


  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    how can people say no to certain food?<junk food>????:indifferent:
    after you give it up for a bit, you'll find your taste buds have altered so much you'll find when you try it again, WHEW, so salty and sweet it'll be overbearing! Seriously do an experiment and try it:drinker:

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Mmm Fage! Da Best! Cherry 0% or 1% YUM-O love the texture that's what is the best part, like sour creme plus you can use it just like sour creme for whatever else you want.

    mmm think I might get some this week:love:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    You know Dave, the Fage kind of tastes like sour cream, which I never liked until recently, so I was a little put off by the fage.........

    I have been buying Mountain High, full fat organic whole milk plain yogurt and like that much better.........

    ya, but I add protein powder to fage and I like that whipped texture, it also is the lowest sugar g that I have found in a yogurt
    Hey new guy! What type of protein powder you usin?:huh:
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    I eat 6 times a day and 99% of the time I can resist becasue I am just plain not hungry and that makes it easier.:flowerforyou:
    How can you eat 6 times a day and lose weight?! I eat 3 times a day and have no problem getting up to 1500. I guess I just don't have this food thing worked out. I'm almost always hungry! I had oatmeal at 8:00 and I'm famished right now. But I have my food entered for the day and don't really have any room for a snack. My "meals" must have too many calories in them. :frown:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I eat 6 times a day and 99% of the time I can resist becasue I am just plain not hungry and that makes it easier.:flowerforyou:
    How can you eat 6 times a day and lose weight?! I eat 3 times a day and have no problem getting up to 1500. I guess I just don't have this food thing worked out. I'm almost always hungry! I had oatmeal at 8:00 and I'm famished right now. But I have my food entered for the day and don't really have any room for a snack. My "meals" must have too many calories in them. :frown:

    I can never seem to fit in 6, but I try to get 5 times in... Breakfast (around 300 calories), snack (about 150-200), lunch (again, I try for 300, but sometimes get as high as 500 or 600--thank goodness for exercise calories), a snack again (about 150), and dinner (about 500).

    Sometimes, I'll move one of the snacks until after dinner, it just depends on how early I ate breakfast. If I manage to get my exercise in before breakfast, then I don't eat a morning snack. If I eat breakfast earlier, then I need that snack about 10 or 11 AM. I usually am pretty close on my calories, 1300 on days I'm lazy and don't exercise, about 1600-1700 on days I do.
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    I eat 6 times a day and 99% of the time I can resist becasue I am just plain not hungry and that makes it easier.:flowerforyou:
    How can you eat 6 times a day and lose weight?! I eat 3 times a day and have no problem getting up to 1500. I guess I just don't have this food thing worked out. I'm almost always hungry! I had oatmeal at 8:00 and I'm famished right now. But I have my food entered for the day and don't really have any room for a snack. My "meals" must have too many calories in them. :frown:

    5-6 small meals per day keeps your blood sugar more stable and prevents you from that famished feeling. By small I mean 200-300 calories each, depending on your caloric goal for the day. It really helps, and your body comes to expect food every few hours after you've been doing it for awhile. It keeps the metabolism up!

    Good luck!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I've lost 30 pounds here and reached my goal and still have a hard time saying NO
    I think some people can learn to eat foods they love in moderation
    I switched from milk to dark chocolate and eat 2 little pieces (90 cals) or once in a blue I'll indulge in the 100 cal cupcake packs....they still taste darn good but when I'm watching my cals..MOST of the time I will opt for more satisfying/filling options

  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I read this and loved it. Talk about making me more determined. Mike in case you think I'm being mean, I didn't write this, I just found it a kick in the pants!

    A popular question that I hear is about how to stop giving in to food cravings. How to stop eating your favorite junk food. Maybe it’s chocolate or ice-cream or candy of some kind, or maybe it’s cookies and cake, or potato chips or fast food, or something you just love to eat, but need to stop eating because it is junk food. Whether you are trying to lose weight or gain weight, no matter what your goals are, everyone likes some kind of junk food and needs to stop eating it now. But, some people just can't stop. They just can't "get rid of the cravings" for these foods, and just can't stop giving in to their food cravings.

