Tell me about your workout schedule



  • Sat - Wed - Cardio (Treadmill, Rowing, Cycling, Elliptical) , Alternate every second day with Squats, Lunges, Stairs, Circuit Training.
    Thurs-Frid - Rest Days
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Heavy Lifting Upper Body (Chest, Arms, Shoulders and Back)
    Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - Heavy Lifting Lower Body & Abs
    Sundays - Either rest day or just light cardio.

    ** As part of my calorie cycling approach, I generally add light cardio on my lifting days during my cut cycle.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Monday - LIght strength work out with weights 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm +/- - Followed by a Capoeira class from 8:00 pm to 9:30pm
    Tuesday - Jeet Kune Do class from 8:00pm to 9:30 pm (depending how tired I am I usually arrive early for a little yoga and a few rounds of skipping)
    Wednesday - LIght strength work out with weights 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm +/- - Followed by a Capoeira class from 7:30 pm to 9:00pm
    Thursday - Jeet Kune Do class from 8:00pm to 9:30 pm (depending how tired I am I usually arrive early for a little yoga and a few rounds of skipping)
    Friday - After work "light" workout by myself at JKD gym. Place is usually empty aside from me and I vary my routine between yoga - Capoeira - JKD and boxing. What ever I happen to feel like doing at the time. I usually arrive around 5:15pm and leave just after 7:00pm
    Saturday - Morning workout - 10:00am - Noon - This is the big weights workout. If I am not too tired or sore I try and add in some cardio at the end but this happens maybe 50% of the time.
    Sunday - Rest & ointment for the muscles! Also my one day to work around the house uninterrupted by any trips to the gym.

    Note: In the summer I was out and on my bike a LOT! Basically there was no friday or saturday gym visits as I was biking.

    Good luck putting together a routine that works for you.
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    I work full time, so I work out in the evenings & on weekends. I get most of my cardio from group classes. The schedule is changing in 2 weeks, so here's what it will be (similar to now, just days are switched):

    Sunday: elliptical (30 min) & strength training (20 min)
    Monday: rest
    Tuesday: butts & guts class (60 min) & Zumba toning class (60 min)
    Wednesday: kickboxing class (60 min) & strength training (20 min)
    Thursday: boot camp class (60 min) & zumba class (60 min)
    Friday: Zumba class (60 min) & strength training (20 min)
    Saturday: Zumba toning class (60 min)

    Even though there's lots of Zumba in there, I change it up enough with the other group classes. I do better in them than just using cardio machines...I get bored & don't do them as long!
  • momtimesone
    momtimesone Posts: 85 Member
    M-walking 3.5 hrs, jogging 40 mins, strength training 20 mins
    T-walking 3.5 hrs, jogging 40 mins, strength training 20 mins
    W-Walking 5.0 hrs , jogging 40 mins, strength training 20 mins
    T-Walking 5.0hrs Jogging 40 mins,strength training 20 mins
    F-Walking 3.5 hrs, jogging 40 mins, strength training 20 mins
    S-Walking 1 hr
    S-Walking 1 hr No weights on weekends

    My weight training also includes push ups,sit ups,squats my jogging is split 20 mins in the am and 20 mins in the noon hr
    Walking times can vary sometimes I mix it up and walk for 5.0 hrs the whole week or If I have a day off of work I will slack off a bit only clocking 3.0 hrs. I will be starting to do more jogging and less walking but as of now this is working out for me.
  • Monday: Chest - Volleyball
    Tuesday: Biceps and Triceps - Sprints
    Wednesday: Legs
    Thursday: Shoulders - Plyometrics
    Friday - Back

    I try to do as many compound exercises as I possibly can as well. Most of my strength training workouts last between an hour and an hour and a half. I play a lot of sports so weekends are either sports filled or skiing.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    Wow, I feel really lame now, lol :)

    I do about 15 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill immediately followed by 30 minutes of personal training with heavy lifting followed by about another 10 minutes of treadmill. I do that 3 days a week. That's about it.
  • dgoard
    dgoard Posts: 11 Member
    Finally got a schedule I think is doable.
    Rushfit 4-5 days a week during the evening usually will rest on Sunday
    Gym 2-3 days a week during lunch for weight training.
  • rachelmorgan77
    rachelmorgan77 Posts: 131 Member
    M - Boot camp & zumba
    T - zumba or pilates
    W - Boot camp & TRX
    TH - aqua zumba or pilates
    F - Boot camp
    Saturday - zumba
    Sunday - rest day

    Some weeks are more hectic than others, but this is what I try to accomplish. I love zumba, so I try to get that in as my cardio, as I'm not much of a runner. However, I'd like to start the C25K when it gets nicer, so I'll probably change this up in the spring.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Planned Schedule (I almost always adjust it a little) - Winter:

    Sunday AM - rest
    Sunday PM - 60 min bike trainer
    Monday AM - rest
    Monday PM - weight training - abs and legs
    Tuesday AM - 60 min swim
    Tuesday PM - 60 min bike trainer
    Wednesday AM - 5k run
    Wednesday PM - weight training - arms, shoulders, lats
    Thursday AM - 60 min swim
    Thursday PM - 60 min bike trainer
    Friday - rest
    Saturday AM - long run - between 10k and 20k
    Saturday PM - rest


