New, but one the end of my journey

Hi everyone! I am new to myfitnesspal, but not new to the diet world. I started losing weight with weight watchers online in March of 2011 and have lost 45 lbs so far. I still have 20-25 more lbs to lose to make goal. I heard about this site and LOVE IT! It is much easier to navigate than WW online and works much the same way! I go on reaching my final goal in 2012!


  • starross87
    awesome, welcome! feel free to add me so we can support each other in our weight loss journeys :)
  • 65PONY
    65PONY Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend and Feel the Motivational Support Keep the Focus & Finish Strong!

    Congrats on your progess so far...Shows pure Dedication!

    Cheers, Joe