im looking for friends who need to lose 100lbs or more



  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    I have 99 pounds left as of today and have lost 11 pounds so far. You can add me! =)
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I started at 306.2 on 12/13/10. I weighed 250.8 this morning. I have 110.8lbs to go till I can join the army. I will say it's been a long year! I gave up for about 6 months do to some personal issues, but now that I am back, I am better then ever. My biggest advice is to wake up every morning and plan to succeed at your new lifestyle for the rest of your life. If you mess up that day try again the next day. I promise you one day it will just click and you will wonder why it was so hard in the first place. Another piece of advice is to not try to give everything up at once. I have tried giving up everything that's considered bad and unhealthy and I fail every time. Right now I just focus on eating most healthy and when I want junk food I make sure I eat the correct portion and I always log it. Also, make exercise something that is fun and enjoyable. If you know that you hate to run, don't tell yourself that your going to go out and run 30 mins because most likely you never will. I know that at my weight running is hard on me and for now I stick to walking as cardio. I enjoy my walks and they are doing wonders for me as far as losing inches go. Good luck and never give up, because you can do it!
  • annemw82
    annemw82 Posts: 97 Member
    I joined this site a while ago, lost 40 lbs, hit a plateau and got discouraged and gained back about 6 lbs. So now I am starting fresh with even more determination. I have about 96 lbs to go. Lets do this!
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I'm halfway to my goal of 100 lbs!! We should all be friends! X
  • Bullfrog2957
    Bullfrog2957 Posts: 22 Member
    Started with 101 to lose. Joined MFP with 86 to go, add me if you like.
  • clarkrn09
    clarkrn09 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me I am new and have over 100 lbs. to lose as well. Really want to make a change

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 162 Member
    Anyone can add me! I'm 3 weeks in and LOVE MFP!! I've been down this path once before (losing 150lbs) but I gained it back. This time, it is for good!
  • I'm brand new and have 100+ pounds to lose. I am a single mom and am genetically-inclined to be morbidly obese. My mom (who is still alive) is well over 500 lbs. I won't lie. I'm afraid. I have not had success with doctors--they take one look at me and just think she's fat, prescribe pills. Long story short, a friend turned me on to this site and I'm grateful for her. I thought I had escaped my genetics curse, but when I became pregnant at 27, I went from a size 12 (which was good for my frame) to a size 22. I've only gone UP the scale since then -- which was 12 years ago -- it's time to get rid of this because it's literally weighing me down. I just need someone who can relate, ya know? I mean the exercise tapes with skinny women telling me how "good" the "burn" feels is just unrealistic to me. But, I'm doing it, though. I cry and walk at the same time. Oh, did I mention that I can't run due to a torn ACL that my local hospital refused to operate on because they said I was "too heavy"?
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    I have only 20lbs to lose , but I thought I share with you some free site that are useful.

    Remember it is a lifestyle challenge not a diet. 80% is what you eat and only 20% of workout that you do to lose weight.
    There are the things I eat all is moderated so no suffering just enjoying the food. Recipes are fast, easy, sugar, carbohydrate, salt low and sometimes free totally :) So it is healthy, but tasty.
  • Hello!
    I still have about 100 pounds to loose myself. I know we all can do this and reach our goals. Feel free to add me too.

    ~ katherine
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    I'm pretty new to this too. As a Christmas present to myself, I joined a gym and hired a trainer one week ago. I started using this site again to track my food and exercise, and to be able to print the information out for my trainer. I had absolutely zero motivation to work out 8 days ago and was inimidated as hell to go back into a gym at this size but now I bring my workout clothes to work and can't wait to get off so I can go burn some calories. Amazing how just one small change can make a big difference. So far I've lost 7 lbs... I'm sure most of that was pre-work-out beer bloat, but still.. it's 7 lbs less on the scale! I feel great and motivated. BTW.. I have 150 lbs to lose.
  • Im back. i decided that the 27th was a difficult time to try to loose weight so my husband and i started today and he joined the mfp site. he has 60lbs to loose. if i didnt add you please dont be offended i havent been on in a week. this year is my year. i just know it
  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome and lease add me. :smile:

  • Hi i got about 140lb to loose will be starting tomorrow, have ordered the zumba fitness off qvc today so waiting for that to arrive. Please add me as i dont know how to add anyone :)
  • I've got 118 til I hit my goal.. And I am in desperate need of a support system.
  • I need to lose a lot more than 100 lbs. :)
  • im doing good so far, my goal is trying to take this one day at a time and enjoy this journey
  • mrsw11lo
    mrsw11lo Posts: 3 Member
    Im new just started today. I would love tips and feel free to add me. I need to lose over a 100 pounds as well..
  • I am also just starting on a 100 lb weight loss journey, I would love some friends for support
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    If any of you are really serious about losing the weight, please join my group.