Weight watchers?

Does any body here do weight watchers? If so how much does it cost and is it working for you?


  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    No real need to do weight watchers. Counting your calories here will do a similar thing... only better. The thing that WW lacks (at least in their points program), is giving people an understanding of macro and micro nutrients. You will still lose weight on that program, but you wont necessarily develop healthier habits for the long term.

    Bottom line is this is an awesome community with great support if you need it. It is simple, sustaniable, smart and best of all... free! Why would you want to look anywhere else? :drinker:

    PS: I am not paid by MFP or any of its subsidiaries :tongue:
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I was doing weight watchers on line. I'm not sure where you live but I'm in Australia & it was $29.95 a month for just on line. I hear they have just made some more changes & to be honest I didn't think it was worth the money in the end. Especially when this app is free.
  • karenhs2
    karenhs2 Posts: 197
    I did WW for a year. I liked it and it worked okay but this site has everything that I liked about it and MORE and it is FREEEEEE.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    My best friend is doing WW and I'm only using MFP. We weighed the same when we started, I've lost 16 pounds; she's lost 9. I know every body is different so everyone will have different results. I know that WW doesn't count any fruit or vegie but I also know those calories can add up.

    Best of luck. If you decide to stick around, we'll be here.
  • eddyca
    eddyca Posts: 153 Member
    I work with a girl who lost 40 pounds in 7 months with Weight Watchers. She swears by it. She doesn't buy the food but she pays for the online food tracker. It costs like $18 a month. I would rather use MFP for free, but that's just me. Weight Watchers seems simpler for beginning dieters who don't know what to set their macronutrient goals to.
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Where I live in Ohio it is you pay on a weekly basis which is $12.00(adds up fast) $11.00 a week if your on insurance like United Health care...anyways last year they changed to the points plus and they are about to change it again I have heard many people I know on the points plus were not thrilled with it, I did the original weight watchers points program at home without meetings (you can order their at home kit) and was successful with losing some weight. Like others said MFP has probably everything their online program does and its free with fantastic community support
  • bmacholiday
    bmacholiday Posts: 296 Member
    Just finished WW at work program. Two-thirds through all I had accomplished was to gain weight. Joined MFP and taking the weight back off. I prefer MFP, I never felt the same degree of support as I do here.