    Sunday AM - rest
    Sunday PM - rest
    Monday AM - bike to work - 30 min
    Monday PM - bike home - 30 min & weight training - abs/legs
    Tuesday AM - 60 min swim
    Tuesday PM - rest
    Wednesday AM - 5k run
    Wednesday PM - open water swim 1800 meters (might do two laps this coming summer, so 3600m)
    Thursday AM - 60 min swim
    Thursday PM - weight training - arms, shoulders, lats
    Friday AM - bike to work
    Friday PM - bike home
    Saturday AM - 20 mile bike to lake, 1800m open water swim, 20 mile ride home (and this year I'll be adding a 5-10k run)
    Saturday PM - rest (cause I deserve it after that morning workout!)

    I have probably only once actually done all of these on each given day in one week - there are always other things to do, work stuff, etc., but it is important to have a set schedule to keep you on track. If I had to wake up every morning and decide what to do that day, it would be sleeping in.

    Having a schedule like this, it is also motivation to get your gear ready ahead of time, which leads to less excuses at "go time". Friday nights in the summer include about 20 minutes of getting my nutrition and fluids on the bike, setting my gear out and airing up the tires. If the bike is ready to go at 6am it makes getting on it that much easier.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    Here is my current schedule. This will change after a couple months.

    5:30 AM 10 Minute Mile on Treadmill, then strength train 4-5 different exercises 3 sets each of that days focus. Typically, Monday - Legs, Tuesday - Chest, Wednesday - Back, Thursday - Shoulders, Friday - Biceps and Triceps, Saturday - Some form of cardio and Sunday rest.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    At the moment I run 6 miles every other day. During term time I do circuits two nights a week, aerobics once a week and a 10k run.
  • mwest11
    mwest11 Posts: 89 Member
    Monday: lifting circuit (has some cardio, and core but focus on legs)
    Tuesday: yoga and cardio/core
    Wednesday: lifting circuit (has some cardio and core but focus on arms)
    Thursday: Pilates and cardio/core
    Friday: Zumba!
    Saturday/Sunday: Light activity and rest
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    It changes but mostly looks like this....

    M- run (3-4 miles)
    T- spin class or BodyPump/cross train
    or some kind of Crossfit workout and cardio
    W- run 5-6 miles
    Th-run 3-4 miles, plus weights
    F- off
    Sat- long run 6+ miles
    Sun- off
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I mix it up. Here is the current one.
    Monday: Run 20 minutes at 5.5 mph Workout Nautilus circuit 3 times
    Tuesday: Run 3 miles at about 7 mph
    Wednesday: Run 20 minutes at 5.5 mph Workout upper body and mids on Cybex machines
    Thursday; Bike or Spin 1 hour. About 15 miles depending on terrain.
    Friday: Run 20 minutes at 5.5 mph Workout Nautilus circuit 3 times
    Saturday: Easy 3 mile walk/run with sprints.
    Sunday rest.

    I am recovering from knee surgery, so I have been concentrating on strength for a while.
  • lovinbutterflys
    lovinbutterflys Posts: 131 Member
    I am currently doing the Insanity dvd set (which I need to do after I post this) I am very much enjoying the soreness! lol I am only on day 4 but you do it 6 days a week and rest on Sunday which I will use sunday as a day to do some light walking with the kids in the double jogging stroller if the weather permits. When doing the Insanity believe me it is enough!! I also the the jillians Michaels dvds she really is great but it is only day four for me and I was not really seeing any results with her dvds as much as I am seeing doing the Insanity.
  • Currently my schedule is as follows:

    Monday- Rest day or run 3 to 4 days...
    Tuesday - Rest day if I ran Monday....If not/Run in Am or Pm- 3 to 4 miles
    Wednesday - Body Pump - Am
    Cardio Night Club - PM
    Thursday - Run in AM - 3 to 4 miles
    Spinning in PM
    Friday - Run in AM - 3 to 4 miles
    Saturday - Cardio Night Club
    Sunday - Long run - 8 to 9 miles

    I am training for 1/2 marathon January 29th. After that, I will probably drop off some of the longer runs and start doing some more circuit stuff because then I am going to do Warrior Dash March 17th, 2012.
  • chriscoates7025
    chriscoates7025 Posts: 131 Member
    Because of my work schedule I can only get to the gym to workout 3 days a week, M-W-F. Would be nice to workout more, but that is not possible for me
  • ster81
    ster81 Posts: 249
    Sunday,Monday, Wednesday, Thursday... Weight training... Zero cardio
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I don't have a set workout schedule because I hate following "rules" lol

    But I try to workout 5 to 6 days a week because if I don't workout, I feel terrible and can't eat as much ;) haha
    I have just been running lately and I do it whenever I find the time which is usually in the afternoon after work/class or in the late evening before bed to get all my energy out

    and it's usually about an hour or however much I can get in! every little bit counts!

    strength is another story - I try to do 30 day shred / P90X or weights at least once a week - which i should bump that up to twice a week but I just can't stand weights :D lol