Lose Skin after 60 Ibs and going

I just went to my doctor and showed her my stomach. She told me that what I thought was just an abnormal stomach shape was loose skin ... which won't go away without surgery.

I cried.

See I had a ex-boyfriend that tried to break up with me while we were dating because it didn't look attractive to him. So I'm really scared to show my present boyfriend my stomach ... even though I've worked so hard this last year and a half. He's really sweet and I know he wouldn't try to break up with me or anything like the last guy but I'm still scared.

I would really like your opinions. I'm going to post a picture of my stomach too. My friends tell me it's not bad but their my friends. I would like a less biased opinion.

There's more fat that needs to go too. I'm thinking about 10-15 pounds. I'm losing it slower and working out now though. I've also read that the lower your body fat percentage the better the skin gets. So it shouldn't get worse right?

If I'm over-reacting, I'm sorry. I think it's kinda understandable considering the reactions I've received in the past though.

Sorry, I'm trying to get the size right with the pics....



  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I almost cried when I read your post! You are completely normal!!! Your belly looks a HELL of a lot better than mine!
    Well done on all your hard work and are you freaking kidding me with your ex?!
    You're beautiful so panic no more!
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Firstly, it really isn't bad at all. I have a friend who lost a lot of weight and looked quite similar, but it has tightened up now. I think you have to wait and see and be proud of your achievements so far - you don't post a before photo, but I'm sure you look better now.
  • hedwighigh
    I don't really have a before photo.

    Definitely of not of me showing my stomach at least.

    My belly button has always been sorta folded though. It has gotten better.

    I wish I was kidding about my ex, he was an @$$.

    To make it worse, I weighed less than him.
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    Well, I have to say I looked at your pics and had to do a double take to even see what your talking about. I totally understand that everyone has issues and not to say yours are not valid but from where I am standing I think you are over reacting. I am about 80 lbs over weight and have a daughter by c-section. So, I would love to be in your shoes right now. I am terrified of what my skin will look like after.
  • hedwighigh
    I understand if I'm overreacting.
    But that's part of the reason I needed to post, you don't really know if you're overreacting until other people tell you.
    As pretty much 90% of this community, I've got a big complex about my midsection.
    Thank you for the comments. I've learned that things always look worse to yourself compared to others.
    I guess we're all our own biggest critics.
  • grrl77
    grrl77 Posts: 108
    You look amazing. I think a lot of confidence totally comes from within, too, so if you rock what you got, chances are he won't think two things of it. You just gotta believe it. You've come so far, girl. You've lost 61 lbs! That's incredible! Your body is beautiful, your spirit's beautiful for having overcome that - lots of people don't even get that far. Rock it out, girl! You're amazing, and if he doesn't get that (which it doesn't sound like he'll have any issue at all) then eff him.
  • skazerani
    skazerani Posts: 11 Member
    It does not look bad !! I am at goal weight and my stomach looks a lot worse. I am to nervous to post a pic to show you :)
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Your stomach looks fine, lots better than mine did when I was young. You are young, with continued progess and keeping yourself fit, you will be surprised at exactly how much will eventually tighten up. Give it at least a year after your reach your goal and have successfully continued to work out. Then if you are unhappy with your tummy, research the surgery. I am amazed sometimes about how shallow some folks can be! You are better off without the first and current, if he is worthwhile, won't mind a bit. Congratulations on your hard work, be proud of yourself.
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    [I guess we're all our own biggest critics.
    For sure! Keep up the good work though = )
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I think you look awesome and have nothing to be embarrassed about. I wish my stomach was as small as yours!

    When I met my husband, he had recently lost quite a bit of weight and had loose belly skin. I liked him for who he was, so it didn't bother me. If you meet someone and they don't like you because of it-they are not good people and you are better off without them :)
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    Let me just say that your picture gave me hope. I've lost over 80 lbs and my stomach doesn't look as good as yours does (YET!). I thought you were going to show something horrible and sagging, but you didn't! You might not be rocking a six pack, but you certainly aren't sporting a kegger either. Be proud of your success and love your body!
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Try doing a search on MFP for lose/loose skin and see what comes up, this is a huge problem for a lot of people. You've worked really hard, you've lost a lot of weight and I think that you've got hardly any loose skin at all, from reading your post I was expecting the pictures to be so much worse!!!