    Before I go any further, let me be honest. I am going to get mean in this article. I am sure I will offend a whole bunch of people. My goal of this article is to get my point of view across, a point of view that I feel very strongly about, and I am sure a lot of people will disagree with it, but oh well. I want to get my point of view across in the exact way that I have it in my head, so I will NOT sweeten it up so that I don't hurt people's feelings or make them angry with me. I want to get my point across in such a way that it motivates everyone reading this article. So, if you have a problem with that, stop reading. If you don't, then here goes...

    SHUT UP!!!! Who the hell are you to whine to me? Shut up already!! Sure, I can completely understand if your problems with getting the results you want are from the wrong information about your workout or diet. I've been there before. I used to do the wrong stuff. But after I finally learned the right stuff, I made this website so others don't have that problem. I want to save you time, money and effort by giving you free truthful information about how to get the results you want. But, this isn't about your diet or workout. This isn't about you wasting money on some useless ab workout product or stupid weight loss product or other useless supplements and gimmicks that weren't working for you. This is about food cravings. Don't whine to me. I've heard it before...

    "It's so hard, I'm around this type of food all the time, the cravings just won't go away, I have a sweet tooth, I just have to give in to the cravings."

    Stop it, you're boring me.

    Don't give me your little stories. Like how you are around this type of food all the time. Do you think you are the only one, buddy? Everyone I know and am related to eats junk food all day long. This crappy food is everywhere I look. I am no different than you, except, I don't give in. Do I have super human powers? No. Do I not give in because my arms are bigger than yours? No. Do I not give in because I can bench press more than you? No. Do I not give in because my body fat is lower than yours? No. Do I not give in because I am physically better or physically stronger than you? No. I don't give in because I am mentally stronger than you. That's all it is really, mental. And for you to give in and me not to give in, we can only assume that I am mentally stronger than you. How does that make you feel? I don't know a damn thing about you, but I know that mentally, I can do something that you cannot. It sure makes me feel good though. That fact motivates me even more. So, thanks for being so mentally weak. It will make me work that much harder during my next workout. Thanks a lot.

    Sorry, did I hurt your feelings yet? I didn't mean to, I'm just stating the truth. It's not my fault if the truth hurts. You understand now that this is all mental, right? You understand that it's all a matter of mental strength and will power, don’t you? Good. Here's what you do. Next time your little food cravings start coming out, think about this. Look at the food and think, "What do I want more… the 5 seconds of enjoyment that I will have while I chew this food, or the enjoyment of the fact that 24 hours of everyday, 7 days of every week, I will have the body that I want to have." That is what it comes down to really, and let me tell you... no food tastes as good as that feeling feels.

    And you other people, you bull****ters. The ones that give me that idiotic speech about how "every food is ok if eaten in moderation." And how "no one should deny themselves anything." These are the same people who probably believe in having "Cheat days." Cheat days are the 1 day of the week where some people allow themselves to cheat a little from their diet and give into their food cravings, in moderation of course, kind of like a reward for the good work they did all week. Ya know what... BULL****! The hell with you and your cheat days. Your reward for sticking to your diet all week is 1 day of cheating? What kind of complete crap is this? Your reward for sticking to your diet all week is RESULTS! Remember them? They’re the reason that you are on this diet and working out in the first place. To get results!!! Not to have a cheat day at the end of the week.

    Every food is ok as long as it's eaten in moderation. One candy bar won't hurt. One cookie won't hurt. One piece of junk food won't hurt. Oh, is that so? Will it help? No, it will not help. It is doing nothing good for you in any way possible. Therefore, it serves no purpose. You are giving into your cravings for 5 seconds of chewing enjoyment, and nothing more.

    If anything, it does more bad than good. Do you know what giving into your food cravings "in moderation" does to most people? It makes them feel guilty. It makes them crave that food even more. It keeps the cravings alive and strong. Stop giving in to your cravings and the cravings will go away. Simple as that.

