Excited Anyone Like A Workout Buddy?

Hey Guys I am ready to start my regimen again, start eating correctly, and taking my supplements religously again.

So the question I have is there anyone looking for a w\o buddy. Someone who would like to share their ideas, opinions, and all around support

Im ready r U?


  • WorkingonFitness
    Hey Guys I am ready to start my regimen again, start eating correctly, and taking my supplements religously again.

    So the question I have is there anyone looking for a w\o buddy. Someone who would like to share their ideas, opinions, and all around support

    Im ready r U?
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site, it is so motivational, supportive, helpful, and everyone is so nice, and friendly. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile:
  • WorkingonFitness
    Thanks Lauramg, I'm looking forward to learning new things and getting heatheir (sp)!

    Happy and Healthy Living Everyone!
  • Jennnnnnnny
    Jennnnnnnny Posts: 373 Member
    i would love a work out buddy. i seriously need a work out buddy and a fitness buddy. someone to help me through all this with eating right and exercising!
  • WorkingonFitness
    lobsterchick, I need all the assistance anyone willing to lend! This time around I want\need to be more consistant. I'm making a food menu to make sure I stay focus and on my goals step by step. I'm also using a food diary to write down what I'm eating and the supplements I'm taking, this way I can tweak my regimen to my exact needs month by month (if need be).

    As for working out I'll be adding more variety like weight training mixed with cardio, pilates, soft impact: walking, tai chi etc. When I first started out I didnt know what was what, and did hard core cardio and pilates 5 times a week! Which depelted my muslces and left me too sore for the next workiout, but none the less I work out each and everyday: Incorrectly since my body was sore I couldnt do the execise correctly!

    This time Im pacing myself and if I lose 5 pounds a month so be it: I can lose up to 10 pounds or more a month but I'm a freak at working out! The thing is (when I first started out), I didnt know anything about: timing my heart beat, slower can be more effective, and resting is a MUST!

    Good luck lobsterchick, I'm here: whatever assitance I can be of service for!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Thanks Lauramg, I'm looking forward to learning new things and getting heatheir (sp)!

    Happy and Healthy Living Everyone!

    your welcome.