What are your reasons to lose weight?



  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    To enjoy life with my husband
    To live long enough to be a nuisance to my children :laugh:
    To live long and well enough to enjoy grandchildren one day
    To look great in my son's wedding photos next year
    To buy and wear normal-sized clothes and feel good in them
    To stop my knees from aching
    To dance all night
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I saw photos and realized how fat I was. Besides that, I came to an agreement with my husband a while back that if I got back to my weight when we met, he'd stop smoking. I really want to see him quit that nasty habit. :-) Now that I've started losing, I'm loving the way I've trimmed down and gotten healthier--no more medications!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I don't know why this double-posted. :grumble:
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<Get this baby grown........
  • StoneColdLiger
    StoneColdLiger Posts: 29 Member
    To be healthier, have more energy for my daughter and look better for my lady.
  • athensguy
    I want to run faster and live longer.
  • michelle916
    been around the same weight for like 8 years! I want to be 135lbs so I can fit into jeans better and loose my taunting tummy!
  • I wanna feel healthy. I don't wanna be seen as look how big see it. I want to be healthy for when my husband and I want to start our family..
  • rachiesaurus
    -I want to feel healthier.
    -To be more confident in wearing a bikini for Summer 2012.
    -Have more stamina and endurance.
    -To look better than ever.

  • sorchagriannon
    I want to keep up with my 2 girls (7 and 4 years old).
    I want to be able to walk into a store and NOT have to worry if they carry my size. It is embarrassing to ask, and I feel pathetic looking around the racks for my size.
    I want to be able to start sewing garb for various faires again, without breaking the bank buying wool. I would love to have a wool Victorian dress for ****en's Faire, but I want a smaller size for less cost and bulk. Yes, I am a bit of a geek:)
    I want to restart learning to Belly Dance. I was doing pretty good before my youngest was born, but with the weight gain afterwards, I just could not keep up.
    I want to be healthy, plain and simple.
  • GenYMissing
    GenYMissing Posts: 7 Member
    So when I'm wasted in a club and have forgotten what I look like, I start chatting myself up in the mirror :D

    I'm just vain, really.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    1. to be healthy
    2. to look fan-****ing-tastic
    3. to be insanely strong
    4. to feel confident naked
    5. to visit a nude beach once in my life and be the best looking person there (lol)
    6. to have sex with ALL the lights on, even if they're horrible and florescent--and look good doing it.
    7. to be an example for my niece

    I will stop here because I could seriously make a list of 200... maybe I should for myself but I don't want to bore you!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Why is easy.

    I want to look good, feel great and live a long, happy life as opposed to ending up a fat, unlovable, undisciplined slug of a man.

    No, life is to be lived, and my obesity prevented that.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    In no particular order:

    - look hotter or at least as hot as I can
    - buy and wear a bikini
    - be stronger and fitter
    - run faster and do another half marathon or something
    - stop worrying about my weight all the time/ feeling unhappy because I'm overweight
    - be able to fit into my "skinny" clothes
    - to have the fit and strong, lean body I had years ago

  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    To live a long healthy life, to motivate my patients, to look good in my clothes,& motivate my family:bigsmile:
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    i want to be more comfortable in my clothes...put on a bikini again
    be pre pre (yes 2 babies) weight
    to be fit and healthy for my family
  • nicoleh82
    because i'm always the biggest one in any photo and i'm sick of it!

    and i want to run!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    - Because I can.
    - So I fit in clothing and don't have to wear pj pants everywhere.
    - To not be the fat gamer girl stereotype.
    - I live in my body so I should be happy with it.
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    -Because when my baby girl is old enough to run around and play, I want to have all the energy to run right by her side.
    -Because as cute as I am, (conceited much? lol) I can look and feel better than 282 lbs.
    -Because I want to shop for sexy, nice clothing. I am SO tired of stretch pants and t-shirts. I miss my jeans!
    -Because I want to be able to go up a staircase without being winded. I want to play tag with the kids for 20 minutes non-stop and be able to say, who's ready for round 10?
  • og8997889
    It was last New Year's when I decided to lose weight. I was 318 pounds and couldn't even look in a mirror. One day I was in a store buying food and a child came up to me and poked my belly and asked me when my baby was going to come. The worst part of that experience was that I was a guy lol. Anyways after 2-3 months of taking useless diet pills and ab monster machines and all that crap I was reading online and came across a program called Truth About Abs. I still remember the site where I read the review at http://boyels.com . After reading that I started following it of course, I couldn't help it; it was so compelling and addicting. I must say it was probably the best choice in my whole life. 8 months late I'm 212 pounds with a visible 4 pack of abs (working on the 6 pack lol). I still use the program today and I tell you the main thing is to never give up and always push yours further then the day before because while others sleep, we are running.