Ladies with PCOS: Reducing acne?

I've seen a lot of you out there with PCOS.

I'm not taking hormones because I feel they make my life worse than not taking anything at all.

Luckily, my antidepressant has this strange "side-effect" of keeping my periods regular, and as an effect, I don't have as many PCOS symptoms as I normally would (and my doctor approves of this treatment) My skin is also 2/3rds of the way clear with a very stubborn 1/3

Unfortunately my skin is still not the best. I have a great system going on that I know would make my skin *perfect* if I didn't have the condition. I only break out on my jawline and lower cheeks which means its definitely hormone related.

I've been reading that cutting sugar helps? Does anybody have experiences with their skin drastically improving by doing this? Sugar is my faaavvorrriiiteee....I'd say my average is about 60-70g a day although this is including fruit, and I have a very large range from 20g to 200g.

If I had to cut out sugar, I don't know if I'd have the same motivation to eat healthy (as weird as that sounds). But i would have motivation if other PCOS "cysters" have seen their skin seriously improve doing so.


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Though I do have a few of the typical symptoms of PCOS I haven't been diagnosed with it. That said, I have been battling acne most of my adult life which seems so lame because I had perfect skin in high school when it was supposed to be bad! I have been having AMAZING success with a product I bought thinking it would be a cheap substitute that may or may not work! I got it at Walmart, the scrub is called Acne Free Oatmeal & Jojoba Gentle Acne Scrub and I use it twice a day. Then I use the spot treatment called Acne Free Severe Acne & Blackhead Terminator 10. Seriously about 10 bucks total for both products. I only use the spot treatment once a day (sometimes twice on a problem area). I am just about finished with the first tube of scrub and still have plenty of the spot treatment left. I fully expected this to be crap and was proven wrong. The next closest product I liked was by Neutrogena and I am blanking on what it was called. This is the best by far though for inexpensive over the counter products. I have also reduced a fair amount of the sugar I was eating which may have some effect on this as well though! Take care. Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • My naturopath recommended Evening Primrose Oil. Can you take it with PCOS? It has helped my pms symptoms.
  • Mia Clarisonic, DHC salicylic acid face wash and Retin-A.
  • I get how you're not thrilled about the OCP's but it comes down to treating the symptom (acne) vs treating the cause of symptoms (PCOS). You have a lot more androgens floating around, they're contributing to oils/sebum on your skin, which can worsen the acne. If you can find other skin treatments to handle it satisfactorily that's awesome, but if it's really bothering you then tell your doc, he may just give you an anti-androgen seeing as how your anti-depressant is covering your other PCOS symptoms. At least, that makes the most sense to me. Anyway, good luck-- I have PCOS too, so I feel the frustration *hugs*
  • NGMama
    NGMama Posts: 384 Member
    I am a cyster too, it's so crummy.

    Probiotics are a really good way to manage anxiety. They re-balance the bacteria in your gut and helps you to get rid of toxins (which is essentially what your skin is trying to do). Lorna Vanderhaege has buckets of free info on her website (I think it's and she has a product called EstreSmart which is supposed to help re-balance hormones.
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 177 Member
    I've had PCOS since I was a freshman in high school (9 years ago). My doctor put me on Acutane when I was a sophomore. It helped clear up my face for a while. It is a medicine that is very strong though. It dried my face out to where I couldn't wear makeup much while I was on it, but it did it's job.

    After I got in college it would have flare ups. I still have flare ups sometimes. I noticed a big difference when I started to make sure that:

    1.) I don't wear makeup when working out.
    2.) Wash my pillow cases every 4 days or so.
    3.) Clean my cell phone.
    4.) Don't keep my head propped up on my desk with my hands.
    5.) Get an adequate amount of sleep consistently (7-8 hours).
    6.) Drink plenty of water.
    7.) Be sure to wash your face at least morning and night.
    8.) I use a moisturizer and use some spot cream for acne (Like clean and clear) when I get a few places on my face.

    This is what I do and I have had my skin clear up pretty well. I don't feel like I always have to wear makeup now to cover acne up. I hope some of this helps you!
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I've not been officially diagnosed with PCOS. My doctor offered to do an ultrasound on my ovaries to look for cysts, but I told him that "I don't care if I have it or not."

    I feel great now that I'm off birth control, and as far as I know, birth control pills are the common treatment for PCOS, so I just don't want to go down that road. I just got off birth control pills and I have never felt better in my life. I think acne is the smallest of my problems.

