wanna give up :/



  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132
    Do not give up! You will really be upset at yourself if you do that, and then you'll feel bad about your days also. But I would bet you're nights aren't as "bad" as you think. Keep logging your foods honestly, and try to figure the trigger that is leading into a 'bad' night and experiment with different options for your evenings.

    Plus sticking it out through the holidays will prove to yourself that you stuck with it and tried your darndest even through the holiday when you wanted to let it go, but you didn't. Yes we all will have extra snacks and such but hey, that is life and why we work so hard the other times. As long as the over all effect is a positive note at the end of the day.

    We are here for you, just come say hi and log and find something to be happy about. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • paticksmama07
    paticksmama07 Posts: 49 Member
    I left for vacation on December 1 with my family and I ate and ate and put on 5 lbs after fighting a battle to get it off. I literally spent two weeks returning from my vacay hating myself (horrible I know). What I did do is everyday I made a little goal of health. I continued to exercise even if it were just for 20 minutes. The next day instead of eating an extra slice of pizza I asked myself, "Why eat that extra piece?" Still 400 calories over my daily goal I didn't eat that extra piece of ____ fill in the blank.

    I did this for two weeks and I am slowly losing the weight I put on with just little tweaks here and there. I think at times we throw in the towel because we have this All or Nothing Attitude. Do not think this way those little changes add up. Do not measure your milestones and accomplishments by anyone else's either. It can be daunting here on MFP to see your buddy burn 600 calories when you spent 30 minutes huffing and puffing on a treadmill to only burn 100 calories but you did do it!

    It is hard to say "No". I was on a great course the first 90 days with MFP and I too felt like you did but at the end of the day I ask myself, "What is the alternative? Being unhealthy and overweight? Putting my body at risk to chronic disease?" Not easy but I can't go back. I just can't go back. No matter how long it takes me to get to my goal weight the point is is that we get there!
  • rose_mortem
    rose_mortem Posts: 147 Member
    I know what you mean.. I've had no progress in over 2 months, but I'm still faithfully logging my meals every day. You can do it, just have faith in yourself :flowerforyou:
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Take it Day by Day - don't be discouraged if yesterday was a bad day, if you overindulged, start again...go in with the mindset that it is the holidays, and you won't be perfect, - but anything is better than nothing!!

    You can do it!
  • barbiebarkley
    all i can say if you do believe in yourself and want it full heart ally,you will destroy urself!!!start say positive things and start looking at the pattern!!!!like my self,its hard and i know this can be donr!!!BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • cassie5017
    Don't give up. If you do it will only be harder later on. All you have to do is take it one day at a time and if that is getting to you then take it one hour at a time. You can do anything if you want it badly enough. It won't be easy and will take time but keep it up.
  • tarpley01
    Hang in there. The 1st is just another day. No reason to wait. I'm motivated as heck because I've got a friend I'm competing against in loss and improvement. Find someone to challenge and let your competitive spirit take over.
  • 65PONY
    65PONY Posts: 68 Member
    Don't give Up...We are all here for you...Keep the Focus & Finish Strong!
  • FatgutBgone
    FatgutBgone Posts: 73 Member
    Anybody that feels this way should read my blog. It is open to everyone.

    Here is the link, http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/FatgutBgone

    Stay strong -[-----]- live long my friends,

  • tillyborn68
    tillyborn68 Posts: 14 Member
    First of all, remember that you are only human, and we are not perfect. Don't beat yourself up for slipping, instead it might help to pay attention to how you are feeling, and what is going on at the time, which may cause a trigger for the slip. The more aware you are, the easier it can be to find ways to counteract those triggers. Something else that I have found helpful is setting a goal by using the S.M.A.R.T. method. Check out www.goal-setting-guide.com which will give you all the specifics of this method. The idea is to write out a contract with yourself (it helps to seal the deal with your signiture), by setting a realistic goal. The letters stand for:
    S: Be specific
    M: Make it measurable
    A: Make it attainable
    R: Be realistic
    T: Set a timetable
    The website will give you more details on what each of them mean. A few other things that can also help is using affirmations to help motivate you. "No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourself," "A year from now you will wish you had started today," "If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere." Remember to reward yourself somehow for your hard work, this helps to reinforce yourself to continue to stay on track. I hope at least one of these suggestions helps you stay motivated. Good luck :wink:
  • debrobinson1205
    Please don't give up. Be an inspiration for me and stick to the plan. I am eating more fattening foods on Christmas eve and day but that it is. I really need support, please support me!
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    Waiting will not make you a failure, but having the desire now and stopping your delay will be a big motivator in the future.
  • debrobinson1205
    You are right! This is what I came to fitness pal to get and you provide the support I needed.....for today. I will worry about tomorrow, when it comes. Thanks!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I checked out your profile didn't have a lot of info about were you are now or what your goals are and that's okay.
    Bear in mind that I'm spouting off with limited info...