    What are you thinking now? Who am I? Like I never cheat or give into my cravings a little? NO! I don't! Not at all, not a little, not in moderation, not anything. The thought of eating some type of junk food doesn't even enter my mind anymore. I don't need those 5 seconds. I am stronger than that. Call it will power, or call it mental strength. My goal is to get results. My road to getting those results doesn't have to have 5 seconds of chewing pleasure. I eat for purpose, not pleasure. Food is not a hobby. Food is something your body needs to survive, and in the case of working out and getting results, food is something your body needs so that you can get those results. Food is nothing more than that. So, I give my body only what it needs to make these results happen. Does my body need the 5 seconds it takes for me to chew a piece of chocolate? No. Does my mind need it? NO! My mind is way too strong to need it, and that feels much better than any piece of chocolate would ever taste, and I love knowing that.

    Like I said, I eat for purpose, not pleasure. That statement sums up everything that I think about "cheat days" and "food cravings" and "everything is ok if it's eaten in moderation." So don't whine to me about how hard it is for you. Do you think I will feel bad for you? I won't. You are not special. It is exactly as hard for you as it is for me and EVERYONE else. What's the difference? I have what it takes mentally. Ya know what else? You have it too. You just need to learn to use it. And, hopefully… this article has helped bring it out.
  • DawnInOhio
    DawnInOhio Posts: 211 Member
    You know Dave, the Fage kind of tastes like sour cream, which I never liked until recently, so I was a little put off by the fage.........

    I have been buying Mountain High, full fat organic whole milk plain yogurt and like that much better.........

    ya, but I add protein powder to fage and I like that whipped texture, it also is the lowest sugar g that I have found in a yogurt

    What is the cutie pies name in the pic? Oh, how I love dogs, this one looks like a stinker.:wink:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I eat 6 times a day and 99% of the time I can resist becasue I am just plain not hungry and that makes it easier.:flowerforyou:
    How can you eat 6 times a day and lose weight?! I eat 3 times a day and have no problem getting up to 1500. I guess I just don't have this food thing worked out. I'm almost always hungry! I had oatmeal at 8:00 and I'm famished right now. But I have my food entered for the day and don't really have any room for a snack. My "meals" must have too many calories in them. :frown:
    Breaking up your meals into 5-6 works great to keep your blood sugars leveled out, your metabolism boosted throughout the day. 5-6 mini meals doesn't mean full meals it is simply your daily cals broken up into mini meals. Perhaps 200-300 per meal, all depending on your daily calorie intake.

    It's a great way to go and you most CAN definitely lose weight going that route.:tongue:

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I eat 6 times a day and 99% of the time I can resist becasue I am just plain not hungry and that makes it easier.:flowerforyou:
    How can you eat 6 times a day and lose weight?! I eat 3 times a day and have no problem getting up to 1500. I guess I just don't have this food thing worked out. I'm almost always hungry! I had oatmeal at 8:00 and I'm famished right now. But I have my food entered for the day and don't really have any room for a snack. My "meals" must have too many calories in them. :frown:

    Gosh no wonder you're so hungry!! Most typical oatmeals are pretty low in protein so you basically are only getting in carbs if oatmeal is your breakfast, adding in protein which typically contains a bit of fat (which keeps you feeling satiated for much longer). One way to do that is adding in some PB to your oatmeal. I myself use 1-2 T. of Cashew Nut Butter mixed in. Before I had tried it out myself I thought it sounded odd..but it's really quite good and very satisfying, much more so than simply carbs for breakfast.

    It's not likely you'll find yourself hungry if you bump up your cals on your first meal most especially if you're only going to be eating 3 times in a 24 hour period!

    I find what works best for me is doing a carb/protein combo at each mini meal I do.

  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    I read this and loved it. Talk about making me more determined. Mike in case you think I'm being mean, I didn't write this, I just found it a kick in the pants!

    A popular question that I hear is about how to stop giving in to food cravings. How to stop eating your favorite junk food. Maybe it’s chocolate or ice-cream or candy of some kind, or maybe it’s cookies and cake, or potato chips or fast food, or something you just love to eat, but need to stop eating because it is junk food. Whether you are trying to lose weight or gain weight, no matter what your goals are, everyone likes some kind of junk food and needs to stop eating it now. But, some people just can't stop. They just can't "get rid of the cravings" for these foods, and just can't stop giving in to their food cravings.