    Anyway, to answer the question, there are some acne products that I love, but whatever you do, don't use them all at once:

    AcneFree face wash (uses benzoyl peroxide)
    Neutrogena Acne Cleanser (uses salicylic acid, I actually use the generic version though)
    Neutrogena On The Spot Pimple Control (uses benzyol peroxide)
    Queen Helene Mint Julep mask (dries out the bumps, shrinks pores)
    Sea Breeze astringent for sensitive skin (gets off extra dirt/makeup after washing your face, but I wouldn't use this every day)
    Eucerin moisturizer for sensitive skin with SPF 30 (this I do use every day)

    So, I would pick one of the two cleansers to use daily. If one of these doesn't work, try the other. If you use the mask, don't use it on the same day as you use a cleanser. I wouldn't use it more than once a week, but it is helpful when you feel a breakout coming on to lessen the damage a bit.

    The moisturizer is quite helpful for easing the irritation, and I find that I just need a daily SPF in general, regardless of hormones. :)

    I find that my diet has absolutely nothing to do with my acne. It is 95% affected by hormones and 5% affected by hygiene. So, I take care of the 5% that I know I can take care of, and just cover up the other 95% of the problem with make up.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    I've seen a lot of you out there with PCOS.

    I'm not taking hormones because I feel they make my life worse than not taking anything at all.

    Luckily, my antidepressant has this strange "side-effect" of keeping my periods regular, and as an effect, I don't have as many PCOS symptoms as I normally would (and my doctor approves of this treatment) My skin is also 2/3rds of the way clear with a very stubborn 1/3

    Unfortunately my skin is still not the best. I have a great system going on that I know would make my skin *perfect* if I didn't have the condition. I only break out on my jawline and lower cheeks which means its definitely hormone related.

    I've been reading that cutting sugar helps? Does anybody have experiences with their skin drastically improving by doing this? Sugar is my faaavvorrriiiteee....I'd say my average is about 60-70g a day although this is including fruit, and I have a very large range from 20g to 200g.

    If I had to cut out sugar, I don't know if I'd have the same motivation to eat healthy (as weird as that sounds). But i would have motivation if other PCOS "cysters" have seen their skin seriously improve doing so.

    I am a thin cyster, and have found that the only ways I am able to control my acne (also on lower jawline / around mouth / lower cheeks, ugh!) are:

    - keeping my sodium intake low (I strive for 1,000mg which is not always realistic)
    - keeping my sugar intake low (I don't have a goal, just try and go low / no added sugar)
    - Proactiv (started using it in college & it was a godsend!!)
    - staying away from fried / greasy foods (this may or may not be a myth about acne, but I've found when I'm eating moderately clean my skin stays clear)

    Oh, and I tan pretty regularly. Horrible for my health, yes, but it seems to keep my acne at bay for the most part. I've been eating HORRIBLY lately, and my skin has definitely reacted. I'm sick of looking like a teenager, so time to get my @$$ in gear & clean up my diet again. Ugh, the joys of PCOS.
  • skyls
    skyls Posts: 69 Member
    I didn't see anyone recommend this, but I just skimmed. Birth control hormones mess up my body too, besides getting rid of acne as a bonus. Right now what I am doing is using Femaprin (vitex) and Progesterone cream as recommended by Dr.John Lee. It has worked very well for me so far. I even got two very very light periods using it so far. Here are the links on where you can purchase.

    I've also used a progesterone cream by Emerita that seemed pretty good.
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    I find that my skin stays pretty clear when i use the Murad acne system. Also I try to keep my sugar intake low (I, like you, LOVE sugar.) Salty foods not so much. Processed carbs make it worse too. Lots of water and during the summer when i would spend time outside getting some vitamin D I would clear up within days.
  • wickedtonia
    wickedtonia Posts: 3 Member

    which Murad system are you using? I was just looking at trying it out since I heard they have a great acne scar/dark spot reducer.
  • wickedtonia
    wickedtonia Posts: 3 Member
    I find that my skin stays pretty clear when i use the Murad acne system. Also I try to keep my sugar intake low (I, like you, LOVE sugar.) Salty foods not so much. Processed carbs make it worse too. Lots of water and during the summer when i would spend time outside getting some vitamin D I would clear up within days.


    which Murad system are you using? I was just looking at trying it out since I heard they have a great acne scar/dark spot reducer.