vtate75
    vtate75 Posts: 221 Member
    Hi Anna! Good for you! I am not a vegan, but I was a vegetarian for 10 years and before that a vegan for 3. I recently (as in last week) added back fish because of a family health issue. It took a great deal of "debating" with myself about it, but I am back on fish. I will not eat any cow, pig, or chicken (etc.) products though. Anyway, we still eat a ton of vegan food in my house. If you are looking for a good cookbook full of easy recipes try Vegan Family Favorites. Also, the website vegweb is one that I visit weekly ( It has amazing recipes! Good luck!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    My hubby got me that book a few years ago for christmas (sounds bad but I love nutrition stuff so it was actually very thoughtful) and I read 2 pages int it and put it down. I hated it. Then I got more into clean eating, then meatless, and then I re-read the book and I loved it. haha The style is kind of out there but the recipes (skinny ***ch in the kitch) are awesome. Congrats on the lifestyle change it sounds like its working well for you, keep it up!
  • rajska
    rajska Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks ladies for both of your comments! Glad to hear you have similar experience! Thanks a lot for the hints Vtate! I'll def check the link!
    Stylistchik, I know what you mean! At the first place I was shocked by her language too but in a while it worked for me kind of like a wake up call! I think that's the reason she chose that way...

    Wish you girls very marry Christmas and a happy new year! Be careful what you're eating durin your holidays! For me it's gonna be a huuuuuuge chalange! I'm not sure how am I avoide all the good food plus my grandma comments who's already thinking I'm gonna get super sick cos I don't eat meat... Hmm...
    What about alcohol? Is the organic red wine the only option?!? It's delicious but so bad for your teeth!!

    Take care!