Have you ever...

ChristyMourning Posts: 156
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
Have you ever did so good with weightloss, felt great, wore clothes you never wore or had not wore in years and turn around and throw in the towel. I have started binge eating since Jan 27th, I went from 280lbs
(which was better than the 470lbs I was 2 yrs ago) and now I'm like 320lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not know how to stop. I feel helpless. I wish there was a web buddy system where people could find a buddy and chat/web cam there progress and call eachother crying when ever we went for the cheese cake!
(pulls hair out!)


  • Have you ever did so good with weightloss, felt great, wore clothes you never wore or had not wore in years and turn around and throw in the towel. I have started binge eating since Jan 27th, I went from 280lbs
    (which was better than the 470lbs I was 2 yrs ago) and now I'm like 320lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not know how to stop. I feel helpless. I wish there was a web buddy system where people could find a buddy and chat/web cam there progress and call eachother crying when ever we went for the cheese cake!
    (pulls hair out!)
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    ChristyMourning~Well here you are. I think that coming here makes it clear that you know that binging is not your answer. Get back on the horse so to speak, make it your goal to get back at it. This is a tough journey for all of us, even those with 5 pounds to lose. You have to dig deep sometimes to put the cookies back in the cupboard or to not buy them at all. Or to eat a pound of cheese and a box of crackers all in one sitting.......you have come so far and had a small set back. Start over tomorrow and Just Do It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you can and I am right here with ya/

  • I totally know how you feel. I go in phases. I am doing awesome and losing weight the right way, to eating everything in sight. Did you enter all of the calories you were eating? Maybe just concentrate on charting everything you eat again. If you ever need to talk, email me.

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    What is so good that you can't stop eating it? Is there a reason why you are eating? I have to ask myself these questions when I want something I shouldn't have. If I really want it and it's my cheat meal, I eat it. If it isn't I ask myself is it worth a whole hour of taebo.
  • What is so good that you can't stop eating it? Is there a reason why you are eating? I have to ask myself these questions when I want something I shouldn't have. If I really want it and it's my cheat meal, I eat it. If it isn't I ask myself is it worth a whole hour of taebo.

    Totally true. I think it's my depression. I think it's me not feeling good enough, not for myself, my kids or my husband. I also think my marriage is toxic in a way. *sigh* I just have alot going on.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    :heart: christy--see my post on forgiveness thread, please.
    you clearly are a woman of determination having accomplished so much weight loss already.
    now it's time to take care of your heart--hugs and :smooched:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member

    I hope your are having a better day today. Depression is hard and considering you are pregnant
    I know it is difficult for you. Sometimes it makes all the difference to just have someone to talk to and listen. I hope you and your doctor are able to find a medication that is right for you and the baby.

    I've always heard that anger is depression turned inward which for me is true. I previously did not say things that needed to be said b/c I was always told if you can't say something nice.... Then I found a verse in the Bible that says be angry but do not sin do not let the sun go down on your wrath Eph 4:26 and speak the truth in love (15).

    It is fine to be angry and tell people how you feel you just have to do it in the most respectful and loving manner possible. But it is hard to talk to loved ones about difficult situations but for our own good it must be done. I had to learn I can't start sentences with "Look heifer"..:happy:
  • Christy,

    I hope your are having a better day today. Depression is hard and considering you are pregnant
    I know it is difficult for you. Sometimes it makes all the difference to just have someone to talk to and listen. I hope you and your doctor are able to find a medication that is right for you and the baby.

    I've always heard that anger is depression turned inward which for me is true. I previously did not say things that needed to be said b/c I was always told if you can't say something nice.... Then I found a verse in the Bible that says be angry but do not sin do not let the sun go down on your wrath Eph 4:26 and speak the truth in love (15).

    It is fine to be angry and tell people how you feel you just have to do it in the most respectful and loving manner possible. But it is hard to talk to loved ones about difficult situations but for our own good it must be done. I had to learn I can't start sentences with "Look heifer"..:happy:

    I started Zoloft back yesterday and I feel better about all of this now. I can do this.
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