Hey there MFP fam, I have to be honest here, I get angry when I have to measure and weigh my food. YES, I SAID IT! But Im just being real and honest. I over indulged a couple times and went over my calorie intake once. Ok, I fell that time ,as we all tend to do one time or another. So what did I do? Got up, dusted myself off and KEPT IT MOVING. And YES, I WAS STILL A LIL UPSET BECAUSE, I LOOOOOVVVVE SECONDS ON MY PLATE! Gimme some feed back and holla back! MUCH LUCK/BLESSINGS AND STRENGTH MFP FAMILY AND HAPPY COUNTING!


  • nikkih1013
    Maybe since you love your "seconds" try putting half size portions on your plate at a time, then when you go back for seconds your really only consuming 1 serving size. In the meantime, you've only consumed one servings worth of calories and your giving your mind that time to "feel full"
  • Alishia_655
    I also hate measuring out my servings, but I have noticed that the more I exercise, the less I CAN eat. I used to be able to devour an entire foot long sub from subway, a bag of chips and about 2 sodas. We went to Subway the other day and I couldn't even finish a 6 inch sub, and I didn't eat all day. I ended up being negative in calories that day. (we did 6 hours of Christmas shopping on top of my workout)

    Happy Eating! =)
  • BlueDahlia77
    I get where you're coming from; constantly weighing and measuring food can get tedious and sometimes I feel a little hungrier than the portion size. ;-)

    One thing that seems to help me, though, is using a smaller size plate when I eat dinner. The portions don't look as small as on a larger plate. Sometimes I even use a smaller fork.
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    I use a smaller size plate too, it def helps.. losing weight is more of a mind game. But I love food too, eventually u wont need to measure as much because u'll get to know it so well and be able to eye it. I go over here an there but still consistently see a decrease in weight and inches. Just know ur doing it for good reason. the more u keep it up the less u will need to eat, going for seconds will be rare cuz it will hurt ur tummy. Good luck!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I don't measure or weigh my food. I decided I would try doing rough estimates, and if I couldn't lose weight that way I would consider measuring it, but I have been successful with estimating.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I hear ya! Sometimes I wonder, am I SERIOUSLY going to be weighing and measuring my food forever??

    Still less irritating than gaining weight though I guess. Doesn't mean I have to like it, haha.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    ALL of this MFP stuff is a pain in the *kitten*...................

    but it's a pain that I'm kinda likin'!!!

    Today? OMG, I am going over the top.......Christmas potluck at work, too much good food around. Just can't say no, and need a day to NOT worry about it......although I'm logging out of curiousity and feeling a bit GUILTY about it all.

    oh well.......I KNOW I'LL get back on track after the holidays, so am not too concerned :smokin: :smokin:
  • shellyc7182
    shellyc7182 Posts: 261 Member
    Maybe since you love your "seconds" try putting half size portions on your plate at a time, then when you go back for seconds your really only consuming 1 serving size. In the meantime, you've only consumed one servings worth of calories and your giving your mind that time to "feel full"

    I do this! I love it! I only put about half of what is my serving for that meal, eat that, then go back for "seconds," when really it's only just the other half of what I'm supposed to eat anyway!
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    Sometimes my OCD really is useful. :) I weigh everything and prepackage everything all the time and take comfort in the routine of it.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I can totally relate. I like seconds, or something sweet in the evening. It took a few months before I had a system down well enough that dinner and after dinner could be the way I want most of the time. You'll get there!
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    I eat what I want and never weigh or measure anything. I pretty much estimate everything. On the other hand repetition becomes habit. Measuring and weighing will help you in the long run and you will automatically know how much your eating. If you already know then dont worry about it. Eat what you want within reason:)
  • staceyb2003
    staceyb2003 Posts: 203 Member
    I wonder if instead of weight, we can just go by the size of a deck of cards and call it a serving? I know t doesn't work for condiments but maybe for meat and veggies. I too hate weighing, ugh! ;)
  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    I also hate measuring out my servings, but I have noticed that the more I exercise, the less I CAN eat. I used to be able to devour an entire foot long sub from subway, a bag of chips and about 2 sodas. We went to Subway the other day and I couldn't even finish a 6 inch sub, and I didn't eat all day. I ended up being negative in calories that day. (we did 6 hours of Christmas shopping on top of my workout)

    Happy Eating! =)

    I feel the same way! I used to eat a footlong sub with no problem and the other day without thinking I ordered the 6" and almost couldn't finish it. It wasn't until later that day I thought about it and realized my (unintentional) accomplishment. I must be getting used to it or internalizing my goals because I was just fine with half.

