
Im trying to stay under 35 grams of sugar a day , unfortunately that cuts out alot of my fruits . Im really having trouble doing this . Seems like everything is just loaded with sugar . Does anyone have any food suggestions?


  • Prozack1964
    sorry no
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    Preety hard to do that for the long term - don't count naturally occuring sugar such as fruit, fruit is good for you! It is the amount of processed/refined sugar you need to limit and you will be fine!
  • borys12
    More vegetables and no.processed food. I can easy stay below
  • mikituba
    I've cut fruit out completely for my transition through my weight loss and so far it's working great! Veggies are the way to go! More green and lean!
  • snowstorme
    snowstorme Posts: 125 Member
    From googling:

    Fruits Lowest in Sugar
    Small Amounts of Lemon or Lime
    Raspberries (more about berries on low carb diets)

    Fruits Low to Medium in Sugar
    Casaba Melon
    Honeydew melons
  • michonw
    I'm borderline diabetic, so I have been cutting my sugar way down too. I don't eat any fruit and I watch my carbs BIG TIME because if you read the labels of whole wheat bread, etc. etc. you'll see how many carbs and sugar it has in it. I'm going to re-introduce my fruit and whole wheat once I get my triglycerides under control. I don't eat sweets, but I do love my bread. I'm not a big fruit eater anyways, so it's not a big challenge for me. The surprising thing is the amount of carbs in whole grains, however; we need those good carbs too. If you read a diabetic website, that will help you with the correct foods to cut the sugar. I go back to the doctor at the end of the month, so I'm hoping my triglycerides are down to a normal level. We can do this!
    Good luck! :)
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Preety hard to do that for the long term - don't count naturally occuring sugar such as fruit, fruit is good for you! It is the amount of processed/refined sugar you need to limit and you will be fine!

    She's right. Try eliminating refined/processed sugary foods for best results. And drink plenty of water to stay hydrated!
  • maggi22
    Thank You guys for all the great advice. Its nice to know there are so many people to turn to for support . I think sometimes I make eating to hard and I get really frustrated and fall off the wagon. Really wish there were more advertisements for healthier foods .If I see one more cheeseburger on my tv im going to scream . lol . But once again, thanks.