    Before I go any further, let me be honest. I am going to get mean in this article. I am sure I will offend a whole bunch of people. My goal of this article is to get my point of view across, a point of view that I feel very strongly about, and I am sure a lot of people will disagree with it, but oh well. I want to get my point of view across in the exact way that I have it in my head, so I will NOT sweeten it up so that I don't hurt people's feelings or make them angry with me. I want to get my point across in such a way that it motivates everyone reading this article. So, if you have a problem with that, stop reading. If you don't, then here goes...

    SHUT UP!!!! Who the hell are you to whine to me? Shut up already!! Sure, I can completely understand if your problems with getting the results you want are from the wrong information about your workout or diet. I've been there before. I used to do the wrong stuff. But after I finally learned the right stuff, I made this website so others don't have that problem. I want to save you time, money and effort by giving you free truthful information about how to get the results you want. But, this isn't about your diet or workout. This isn't about you wasting money on some useless ab workout product or stupid weight loss product or other useless supplements and gimmicks that weren't working for you. This is about food cravings. Don't whine to me. I've heard it before...

    "It's so hard, I'm around this type of food all the time, the cravings just won't go away, I have a sweet tooth, I just have to give in to the cravings."

    Stop it, you're boring me.

    Don't give me your little stories. Like how you are around this type of food all the time. Do you think you are the only one, buddy? Everyone I know and am related to eats junk food all day long. This crappy food is everywhere I look. I am no different than you, except, I don't give in. Do I have super human powers? No. Do I not give in because my arms are bigger than yours? No. Do I not give in because I can bench press more than you? No. Do I not give in because my body fat is lower than yours? No. Do I not give in because I am physically better or physically stronger than you? No. I don't give in because I am mentally stronger than you. That's all it is really, mental. And for you to give in and me not to give in, we can only assume that I am mentally stronger than you. How does that make you feel? I don't know a damn thing about you, but I know that mentally, I can do something that you cannot. It sure makes me feel good though. That fact motivates me even more. So, thanks for being so mentally weak. It will make me work that much harder during my next workout. Thanks a lot.

    Sorry, did I hurt your feelings yet? I didn't mean to, I'm just stating the truth. It's not my fault if the truth hurts. You understand now that this is all mental, right? You understand that it's all a matter of mental strength and will power, don’t you? Good. Here's what you do. Next time your little food cravings start coming out, think about this. Look at the food and think, "What do I want more… the 5 seconds of enjoyment that I will have while I chew this food, or the enjoyment of the fact that 24 hours of everyday, 7 days of every week, I will have the body that I want to have." That is what it comes down to really, and let me tell you... no food tastes as good as that feeling feels.

    And you other people, you bull****ters. The ones that give me that idiotic speech about how "every food is ok if eaten in moderation." And how "no one should deny themselves anything." These are the same people who probably believe in having "Cheat days." Cheat days are the 1 day of the week where some people allow themselves to cheat a little from their diet and give into their food cravings, in moderation of course, kind of like a reward for the good work they did all week. Ya know what... BULL****! The hell with you and your cheat days. Your reward for sticking to your diet all week is 1 day of cheating? What kind of complete crap is this? Your reward for sticking to your diet all week is RESULTS! Remember them? They’re the reason that you are on this diet and working out in the first place. To get results!!! Not to have a cheat day at the end of the week.

    Every food is ok as long as it's eaten in moderation. One candy bar won't hurt. One cookie won't hurt. One piece of junk food won't hurt. Oh, is that so? Will it help? No, it will not help. It is doing nothing good for you in any way possible. Therefore, it serves no purpose. You are giving into your cravings for 5 seconds of chewing enjoyment, and nothing more.

    If anything, it does more bad than good. Do you know what giving into your food cravings "in moderation" does to most people? It makes them feel guilty. It makes them crave that food even more. It keeps the cravings alive and strong. Stop giving in to your cravings and the cravings will go away. Simple as that.

