I just joined and i need new friends

My Name is Melissa,
im a stay at home mom, i have a toddler at home and i would like to have another child but being 300lbs is hard on my body. towards my last pregancy it became challenging to do anything and i was 25lbs lighter. it is also exhuasting keeping up with a toddler all day and i need to be fit thin and healthy for my daughter. i would like some advice from other and need friends my goal is to at least lose 70lbs before having another child but my ultimate goal is to loose 120lbs


  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Hi Melissa! My name is Tami and I weigh 333lbs, so I totally understand where you're at! I'm beginning my journey the day after Christmas when all my temptation will be gone for awhile. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help each other!! Good luck!!
  • I was close to your weight in Jan. The good news is the first pounds can come off quick. Do you have access to a treadmill?

    Start off about 1500 calories a day and 70g of carbs, and start the couch to 5k running plan SLOWLY on a treadmill. Walk it if you have to.

    The secret to weight loss is consistency. Maintaining the calorie deficit every day, doing those workouts. Even when you feel like total crap and want nothing more than to lay around eating pizza or chocolate.
  • thaks for the avice and insipeartion aqua*****. did u find this site to a successful tool.?
  • lovinbutterflys
    lovinbutterflys Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Melissa, I am Rachel. I know how it is about wanting and trying to get healthy not only for ourselves but for our kids as well. You can add me as your friend and we can help each other out along the way. I have about 35+ pounds to lose and need all the help getting their. I am all so new to this website (just joined tonight!) I do believe and hope that this website will be a great tool to help us all stay on track with losing weight and getting to a healthier you!
  • i think if we dont want our children to follow your footsteps we need to show them the proper way to eat is rolemodelling. my fear for her is being overweight. i was an overweight child and i know cruel other children could be. Lets face it chances are higher to be an overweight grown up if you were an overweight child my husand and I are living proof of that
  • fashionista245
    fashionista245 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, my name is AjA and im a soon -to-be freshman in college and i want to drop a some pounds the healthy ay while learning how to be healthy. Trying to get some friends who will keep me motivated and who are motivated.
  • CanadianMomma
    CanadianMomma Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Melissa. I am currently a stay at home mom (only while I'm on my maternity leave though) with a 4 month old and a 4 yr old, so I think we share some of the same struggles. I would love to motivate each other. I have 65 + pounds to loose.