What are your Pros & cons of winter!?!!?!?



  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Pro's: Less retarded people walking the streets (LOL), it's quiet - you can't hear the bustle and noise as prominently as usual, it's beautiful outside, you have an excuse to put off cleaning up after your dogs (inwhich spring you regret it and slowly die inside as you clean it up every year), warm sweat pants! Cute hats and...... It's so damn cold (usually) the only way to kill boredom is to workout - so workout incentive.

    Cons: Hella cold, windchill can exceed -35 - 40C, having to walk dogs and dress them up so they don't get instant frostbite, the slippery side walks and knowing every pair of shoes you own are inadequate in the traction area, knowing you have to always shell out more $$$ because you lost your mitts last year, and the year before and in Canada one pair is never warm enough, gotta double up on everything, wearing those.."sexy" spandex long underwear or your thighs will freeze off, and.... lack of running outside where the scenery is a good distraction, and a nice workout.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    It hasn't been winter here yet... not sure what we're waiting on! we have march-april weather right now. It's 78 degrees F (about 25-26 degrees C according to google lol) and sunny! I hope it cools down soon though, but if it gets lower than in the 50s I'll be wanting to take that back!

    sorry to all of you who are freezing right now!

    I envy you my dear.......78f!! that is near perfect weather!!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    It hasn't been winter here yet... not sure what we're waiting on! we have march-april weather right now. It's 78 degrees F (about 25-26 degrees C according to google lol) and sunny! I hope it cools down soon though, but if it gets lower than in the 50s I'll be wanting to take that back!

    sorry to all of you who are freezing right now!

    I envy you my dear.......78f!! that is near perfect weather!!!
    Add two more degrees, guarantee some sunshine, and it IS perfect weather!