stretch marks :(



  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    in Australia we have something called Bio Oil, it's designed to minimize stretch marks and new scars. Maybe ask the chemist for something like that. Otherwise.......time :)

    You can get Bio Oil in the US too. Walgreens has it, but i imagine any drug store would have it. I bought some for mine, but I haven't been using it consistently. : (
  • b0t23
    b0t23 Posts: 260 Member
    i use lots and lots of skin lotion, something with shea butter or aloe or vitamin e

    work it right into the stretch marks and all around them

    do this atleast once a day, if not more.

    i have two spots on my stomach and each love handle has some but they have faded immensely as I have slimmed down and tightened up and I really think it is a lot to do with the lotions.

    you can also get ScarGel. which some people say works pretty good for stretch marks.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Stretch marks can and do go away. About half of mine have vanished completely during the past few months. I'm not sure what helped them go away, though, other than healthy eating and exercise... I don't use any topical products on mine.
  • ghiagirl893
    ghiagirl893 Posts: 69 Member
    Not sure, but I think the sun may help. I have a bunch - the ones that see the sun more often are quite a bit lighter (white instead of purple). I think it also depends on how thin your skin is - try exfoliating and using lots of lotion to have the skin replenish itself. Again, Vit E is supposed to help (replenishes the skin), and of course, lots of time. What I hate the most is that they make ripples in your skin, not so smooth! :(

    Good luck, and remember almost everyone has them, either from growing, fat, or babies.