learning to love


Okay.... here's the deal. My profile pic is risky. Very, very risky for me. If any of you know me personally, you know how I feel about this 'danger zone'. However, I have recently come to a conclusion about me, my body, how others see me, and what I REALLY feel about what I see in the mirror.
Okay, here goes:

1. God made ME. He made me perfect; hips, booty, and all. I destroyed me by not taking care of me. I am no longer a victim in this 'I am too fat to do anything' pity party that I have been throwing myself for years and I am changing that as we speak.

2. I have decided to be happy with the body that I have in the here and now. Let me remind you that I am not even halfway to my goal weight and I have stalled so fiercely I haven’t lost anything substantial since before I went on vacation in August. However, if I am ever going to get to that nexus where I am ‘okay’ with my body, I need to learn to love the skin I am in right now.

3. Referring back to number 2, I don’t know if I ever really want to be ‘okay’ with my body. I want to LOVE my body. I don’t really want to settle for 'as good as it gets'. I want to be able to look at myself naked in the mirror and say, “Man, I look good.” And you want to know why? Because I earned it! I was not born with what some people consider to be the perfect shape, porcelain completion, and soft, wavy locks of golden hair. /:-| But I can sure as heck rock what I got and learn to love it!!

So, here I am at 29 years old, 5’8” and 208 pounds, 52 pounds lighter then when I started this journey, and I am happy to say that I look pretty darn good now. I refuse to give up and I will finish this because I owe it to HIM and to my kids… and to myself. Love you all. -Sara


  • jwolfdh
    jwolfdh Posts: 45 Member
    congrats to you on your 52lbs!!! i think you're looking great! i can't imagine another 50 gone but i'm sure you'll look and feel amazing. I love your attitude towards this and it sounds like you're ready to get back at it and start the second half of your weight loss journey!!!