What was/is your excuse?

Mine was genetics.

My family is overweight, I was born overweight and there's nothing I can do about it.


I was jealous of fit people, I wanted that.

Also I only get one life, and I wanted to live it happy. So I decided to lose weight or bust. Deep down even though I had lived most of life obese, it didn't feel like I was supposed to live like that.
I had tried the easy way, and just say "there's nothing I can do" I just accept the fact that I'm supposed to be fat. It just didn't feel right, it really wasn't me.

In short, I beat my excuse through vanity, it sounds silly but I really wanted be "attractive" to others, and be proud of my appearance.


  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Mine was genetics.

    So was mine.

    I overcame my excuse with love, or more accurately lust. I first started rowing and then weights because I was young and desperately in love with a girl. I wanted so badly to make her mine.

    Well now that girl is long forgotten and a tiny corner in my mind. I never did get her but in the battle for her love I found a much greater prize: a love and acceptance of myself.

    And with that acceptance came peace.
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    "My family's skinny, I've always been skinny, I couldn't possibly be getting fat."

    Tire around my middle (in a PHOTO while resting at the top of Angel's Landing, no less) proved me dead wrong. I want to go back and take a new photo without that tire. :bigsmile:
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    Although I don't think I have blamed my obesity on anyone but myself, but I do blame my "shape" on my genetics. My grandmother always told us girls that wide hips were good for carrying babies...ha-ha-ha!! Maybe that was just to help us feel better about being big hipped. Alas, I do blame my obesity however on my failure to keep up with consistent exercise after I got out of college. I was always a sports nut in highschool and college and very fit throughout. Graduation came and I got a job sitting all day, stopped exercising, didn't alter eating habits in fact probably took to eating worse, drinking more, partying more and enjoying the single life. Here I am now 30+ post years of that and finally deciding that I do not want to be retired and so out of shape that I can't enjoy it. I see too many people that let that happen including some in my own family. What a waste!! That will not be me!! Although I am not at the weight I want to be at, I am proud to say I no longer drink or smoke, I have good healthy eating habits, exercise is becoming more enjoyable and less of a chore/dislike. I think I am well on my way, just pissed it took me so long to do something about it!!!
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    My excuses WERE: Genetics, my grandmothers southern fried cooking and delicious desserts, I was supposed to have died so I can eat what I want.

    NOW: I AM lucky to be alive. So why the hell am I treating my body like an endless pit?! I am on my own and can make my own food choices, and I eat what I love that is healthy! :)
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    When I was younger I got sexually assaulted and I got alot of attention from men. I became depress and gain weight. Not intenionally. Got help but at a price. All is good now.
  • jlowensby
    Mine was the classic, "I don't have the time...."

    It's amazing when you really want something how far you will go to find the time!!
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member

    My grandparents died of heart disease (Under 60). My dad died of heart disease @ 50. My Uncle died of heart disease @ 55. My mom struggles with heart disease.

    So I'm gonna die of heart disease..... Took a little longer than I would have thought to SCREAM: FU@% THAT!

  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    I don't know if I had an excuse. My parents divorced when I was 3, and around the age of 10 I started moving between parents every week. My Mom would cook healthy meals, but my dad worked about 12-14 hours a day as a single parent. I ate only junk food and fast food when I was with him. I was always chubby my entire life. However, my family is not overweight.

    I think I was in denial of just HOW overweight I was for a long time. I would look in the mirror and not be happy, but smile anyway and say, "I can make this look cute!" And I did, or like to think I did for a while. No one ever thought I was so overweight because I wore it well. But then it came to the point where I didn't want to see people because I knew I had been gaining.

    I've lost a total of 45 lbs and I am still obese. It's hard to believe denial can be that strong. But I'm learning to love myself again. Hopefully when I am at my goal weight, I will be much happier with my body and my health. I'm not that far off either. ;3
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    My excuses were: I'm not fat, I have a big frame. It's genetics. It's okay to be a plus-sized girl, I am happy in my own body! And my favorite: '"m not really plus-size, they are making clothes smaller these days.

    Oh yeah...I used them all. The funny thing was, I was trying to CONVINCE myself that I was happy being heavy. I was trying to justify it and make it okay. And really...I was miserable. I was unhappy with myself, I was tired, I was having chest pains at 32 years old!!!! OMG!! I felt lazy, unmotivated, and FAT. BUt, I still made excuses and still tried to convince myself that it was okay to be plus size, it was okay to b overweight, and it was the world's fault for pushing "skinny" in my face everyday!

    When I got on that scale almost 1 year ago (dec 28th, 2010) and saw how very overweight I actually was....I was crushed. I felt like the world stopped. I ran my numbers and measurements online and my computer told me I was Obese.

    Almost 1 year later I have reached "normal" status for my weight. I still have work to do. But, my focus is being healthy. Eating healthy, exercising.....I want to be strong! This past month I started running 5K's on the treadmill. I am weightlifting. And I have started a local Challenge (support) group to help others. It takes time and hard work but it is worth it!!
  • beautifulnovember
    I don't have one. It's all my own fault and I am doing everything I can to be healthier. It's not easy, but I take responsibility for my own actions.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I don't think I have had an excuse other than laziness. I knew deep down that there was something I was doing wrong; I just didn't know what it was.

    Now that I know all I need to know to lose weight, when I don't lose weight I know it's because I'm not executing the plan as I should.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
  • jaelhanson
    Mine was....I'll do it later...when I have more time...when the kids get into school full time...when life slows down...HA!

    Luckily a trip to the doctor last year woke me up. I was the only one in my immediately family NOT suffering from type 2 diabetes, but I was on my way. And, I had early onset coronary artery disease. YIKES! At 34, really?

    From 230lbs to 170 now...and losing more and more each week!
  • Spruillie03
    Spruillie03 Posts: 155 Member
    Self-entitlement: I had a hard day I deserve this pizza.
    45 pounds later. UGH!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    my kids make me take them to Mcdonalds every single day.
  • barbiebarkley
    mine was i'am a recovering addict!!!and said that is why i got so heavy!!!!i lied to myself for 4 years!!!and i finally said enough is enough!!!!
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    "I'm big-boned." My dad is still trying to sell me this bill of goods. :cry:
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    My excuse was, "I'll just have a little taste....that's can't be harmful! Then a little taste turns into me wanting the entire helping of WHATEVER I was eating!" Which I would get and say, "I'll work out extra hard tomorrow or later to balance the calories" and then was to tired from all the poor eating to do so.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    "No matter how much I exercise, I will never look the way I want to look. My body isn't the right "type" to be in shape like that."

    I hear that kind of thing all over the boards from other people now. They set their goal for 150 pounds, not because they honestly want to get to 150 pounds those are not the ones I mean!!! But they set it because even though they want to be 125 pounds, they think that "big bones" or "large frames" or whatever is stopping them from ever reaching that goal so they don't even try. It's sad really. How do you know what you can do if you never try?

    And just wanted to reiterate, I am not talking about everyone with that goal or similar ones! But there are some people out there who set their goals high because they honestly think they'll never make it to the lower ones. I used to be that way, too! My goal was 145 pounds. When I got down to 128, I couldn't believe the scale. :bigsmile: But I was proud of myself for trying and achieving!
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    I don't think I have had an excuse other than laziness. I knew deep down that there was something I was doing wrong; I just didn't know what it was.

    Now that I know all I need to know to lose weight, when I don't lose weight I know it's because I'm not executing the plan as I should.
