HELP: Protein needs when weight training.

I am looking for some feedback. over the years, I have read A LOT of info about protien requirements when weight training for building muscle (this aplies to hight intensity cardio but not as much). There are countless websites out there for serious muscle heads :smile: The info is all the same. Eat copious amounts of protein and lift seriously heavy weights.

I am a 6 foot 3inch guy who has battled with my weight for my entire life. I have never been obease however, I seem to have a genetic predispostion to put all my weight in my inner-tube. it waits around my waist haunting me/taunting me to fill it :sad: every time I am tormented by my inner-tube I lose the weight and feel great... for a while. I then become tormented by my other enemy... my bean pole frame :laugh: I them go into hardcore gainer mode (protein, glutamine, creatine, hard workouts). This lasts a short time because it is entirely unattainable (for me anyway). Then I say to myself "okay better start eating again and put some fat on so I don't look so skinny" (friends quotes and mine). Then my loser friend the inner-tube begins to haunt me again and the cycle begins :mad:

I have since decided that enough is enough. I am going to begin a life of balance. I plan to continue burn body fat in a slow and steady way (100 cal less than maintenance and continue my love for cycling). In addition, I am going to go to the gym and weight train in a reasonable/sustainable way.

I said all that to say :huh: :

1. Am I right in believing that in 5 years from now I am going to be lean and reasonably larger (in the muscle department) with out the pain of "weight gaining"?

2. Should I maintain my protein:carb:fat ratio at the level set by my fitness pal for my caloric needs or should I be upping my protein (keeping in mind that I will never again eat 6-egg white omelets, swallow 4 shake a day and eat a whole chicken all in one day... exaggerating about the whole chicken just a bit)?

Any ideas/responses welcome!


  • Hi, I'm just like you and have joined myfitnesspal to keep a track of what I eat. At the moment I am downing a couple protein shakes a day and 5g of creatin in a hope of getting rid of my moobs and adding some muscle to my 1.77cm height.
    What I'm starting to realise is that you need to make all this craziness a part of your life.,trying as much as you can to stay away from junk food which in turn will reward you with a better looking body.
    If you like to cycle u should have no problem burning off ur fat stores so just keep going and enjoy life.

    Phil :)
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I don't think the bean pole look is necessarily a bad thing as long as you are able to exercise and you aren't malnourished.

    The tube of fat probably isn't good though.

    Some folks are able to put on visible muscle more easily than others. My husband is one of those guys that can bulk up when he works out, but not everyone is genetically pre-dispositioned to look like that. Even then, he still doesn't look like a body builder when he uses all the rods on his bowflex, because he doesn't take any steriods or extra testosterone.

    So, if you want to look like the dudes in the fitness magazines, you probably need a shrink.

    If you want to be healthy, just go on about your business.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    I said all that to say :huh: :

    1. Am I right in believing that in 5 years from now I am going to be lean and reasonably larger (in the muscle department) with out the pain of "weight gaining"?

    2. Should I maintain my protein:carb:fat ratio at the level set by my fitness pal for my caloric needs or should I be upping my protein (keeping in mind that I will never again eat 6-egg white omelets, swallow 4 shake a day and eat a whole chicken all in one day... exaggerating about the whole chicken just a bit)?

    Any ideas/responses welcome!

    in order to gain muscle you need to eat in a caloric surplus and engage in heavy resistance training

    shoot for a minimum 1g of protein per lb of lbm and and .35-.45g of fat per lb of bw. If you cannot not reach your minimum amount of protein for the day, then maybe use protein shakes.

    btw glutamine is garbage and doesn't do anything
  • cNhobbes
    cNhobbes Posts: 235 Member
    in order to gain muscle you need to eat in a caloric surplus and engage in heavy resistance training

    shoot for a minimum 1g of protein per lb of lbm and and .35-.45g of fat per lb of bw. If you cannot not reach your minimum amount of protein for the day, then maybe use protein shakes.

    btw glutamine is garbage and doesn't do anything

    acg: can you clarify a tad? :) min of 1g of protein per pound of ___ and .35-.45g of fat per pound of body weight. (i'm a protein noob)

    thx :D
  • 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass.
  • 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass.

    Lean body mass = total weight - body fat?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    1g of protein per pound of lean body mass.

    Lean body mass = total weight - body fat?

    Basically yes, and the above recommendation should be a minimum value. Feel free to exceed based on personal preference, same with fat recommendation IMO.

  • I said all that to say :huh: :

    1. Am I right in believing that in 5 years from now I am going to be lean and reasonably larger (in the muscle department) with out the pain of "weight gaining"?

    2. Should I maintain my protein:carb:fat ratio at the level set by my fitness pal for my caloric needs or should I be upping my protein (keeping in mind that I will never again eat 6-egg white omelets, swallow 4 shake a day and eat a whole chicken all in one day... exaggerating about the whole chicken just a bit)?

    Any ideas/responses welcome!

    in order to gain muscle you need to eat in a caloric surplus and engage in heavy resistance training

    shoot for a minimum 1g of protein per lb of lbm and and .35-.45g of fat per lb of bw. If you cannot not reach your minimum amount of protein for the day, then maybe use protein shakes.

    btw glutamine is garbage and doesn't do anything

    Haven't used any supplements in years. The only ones I have/will is protein powder now and then and Multi vitamins.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    I got a book from the library that is a good read. Its called "The Testosterone Advantage Plan". It lays out three different diet plans, one to lose weight, one to maintain, and one to pack on muscle. They are designed to increase your T levels through diet. Its a good read.