Night Eating Syndrome

I have a problem with waking up during the night and craving sweets. I did a seach of the forums bc I see "Night Eating" come up a lot but everyone seems to eat at night before bed. This is not me.

I eat a good dinner and am satisfied until bed. I do not go to sleep hungry but I wake up, sometimes 3 times a night and will not be able to go back to sleep without eating something. My favorite is chocolate, preferably dark but if not available I will have nuts, peanut butter, fruit, or in a real pinch have chugged a diet coke or sprite - anything sweet. I also do not have a huge sweet tooth during the day.

So, I did some research online - I know, not totally reliable - and found this article by Prevention magazine on Night Eating Syndrome, a newly classified eating disorder. I wouldn't say I have an ED, especially considering what some here with true ED's go through but it does negatively impact my life in many ways. Mostly, I'm tired a lot even when I get enough sleep from waking so damn many times.

The article prescribes only one course of action - eat breakfast, which I usually do not, a classic symptom of what they call NES. I've been doing well with breakfast the last couple of weeks but my nights are the same. I'm going to change up my eating routine to include a protein heavy bed time snack to see if that helps but would really like some feedback from the community.

Does anyone else do this? What do you do to combat it? Suggestions would be appreciated.


  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I do!!!

    Or I DID... I don't very frequently any longer.

    I found out it was a side effect of the Ambien I was taking. But once I stopped the medication, the habit of getting up from bed and eating continued. Was tough to break.

    A trainer recommended chromium as a supplement and cutting out processed sugars. That seems to have helped tremendously.

    Best of luck!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    OMG I do this too... sometimes I dont even realize that I'm eating until I'm halfway through something!!! I'm not particular about what I eat though... salty, sweet, carbs.... anything. And then right back to sleep.

    I've started a hypnosis thing to stop night binges and it seems to be working so far. You are definitely not alone!
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    BUMP........back to this later when I have time to read through it
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I eat at night, but I use sugar free like stevia or splenda. I usually mix whole milk yogurt with some fruit and a sugar fee sweetener, or drink a cup of whole milk with 2 tbs coffee mate peppermint mocha (if I feel like I want it a bit sweeter I add either the splenda or stevia)
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    What I would recommend is save some calories for the nighttime since you are feeling hungry at night. If you don't have any left, then do some cardio for a long period of time (walking for instance). That way you can eat at night. If you have a hard time controlling portions, then plan them out during the day that way at night you can just grab it and eat it .:flowerforyou:
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I had a feeling that I wasn't the only person that did this. I think mine is bordering on a sleep disorder and the results of depression. I recently had to stop taking my anti-depressant because of side effects from it (my hair was falling out and I was going bald). I do eat breakfast and I am full when I have dinner... but about 2-3 a.m., I get up to go to the restroom and on my way back, I devour all sorts of stuff. It's hard and I feel ashamed when I have to count that toward my next 'days' diary and then feel even more deprived that day. It's a horrible cycle.
  • MartiJJohnston
    Kykykenna (above) and I both suffer from NS-RED. It's Nocturnal Sleep Related Eating Disorder. It's a little different because we are not aware that we are eating while we are eating. It's a form of ED mixed with sleepwalking!

    However, I have also done what you're talking about and for me it got to be a HABIT! I finally quit keeping stuff that was easy to eat in the cabinets and started telling myself I was NOT hungry!

    You might try Melatonin also to help you go back to sleep easier after you wake up. For me it works much better, with less side effects, than the prescription drugs.

    Feel free to add me if you need support because I've been there and done that. Um... and still do every now and then (especially if I've been drinking).
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    @ ogothicao I just get hungry lol
    eating at night is no different than eating in the day, you just need to pay attention to indigestion and heart burn.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    This was my challenge as well.
    I used to wait until everybody else was asleep, then go have dinner again.

    And when I started dieting, I'd binge at 8pm, hoping I could make it to sleep by 10pm without suffering hunger.
    Eventually, my food intake changed as did my habits. I had to go to bed feeling hunger cravings, and it was hell.

    I kept the focus on my goals and fought through this. Some who don't love eating this way said certain foods would help or if I drank water, that would make me feel full.
    It was painful, and that's just it. I had to work through that pain.

    If I can do it, so can you - really!
    Sure, I might be a tough guy in the eyes of some, but that just hides my struggles which are usually food related.
    I get it.
    Don't give up - you can get through this; you can reach your goals and share fully in the flowering of health and fitness.

    All Is Possible!
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Kykykenna (above) and I both suffer from NS-RED. It's Nocturnal Sleep Related Eating Disorder. It's a little different because we are not aware that we are eating while we are eating. It's a form of ED mixed with sleepwalking!

    This and ogothicao sound like what I feel. Tea and Bobby - it's not that I'm hungry, I'm not, I just have a compulsion to eat and cannot get back to sleep without something. I usually go to bed about 10pm and wake up ~1230, 230, and 530 with the same compulsion every time. I do sometimes drink milk which will satisfy but for me its carbs, specifically sweets!

