Hi, anybody else addicted to sugar?



  • azzacca
    azzacca Posts: 126 Member
    Sugar is so sweet and tasty!

    I'm almost done with my 1 week detox (no sugar, no caffeine, no wheat and no dairy) and the only thing I miss is the sugar. I have a bag of Lindor's truffles waiting for me, and some fudge in the freezer. I'm going to have to be good when I'm done detoxing though, or the weight I lost will just wander right back.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Sugar keeps me sweet. You wouldn't like me when I'm sugar free!

    Actually, I'm not all that sweet even when I have a ready sugar supply, but when I don't have one, I should come with a warning label. Beware of dog. Just replace that last word with the female appropriate term!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Yes I am, I go over on my sugar every day whether its fruit or sweets, whatever. I eat so much sugar.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I love sugar. I tried giving it up at the beginning of my journey and... well, I was so nasty and witchy I could barely stand being around myself. I figure I'd rather have some sugar in my life than to live my life so grouchy no one wants to be around me.
  • cathyvice
    cathyvice Posts: 16 Member
    I hear that I to would eat frosting straight from the can No more though
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    yessss, i can drink up to 2 liter of pepsi a day!!! its horrible but apparently not horrible enough to have the will to stop!
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    I eat sweets every day... I love love love milk chocolate. I can't seem to go a day without sugar.
  • Sugar is in literally everything. It's like crack. Unless you grow your own food or know it's actually organic food, then you'll be getting refined sugars/HFCS.
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    If I could use a needle and pump sugar right into my blood stream, I probably would....I have been over doing on the sweets lately and over doing it on carbs in general.
  • Hi - I am with you! All I want is sugar!! Getting rid of mine too - until the holiday and all the cookies etc.! it's an uphill battle!! Good luck!
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I am completely addicted to sugar. It is hard but I will be able to kick the habit.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Sugar is in literally everything. It's like crack. Unless you grow your own food or know it's actually organic food, then you'll be getting refined sugars/HFCS.

    I do not consume high fructose corn syrup. It makes me sick whenever I have it. I make sure the items I consume don't have it in it (and yes, you can find sugary treats without it!).
  • I agree the cards are a killer...I enjoy all kinds of bread and pasta, all of it is so great. Sometime I find myself eating the bread from my meal and nothing else and throwing it away. its so sad! Bless us all!
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    Uuggghh! I started off on here cutting out all sweets and chocolate, apart from one treat at the weekend and it was actually not nearly as hard as I thought.....however, in the last couple of weeks I've lost it and have started eating more sweets than I really want!! I made fudge and scottish tablet for christmas pressies (both have MASSIVE amounts of sugar in them and I have to give it all away today as I've munched on it continuously since I made it....despite telling myself that I'm not having any more....I just keep going back! Once Christmas is out of the way I really have to just get back on the horse! It's not making me feel so good!!
  • I am so addicted to sugar and I am not sure how to beat it! I am open to suggestions
  • w3nch
    w3nch Posts: 23 Member
    I used to be (loved lollies and anything carby), but I've been doing Atkins for 5 weeks now and I don't miss it at all :)
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    If it helps, I have broken my sugar addiction...it was out of control and the more i learned about it the more it all makes sense. Now if i have a bite of anything sugarry it makes my stomach HURT. one bite!!!
  • I'm not a sugar-tooth at all. I don't worry about sugar addiction, but... I kind of have a cheese addiction >.>

    I could srsly eat a wedge of brie in one sitting. It's that easy for me and I'd still want more!

    As to sweets-cravings, I did little swaps. Instead of fruity candy like gummy bears and jolly ranchers, I would crack open a 50 calorie cup of Mott's Country Berry applesauce with no sugar added (sufficiently sweet and fruity). Instead of eating milk chocolate, caramel, etc., I would have 1 square of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has loads of anti-oxidants and lacks a great deal of dairy-fat that milk chocolate has, but I do NOT overdo it (even though it's easy to overindulge!). Instead of sugar, I use honey. I heard that agave nectar is very good but I have never tried it!

    Instead of soda, I drink flavored teas. I've been off of soda for 3 weeks now and I don't miss that stuff!

    I have to use a lot of willpower to resist cravings, and it's working so well. If any of you are having trouble, try swapping out one thing at a time: soda for flavored vitamin water or tea, solid dark chocolate instead of milk or filled chocolates, fruit instead of fruit candy, honey or agave nectar instead of sugar!
  • Love the photo Sassy77.
  • bmacholiday
    bmacholiday Posts: 210 Member
    All day, every day. Plan to get a handle on it after the New Year.