What is your biggest meal of the day?

I know they say breakfast is important to eat and some also say it should be your biggest meal of the day, but I don't really go by this. I always try to make dinner my smallest meal with breakfast or lunch being the biggest. What do you guys think? Do you think one meal of the deal is most important to be the largest or do you go by how you're feeling or by how much you workout and when?


  • I know they say breakfast is important to eat and some also say it should be your biggest meal of the day, but I don't really go by this. I always try to make dinner my smallest meal with breakfast or lunch being the biggest. What do you guys think? Do you think one meal of the deal is most important to be the largest or do you go by how you're feeling or by how much you workout and when?

    day not deal. don't want to confuse anyone
  • ldalbello
    ldalbello Posts: 207 Member
    I make breakfast my biggest and dinner my smallest meal. Just seems to work for me.
  • Yeah sometimes I have a problem eating breakfast. I have to wait at least 1 to 2 hours to eat because if I try to eat anything anywhere from just waking up to 30mins, it makes me gag and feel sick. Than I feel like I'm forcing myself to eat. I don't know why.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    I eat more in the afternoon and evening, because that's when I'm the hungriest.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I know they say breakfast is important to eat and some also say it should be your biggest meal of the day...

    "they" and "some" are stupidly spreading incorrect myths.

    All that matters as to when you eat, assuming you have no medical conditions, is that it makes keeping that calorie deficit easier. Personally, i skip breakfast, and a small lunch, and a big 800-1k dinner about an hour before bed.

    Works for me! :D
  • str0nger
    str0nger Posts: 36 Member
    I tend Breakfast to be either my biggest or one with the most carbs. Lunch a 50/50 between carbs and protein or just whatever leftovers i want. Then dinner to be 60% lean protein and 30% vegtable with 10% either carbs or use the calories for milk or juice.
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    My breakfast and my dinner are pretty much equal in calories and are the biggest meals I have with breakfast being slightly larger.

    A large breakfast helps to curb my cravings all day. As well as keep me at a good blood sugar level when I work out. A large dinner helps my blood sugar not to drop too low when I am sleeping. This is what works for me

    This is what I have learned works for me. Lots of experimenting with different foods at different times of the day. This is what it boiled down to.

    You have to work with your body and how it needs managed.
  • I know they say breakfast is important to eat and some also say it should be your biggest meal of the day...

    "they" and "some" are stupidly spreading incorrect myths.

    All that matters as to when you eat, assuming you have no medical conditions, is that it makes keeping that calorie deficit easier. Personally, i skip breakfast, and a small lunch, and a big 800-1k dinner about an hour before bed.

    Works for me! :D

    I used to skip breakfast too and sometimes I still do. But when my college classes start up I either need to bring a snack to school or have breakfast there. I just realized how much missing breakfast effects me when I'm in school. I feel fuzzy haha.
  • My breakfast and my dinner are pretty much equal in calories and are the biggest meals I have with breakfast being slightly larger.

    A large breakfast helps to curb my cravings all day. As well as keep me at a good blood sugar level when I work out. A large dinner helps my blood sugar not to drop too low when I am sleeping. This is what works for me

    This is what I have learned works for me. Lots of experimenting with different foods at different times of the day. This is what it boiled down to.

    You have to work with your body and how it needs managed.

    Thanks! This is good advice. I notice recently I'm much hungrier at night during dinner time. And I also have those cravings all day so like you said large breakfast sounds like an awesome idea for me too. Plus a I've been working out a lot at night but usually after dinner, so I should probably add a snack. Soon I'll be working out night and day due to my martial art classes.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My biggest meal is dinner, usually eaten somewhere between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m. Often that it contains half of my daily categories. I know what they say about breakfast but I'm not hungry in the morning and I sit at a desk most of the day so I just don't need all those calories early on.

    On the weekends I may eat much earlier and may have one big meal or may graze all day. The weekends have no schedule for me.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    My biggest meal is lunch. I hate feeling really full first thing in the morning. Having a big meal in the morning just makes me want to go back to bed. I usually do a meal replacement shake in the morning, it's quick and easy. Then I get something really yummy for lunch (still healthy) and another shake for dinner. With easy to pack and carry snacks in between.
  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    I eat carbs for breakfast, prior to workouts, then protein later. The biggest meal depends on work schedule, since I work a lot of different shifts. Sometimes I eat a big lunch before work (closing) or a big dinner (when I'm off). Breakfast is never my biggest meal, just mostly carbs for energy. I'll eat eggs, but after the workout.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I have to have a big dinner, I can't sleep when I am hungry. Dinner is definitely my biggest meal of the day, breakfast is more of a small snack for me.
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    I hate having big a big breakfast. Dinner is actually my biggest meal of the day. I work out at night after work, and I find if I don't do this I notice that I have zero energy to fuel me through my work outs. I aim to burn about 400-600 Calories so this way I avoid getting extremely tired half way through my work out.
  • mike_devo
    mike_devo Posts: 41 Member
    Mine are generally all around the same, but breakfast and one of my dinner meals are the largest in calorie terms.
  • Lunch or dinner is always the biggest meal of the day with breakfast being the smallest.
  • brushe
    brushe Posts: 181 Member
    mine are about the same. accumulation or morning and afternoon snacks get up there. But lunch and dinner run around 400-750
  • brushe
    brushe Posts: 181 Member
    mine are about the same. accumulation of morning and afternoon snacks get up there. But lunch and dinner run around 400-750
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member

    I try to divide up my calories pretty evenly for meals and then use snacks in between.
    I find this way works best for feeling like I'm not starving, and I know it keeps my blood sugar stable.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    Dinner. By far. I'm not much of a breakfast person and lunch is a bother at times. Besides, I've this boyfriend who thinks he deserves a real meal for dinner, so yeah, dinner. ;}