What's in season???

Any tips on fruits and veggies that are in season right now? Oranges is the only one I know.


  • CIA100
    There is a wide variety of fruits & Veg that are at their prime in the winter the first that come to mind are: pears, persimmons, hard squash like butternut and acorn, Kale, Cabbage, Brussel sprouts, nuts in the shell including Chestnuts, most citrus not just oranges, pulmello's are giant green citrus with a thick rind and a not so sour flesh. The thing to also consider is that unless you are eating local only most winter Veg is shipped from the southern hemisphere. New Zealand apples and Chile grapes are the norm at standard grocers. If you can find a high quality local market the produce that is in season will typically be whats on sale since it is plentiful and cost less to ship in from far away. I am in Arizona and we have a chain called Sunflower which carries very nice, reasonably priced produce. Similar stores such as Sprout's follow the same pattern promoting and reducing prices on seasonal produce. Good luck and I hope you get to enjoy some seasonal bounty. Also look into Bountiful Baskets, CSA, and farmers markets near you if you want to get familiar with whats seasonal.