    I think it probably looks much worse to you than to everyone else, so don't panic! See how you look after you've lost all the weight you want to lose, and check with a doctor to see if there is anything you can do to improve the situation xx
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    Mine looks almost just like that! Only MUCH worse! I had a c-section, have lost a lot of weight and its just not "there" yet. It has gotten better. In a couple of years, if you keep it hydrated, it will be barely noticeable. And as far as the ex..... It is a good thing he is your ex! You deserve someone better than that. You have worked hard and come a long way! If someone cares for you, then they will almost see that as a badge of honor for losing the weight. You keep going, girl! Stay hydrated, drink LOTS of water and use lotion. Good hydration helps skin regain elasticity. It is barely noticeable now!
  • thagberg2011
    thagberg2011 Posts: 30 Member
    First of all, Congrads on losing so much weight!!!! Truthfully it is not a big deal at all. You should see my stomach lol that will make someone run lol. If he left you because of that he wasnt worth being with. Your beautiful and dont let anyone tell you otherwise :)
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Dear trust me your looks so much better than mine, I have had to c-sections in 7 years my most recent being 9 months ago. And honestly your skin might firm up alittle bit I know mine did alittle after my first kid. With alot of watching calories intense calistetics and long distance jogging...

    Chin up...your beautiful
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    dear I don't think it's bad at all.. You look great. Be confidant and happy. Know that you are beautiful at any size.
    I'm proud of you and you should be too. Any man that would drop you cause of your size isn't worth your time or tears.
  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    I'm sorry, but the heck with anyone who can't love you... tummy and all, whatever it is they might thing is wrong with it? I have almost lost 80 lbs... and I have the same kind of stomach, ... my husband is focused so much on how happy he is that i am healthier and less weight... that he doesn't care about how it looks.

    You need that kind of man... a man that knows how to really love.
  • crudd12
    Your belly looks fine! Your old boyfriend was a jerk! My husband married me when I weighed 180. He said I was bigger than most girls that he dated but that he loved me for what was on the inside! You don't need surgery! Just keep working out and you'll be fine! Your new boyfriend hopefully loves you for you not what your body looks like! Good luck!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    1) Eff your ex, he sounds like a douche.
    2) We're our own worst critics, I have lost a lot of weight and have quite a bit of extra skin (I can still do the pull away thing some new mothers can do, and it's been a few years since I lost most of my weight), but my husband says he loves my body--and I believe him.
    3) You've worked hard, be proud of yourself, even with the skin. If it's still there, and still bothers you in a year or two, think about surgery more then.
    4) Exercise doesn't always help, I hope it does in your case, but be aware that it might not. But you know what, having strong abs/core muscles is awesome, even if they don't help with the extra skin.

    Personally, I hate my extra skin, especially because it gets caught on the pole when I dance and hurts like a mofo, but the surgeries can leave bad scaring, so there is a trade-off.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    omg.first off if a guy has a problem with it then he doesn't truly love you and he's not worth your time!
    you look great, and as women we always endure something that will probably 'deform' our bodies for life -- hello - carrying children?!
    society gives us false ideals - and gives men false ideals - of what women should look like - you look fantastic, and you should be proud of all your hard work - someone who is worth your time and love will accept you for you -- potentially saggy stomach skin and all! (I'm going to have the same thing - it's already creeping up on me - i've lost almost 100 pounds since January 1 - and I want to lose another 30-40 pounds - I started at 303.4 - the potential sag is inevitable.) - but the payoff from the hard work is totally worth it (oh and just so you know - not all men care -- my boyfriend would rather me keep the saggy skin than go under the knife for something that doesn't 'need' to be fixed)....