    What are you thinking now? Who am I? Like I never cheat or give into my cravings a little? NO! I don't! Not at all, not a little, not in moderation, not anything. The thought of eating some type of junk food doesn't even enter my mind anymore. I don't need those 5 seconds. I am stronger than that. Call it will power, or call it mental strength. My goal is to get results. My road to getting those results doesn't have to have 5 seconds of chewing pleasure. I eat for purpose, not pleasure. Food is not a hobby. Food is something your body needs to survive, and in the case of working out and getting results, food is something your body needs so that you can get those results. Food is nothing more than that. So, I give my body only what it needs to make these results happen. Does my body need the 5 seconds it takes for me to chew a piece of chocolate? No. Does my mind need it? NO! My mind is way too strong to need it, and that feels much better than any piece of chocolate would ever taste, and I love knowing that.

    Like I said, I eat for purpose, not pleasure. That statement sums up everything that I think about "cheat days" and "food cravings" and "everything is ok if it's eaten in moderation." So don't whine to me about how hard it is for you. Do you think I will feel bad for you? I won't. You are not special. It is exactly as hard for you as it is for me and EVERYONE else. What's the difference? I have what it takes mentally. Ya know what else? You have it too. You just need to learn to use it. And, hopefully… this article has helped bring it out.


    Who wrote this article? I LOVE it and feel like it could have been written by me! Thanks for the great read. I'm going to post it over in the Bring IT thread as well. Thanks again!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Well, the way I avoid cravings/ temptations has already been covered but I will chime in my two cents anyway.

    Small meals throughout the day so I'm not hungry... I usually eat at least 6 times a day LOL but every meal is small, 100 - 300 calories. If I know I'm going to have a bigger lunch or dinner than I may not eat as many "snacks" (aka small meals) but really I guess I've set my metabolism to the point where my stomach gets hungry every 2 - 3 hours and it's hard for me to let it stay hungry. So I just keep it full of good, light stuff all day long.

    Also as someone else, I think fitness_chick mentioned, your cravings will go away if you don't give into them for awhile. This is what I think; a lot of our cravings for bad things are unnatural; sugar is like a drug, it's addictive, and it makes us hungrier and makes us crave more of it. It also doesn't keep us full the way healthy food does, so when we are soon hungry again and used to eating sugar or processed junk food etc. so we crave more. But none of this is natural... in our natural, caveman-like (ha ha) state, our body craves what we really need and what is good for us! Thus we have to re-program our body away from fake food... and yes, something full of chemically engineered modified crap is fake food... and towards whole, nutritious food. After we do that, we realize how bad for us the bad stuff is and we no longer even desire it.

    It worked for me, I had a huge sweet tooth and was a big fast food junkie. Now that I think about what I'm eating and what is best for my body, when I crave something "sweet" I reach for a grape. That is *naturally* sweet! And when I think of something like a donut or a piece of cake, I think that tastes "too" sweet... unnaturally sweet, and I honestly don't even want it. I am so proud of myself for getting to this place and I think anyone can do it... it's a matter of willpower and mind over matter. Good luck to you OP in resisting temptations and hopefully re-programming your "cravings."
  • specialsong77
    specialsong77 Posts: 78 Member
    Oh lord....................I can't I love it.................but, I love the goals I set for myself more. Find a healthy alternative......when honey and I want a cheeseburger and fries I make, Turkey burgers with cheese and mushrooms all the fixins on whole wheat bread with sweet snap peas as fries.............yummy! and all about 365 cals!

    There are options.................good luck and JUST SAY NO!:drinker:

    THAT is an awesome way to handle the junk food battle! Substitute with items as close as you can but that are healthy choices... trick your cravings! BRILLIANT!!! I like the meal you described too! I am going to try that...
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Oh lord....................I can't I love it.................but, I love the goals I set for myself more. Find a healthy alternative......when honey and I want a cheeseburger and fries I make, Turkey burgers with cheese and mushrooms all the fixins on whole wheat bread with sweet snap peas as fries.............yummy! and all about 365 cals!