    It doesn't look to my by your profile pict that you have a lot of weight to loose to get to a healthy BMI. (Maybe its not a current pict, maybe it's on you are using for inspiration?)

    1) you are young and likely impatient and possibly overstretching... HEALTHY COMES FIRST.

    2) A couple of tidbits of advice from someone who has been watching her weight her whole life.
    --Make sure your goal is realistic... If you overstretch beyond what you can maintain you end up gaining back the weight PLUS more. Then you feel the need to lose again, and it starts a cycle. each round seems more urgent and each round makes it more difficult. Now at the age of 50 I've got to find a sustainable way to maintain a healthy weight, because NOW I really do see and feel how it effects my health.

    3) You should be SUBJECT not OBJECT.

    Your value is NOT as ornament or status object...
    If you happen to look great what a wonderful bonus, but your body is a vehicle that has to get you through the rest of your life (no trade-ins). You to take care of yourself so you can have a strong body so that you will be CAPABLE and able to DO everything that you want it to DO whether... Swimming, hiking, mowing the lawn, kayaking, rocking it in the sack, dancing, rock climbing, swinging your kids around, skiing, scuba diving, bicycling, climb trees.... whatever you want to do.

    You need a healthy body to serve you, don't be a slave to how other perceive you because you'll never meet everyone's expectations.

  • Kellie82much
    Kellie82much Posts: 73 Member
    Do it now!
    My favorite quote that keeps me motivated is "The journey of one thousand miles begins with one step."
    I'm a visual person so I keep this quote on my iPhone and at my desk so I can see it several times a day.
    Good luck to you!
  • aquapussy
    This thread is amazing! I am bookmarking it for myself to read during "those days". I was going to say something but it has pretty much already been said by everyone else :flowerforyou: Trust me though no matter whether you are just beginning or have lost 100 lbs we all have times like that.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I made my decision to start my healthy lifestyle journey a bit before Thanksgiving last year. However, I knew that I would be doomed to fail if I tried to start during the holidays, so I waited until Jan. 23 to start (I also had some planned events the first two weeks in jan. that gave me further excuse to delay starting). Anyway, I committed in advance to begin the journey on Jan. 23 and I think it really helps to pick a target start date. I appreciate the folks who say "don't wait, start now"...but, really, if your heart isn't 100% into it, starting before the new year would be extremely difficult.

    Anyway, January is a perfect time to start because you can get rolling for several months before there are any holiday-related temptations. I got rolling Jan. 23...will have been on the journey 11 months this friday...and I am calling 2011 a HUGE SUCCESS for my health. Because I started in January, my mindset and approach were strong by the time I hit the holidays this year and I did not let myself get derailed (even though I enjoyed Turkey Day and Leftover Day, and will do the same with Christmas).
  • Prbutterfly124
    Prbutterfly124 Posts: 37 Member
    All I have to say is "A Year From Now, You'll Wish You Started Today."
  • aquapussy
    First of all, remember that you are only human, and we are not perfect. Don't beat yourself up for slipping, instead it might help to pay attention to how you are feeling, and what is going on at the time, which may cause a trigger for the slip. The more aware you are, the easier it can be to find ways to counteract those triggers. Something else that I have found helpful is setting a goal by using the S.M.A.R.T. method. Check out www.goal-setting-guide.com which will give you all the specifics of this method. The idea is to write out a contract with yourself (it helps to seal the deal with your signiture), by setting a realistic goal. The letters stand for:
    S: Be specific
    M: Make it measurable
    A: Make it attainable
    R: Be realistic
    T: Set a timetable
    The website will give you more details on what each of them mean. A few other things that can also help is using affirmations to help motivate you. "No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourself," "A year from now you will wish you had started today," "If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere." Remember to reward yourself somehow for your hard work, this helps to reinforce yourself to continue to stay on track. I hope at least one of these suggestions helps you stay motivated. Good luck :wink:

    While I agree with this (SMART goals) that website is trying to sell you an e-book.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't give up. This is your life you are talking about. Maybe your not 100% ready to take this journey, but at the very least you can start taking some small steps now. When I started almost a year ago I decided to just get a handle on eating proper portions before even adding any exercise. Something different works for each person, but the person that really got me going basically said the same thing to me, that maybe I wasn't 100% ready...boy did I want to prove her wrong and I got fired up after that! :)