Any graduate students out there?



  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    I was a PhD student last year and was pretty active. I KNOW what it feels like to feel you don't have time to do anything but always remember that your health and happiness goes first and if that means MAKING 30 minutes of your time to be very active then so be it. Papers and research can wait an hour! I just tried to plan everything around my workout time. As for diet, just try to plan your meals ahead of time and if it comes down to it... just buy those healthy choice steamers and call it a day :)

    Good luck!

    To everyone else: feel free to add me! :)
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    I'm a first year PhD student and I spent 2 years getting an MPH a couple of years ago. So far, I've managed to do fairly well sticking to my workouts, but I've found (like some others here) that an AM workout is almost a must. It is hard to force myself to workout in the evenings after a looonnnggg day of school/work. Another thing that helped me is getting the TurboFire dvds, although I think it would be good for any workout dvd that you really like doing. It is so much easier to talk yourself into doing a workout (am or pm) if you can do it right there in your living room. Especially in the mornings, I know how long my specific workout will be (with turbofire it's different every day) so I can plan ahead and just wake up an extra 25-60 minutes early. I don't have to budget in the time to get to and from the gym, I don't have to look remotely presentable, I just have to turn on my tv and go. It's even motivating at night to know i can put something in the crockpot, oven, or steamer that has to take a while, then do my workout while waiting for dinner. :)