    There are options.................good luck and JUST SAY NO!:drinker:

    THAT is an awesome way to handle the junk food battle! Substitute with items as close as you can but that are healthy choices... trick your cravings! BRILLIANT!!! I like the meal you described too! I am going to try that...

    You can also grill potatoes pretty healthy so they seem like fries but aren't dripping in oil and fat.
  • specialsong77
    specialsong77 Posts: 78 Member
    I plug in the calories of my desire-of-the-moment into MFP, see how many calories are REALLY in my craving,:grumble: :noway: and POW, the craving's gone and a healthy alternative is at the front of my mind!!!:happy:

    I have to say I am doing the same thing... I feel so guilty thinking about how far over I would go on my goal for calories and carbs for the day.... it has been helping me a lot just having the visual and actual numbers to look at. Kinda snaps me back to reality.
  • JennaK
    JennaK Posts: 43 Member
    I eat 6 times a day and 99% of the time I can resist becasue I am just plain not hungry and that makes it easier.:flowerforyou:
    How can you eat 6 times a day and lose weight?! I eat 3 times a day and have no problem getting up to 1500. I guess I just don't have this food thing worked out. I'm almost always hungry! I had oatmeal at 8:00 and I'm famished right now. But I have my food entered for the day and don't really have any room for a snack. My "meals" must have too many calories in them. :frown:

    If you add half of your meals to be vegetables (broccoli or brussel sprouts or whatever) you will use less calories and feel fuller. Today for dinner I had a chicken breast, half a cup of brown rice and 1 cup of brussel sprouts for only 300cals approximately and I was stuffed! If you are low on extra calories, try an apple for a snack w hich is less than 100. I started to play around with possibilities and plan my meals the day ahead.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I eat 6 times a day and 99% of the time I can resist becasue I am just plain not hungry and that makes it easier.:flowerforyou:
    How can you eat 6 times a day and lose weight?! I eat 3 times a day and have no problem getting up to 1500. I guess I just don't have this food thing worked out. I'm almost always hungry! I had oatmeal at 8:00 and I'm famished right now. But I have my food entered for the day and don't really have any room for a snack. My "meals" must have too many calories in them. :frown:

    1500 calories eating 5 times a day

    Breakfast 400 calories

    Snack 100 (it doesn't have to be a big snack)

    Lunch 400 calories

    Snack 100 calories (again it doesn't have to be a big snack

    Dinner 400 calories

    Total 1500 calories
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    I eat 6 times a day and 99% of the time I can resist becasue I am just plain not hungry and that makes it easier.:flowerforyou:
    How can you eat 6 times a day and lose weight?! I eat 3 times a day and have no problem getting up to 1500. I guess I just don't have this food thing worked out. I'm almost always hungry! I had oatmeal at 8:00 and I'm famished right now. But I have my food entered for the day and don't really have any room for a snack. My "meals" must have too many calories in them. :frown:

    1500 calories eating 5 times a day

    Breakfast 400 calories

    Snack 100 (it doesn't have to be a big snack)

    Lunch 400 calories

    Snack 100 calories (again it doesn't have to be a big snack

    Dinner 400 calories

    Total 1500 calories
    I guess my biggest problem is my lunch. I just absolutely, positively HAVE to get away from the office at lunch time or I WILL go insane! So, I eat at Subway every weekday (except 1 day a week is lunch with hubby), I have a veggie with chips and a diet drink and it comes to 540 calories. So by the end of lunch I have hardly any calories left for dinner/evening snack. I guess I just don't know how to eat low cal.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I eat 6 times a day and 99% of the time I can resist becasue I am just plain not hungry and that makes it easier.:flowerforyou:
    How can you eat 6 times a day and lose weight?! I eat 3 times a day and have no problem getting up to 1500. I guess I just don't have this food thing worked out. I'm almost always hungry! I had oatmeal at 8:00 and I'm famished right now. But I have my food entered for the day and don't really have any room for a snack. My "meals" must have too many calories in them. :frown:
    More than likely Im willing to bet her food contains lots if good things veggies and fruit and lean meats in small portions....