    I am not usually bothered by measuring, but I am bothered by going to out to eat at places where I have no idea what the nutritional facts are. I work in a small town with some no-name places, so I try my best to order well when I am pressured into going out for lunch. Later when I go enter the food into my diary I just find the worst possible fast food version and assume that's what I ate because I'd rather be overestimating than underestimating.
  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    ALL of this MFP stuff is a pain in the *kitten*...................

    but it's a pain that I'm kinda likin'!!!

    Today? OMG, I am going over the top.......Christmas potluck at work, too much good food around. Just can't say no, and need a day to NOT worry about it......although I'm logging out of curiousity and feeling a bit GUILTY about it all.

    oh well.......I KNOW I'LL get back on track after the holidays, so am not too concerned :smokin: :smokin:

    We had ours yesterday. I put myself in charge of the veggie tray and made low fat dip to go with it. I binged on all the veggies I brought first so I would be too full to try all the other stuff. That seemed to help a lot.
  • stefonward
    I think you hit the nail right on the head. "Dust yourself off and keep it going".
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    I just use measuring cups :p It sucks but I figure if I can make this routine for a year or maybe up to 3, then once I feel I really have a handle I won't have to measure anymore. I no longer have to measure cereal in cups since I'm used to the portion size.

    Helps that I don't really eat meat or cheese that isn't already pre-measured (i.e. slices that come prepackaged, or shredded cheese that I use a measuring cup for), otherwise I'd be kind of screwed. If you eat something enough (and measure it frequently) you'll usually remember pretty quickly the approx. size and then you don't have to continue to do it :)
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Sometimes my OCD really is useful. :) I weigh everything and prepackage everything all the time and take comfort in the routine of it.

    ^^ This
    I love the control it gives me. I check something out then decide. Nobody tells me yes or no but I can choose. I had a piece of salmon the other day. Checked it out before it went on my plate and it was way too big to fit in with my goals. It was too many calories and too much protein. I saved 1/2 for lunch the next day and put more veggies on my plate. It puts me in the driver's seat.
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    You are not the only one! There are the good moments were nothing about the lifestyle change bothers me and then there are moments where EVERYTHING drives me mad.

    I just have to push through the bad because the good does come.

    But i do have the is it worth it moment more than i care to admit! (the i don't want to measure, I don't want to be sore anymore, I don't want to meal plan, I don't want to look of the nutritional information at a restaurant).

    I am a super happy person with a life i love. But talk to me about the serving size of cereal and you will SEE THE RAGE lol.

    I swear there will be many more good days than bad. No one talks about the emotional difference of the lifestyle change.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I dont weigh or measure, i scan everything I buy on my iphone when I unpack at home. Then its in the food bank and I just add my portion size and voila.... perfect control.
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    When I prepare a casserole or crock-pot type meal, I measure out all the leftovers into my plastic containers (those ones the cold cuts come in are perfect!), and then I have lunches/dinners all made in the perfect portion, and they can even go in the freezer.
    I too battle the urge for seconds - I had to tell myself a long time ago, instead of "seconds", think "leftovers". Now instead of seconds, I have some calories left for that sweet treat - a yogurt parfait or a handful of M&Ms. (20 M&Ms = 60 calories, a plate of seconds, 300-800+!!)
    MY challenge is not picking at what I make for my daughter - it is amazing how fast those spoonfuls of mac n cheese or chicken nuggets can add up!!!
    Staying strong and disciplined on the little things, like being accountable with measuring and portion sizes, can be very empowering!!