    I feel ya, on the bathroom trip! I am also fully awake when I eat. I am prone to sleepwalking and I do sometimes wake up in the kitchen but usually I wake up in bed and then feel like I can't go back to sleep without something.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Kykykenna (above) and I both suffer from NS-RED. It's Nocturnal Sleep Related Eating Disorder. It's a little different because we are not aware that we are eating while we are eating. It's a form of ED mixed with sleepwalking!

    However, I have also done what you're talking about and for me it got to be a HABIT! I finally quit keeping stuff that was easy to eat in the cabinets and started telling myself I was NOT hungry!

    You might try Melatonin also to help you go back to sleep easier after you wake up. For me it works much better, with less side effects, than the prescription drugs.

    Feel free to add me if you need support because I've been there and done that. Um... and still do every now and then (especially if I've been drinking).

    Except when I drink...I DONT do it anywhere near as**grabs a 6 pack**....LOL......ARGH.....vicious cycle and HATE it!!!! Drives me absolutely bezerk. As it does plenty of others.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    This was my challenge as well.
    I used to wait until everybody else was asleep, then go have dinner again.

    And when I started dieting, I'd binge at 8pm, hoping I could make it to sleep by 10pm without suffering hunger.
    Eventually, my food intake changed as did my habits. I had to go to bed feeling hunger cravings, and it was hell.

    I kept the focus on my goals and fought through this. Some who don't love eating this way said certain foods would help or if I drank water, that would make me feel full.
    It was painful, and that's just it. I had to work through that pain.

    If I can do it, so can you - really!
    Sure, I might be a tough guy in the eyes of some, but that just hides my struggles which are usually food related.
    I get it.
    Don't give up - you can get through this; you can reach your goals and share fully in the flowering of health and fitness.

    All Is Possible!

    This is thoughtful and supportive. I don't have anything useful to add here but wanted to give props to this poster. His honesty and care show in his words.
  • ks_mommaof5
    ks_mommaof5 Posts: 73 Member
    Oh my gracious. I am literally crying as I type this because I finally feel as though I'm not alone!!!!!!!!

    Over the last several years I've developed a habit of waking up in the middle of the night and binge eating sweets. Most of the time I am not lucid during the binge, nor do I have a memory of it afterward. I am so ashamed of my habit ... it's a secret I haven't shared with anyone (except of course for my husband who routinely wakes up in a bed full of cookie crumbs or candy wrappers).

    I've been able to make serious headway with what I affectionately call "daytime eating" and exercise ... having read through all of these amazing posts, I have a renewed sense of confidence that I can control this too!!

    Thank you to for contributing this thread!!!! :)
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Wow! I think I found something that works :smile:

    Yesterday and the day before, I took in a ton of protein (~140g and ~130g) through out the day and both days I had a peanut butter protein shake (32g of protein) just before bed (drank, brushed teeth, and went to bed),

    It totally worked! 2 nights in a row, I have slept through the night without getting up at all :tongue: Last night I did sort of become concious a couple of times but just rolled over and went right back to sleep. Other nights, I would not have been able to do that. I would have been consumed by the thought of sweets and milk.

    The best part? I have been waking up early, feeling super rested, and have tons of energy through out the day!

    Please let me know if you try the bed time protein shake and if it helps you at all. I hope it does :wink:
  • sophier933
    sophier933 Posts: 7 Member
    You can recover from night eating syndrome! I had night eating syndrome from 2012 to 2015 at its worst I could only sleep for 2 hours at a time before getting up and eating. I used to look through forums and group chats for some kind of cure but often finding no hope. I do not suffer with it any more.

    It began gradually I was severely dieting to pursue a career as a jockey in 2012 living in Australia with no air conditioning in the house and some days up tp 40 degrees. Sleeping in the heat was difficult and being hungry made it harder, aiming to keep my weight below 8 stone. Little did I know it would develop into such a huge problem and last for years.
    I moved back to Scotland in May 2012 the problem was worsening all the time. 2013 I had a few races which I loved but by the end of the year NES was taking over. 2014 was the worst year, my weight was out of control which was jeopardising my career, the night eating felt completely compulsory, stress levels were high on top of being very sleep deprived.
    I put on 2 stone in 2 months and felt very ill from it. I tried everything, having no food in the house(just resulted in stress and no sleep), having a little snack beside my bed(I would still get up and eat half the kitchen), exercising like crazy to wear myself out..... etc
    I changed jobs, stopped caring about my weight, moved house and became pretty care/stress free. From there it was a slow and gradual process of sleeping for longer stints and getting up to eat through the night less often.

    This is a brief summary of my story, if anyone suffering with NES is looking for advice or support I know there isn't a lot out there, I would be happy to answer any questions :)
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I recall watching a documentary about this a couple of years ago. These were people who were not even aware they were eating during the night - it was like sleep walking.
    Here's a link which explains the 2 types of nocturnal eating :smile: