


  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I am no good at motivating myself -- so I hired a trainer! He kicks my butt almost every day!

    This is me too, I go 3 days a week. Without him, I would probably do nothing, lol :)
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    A lot of times it is hard but do your best to find an exercise that you enjoy.

    I absolutely love playing basketball. When I play it doesn't feel like it is hard work. If I can't play basketball then I am not at all motivated to run on the treadmill or the elliptical.

    If there is an activity that you like then maybe look on Google to see if there are any user groups in your area of people interested in your same activity. You might be surprised what you can find.
  • BeSkinnyBeStrong
    I remind myself of this. "The only workout you'll regret, is the one you don't do" so then I get off my butt even if I don't want to and I work out. To this day, I've never once regretted it.
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    Here's my tips:

    1. Think of it as personal hygiene. It doesn't necessarily have to be fun, but it needs to be consistent. It's like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. The act itself is ok, but if you don't do it, you'll be gross.

    2. When it is consistent, it becomes a habit. That's what I'm working on right now. I want this to just be something that I do without thinking too hard about it.

    ^^ I love this!! Totally true, the first one . . .
    Even when I'm totally unmotivated I KNOW that if I work out I'm going to feel so much better after I'm done. Knowing that helps get me going. On the contrary I know that if I don't go work out I'm going to feel like crap later so . . . :)

    The goal setting thing also helps. I'm a distance runner but I go through periods where I'm sooooooo unmotivated to run. When I start to feel that way I find a race to sign up for that's a month (if its a 5 or 10k) or a couple of months (half-marathon) out so I have something to work toward.
  • revjames
    revjames Posts: 75 Member
    I work out for half an hour a day for two weeks and nothing is happening :(

    John, I started training 3 times a week a year ago. 3 strenuous workouts and a half hour of cardio - treadmills etc every time. For the first 4 months I lost no weight at all. It was only after my brother introduced me to the concept of this site and calorie counting every day that I began to see progress. within a month there was noticeable weight loss and now 8 months later I feel great! stay with it!