So frustrated!



  • Do weights BEFORE cardio? Why is that may I ask? I've always done it backwards... Ha ha maybe that is what I am doing wrong!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Do weights BEFORE cardio? Why is that may I ask? I've always done it backwards... Ha ha maybe that is what I am doing wrong!

    It's mostly to make sure you're at peak performance during your lifting and prevent injury! I lift better if I'm not exhausted from 40 minutes on the elliptical, haha.

    Also, you just go into your Diary Settings and change it from "private" to "public".
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    What Daffodilsoup said is the most concrete answer. You can put better form and effort into weights if you are fresh.

    I have also read a few versions of this by "experts".

    The main thing is, if something isn't working, don't keep doing it.
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    If you TRULY have tried everything- that means REALLY eating healthy and REALLY working out hard, and absolutely NOTHING has happened I HIGHLY suggest getting your thyroid checked.

    That is what happened to me. I suffered for years working out hard and eating 100% healthy, but it wasn't until I had my thyroid checked and found that it was not functioning right that my whole life changed.

    Now, with my doctor's help, and of course keeping up with workouts and healthy eating, I am able to FINALLY lose weight!

    So, those are my two cents! Best of luck to you!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I haven't lost near the weight a lot of these people have so I they may have better insight, but here are some suggestions.

    1. Cut the cheese :) (yup I work with teenagers). It has a lot of calories and is not filling.
    2. Not so much bread.
    3. Fruits and veggies
    4. Do weights before cardio
    5. Cardio should be alternating speed and incline at a moderate pace
    6. Log everything you eat.

    Hope that helps some.

    THIS. Although 1] I cut out cheese early on just because of calories, but have it back in my diet now because I am eating more calories, working out harder, etc. So don't think you have to live without cheese forever. I love my cheese and there was no way in hell I was giving it up for the rest of my life! lol 2] I try to only eat one type of bread per day and get my carbs from other good sources such as veggies (sweet potatoes, pees, carrots, etc.) and whole grains (rice, corn tortillas, multigrain or whole grain pasta, etc.) You also just have to look for the right types of breads. I love bagels but they're a good 350 calories per. Bagel thins, however are 110 calories! Make sure you buy bread WITHOUT high fructose corn syrup - most of the fancy name brand breads have it in there ... I know Sara Lee has breads without it, as well as Thomas english muffins, Orowheat, etc. I LOVE Orowheat's breads but they're like 100 calories per slice, boo, so I don't buy much of them.

    DEFINITELY more fruits and veggies. Even if you can't get in 4 or 5 servings in, you have to start somewhere. Add some berries to your breakfast... a banana with your eggs, etc. I've become addicted to sweet potatoes so that's usually my starch for dinner, and then I'll eat a cup of broccoli with it, instead of say, chicken, RICE, and broccoli. Much better for you, and DELISH (in my opinion).

    I'm rambling, sorry! Feel free to add me. I'd love to talk to you, and my diary is open to anybody. Judge all you want!! I'm definitely not perfect, but I'm learning :]
  • Chadwick891
    Chadwick891 Posts: 72 Member
    Just to be clear with your terminology, these are not guidelines, they are your opinions.

    My mistake, you are right! They are my opinions.

    Also, I didn't take into account her goal time-frames either, that would've been a good angle to look at and I'll remember that, thanks :)

  • yeah....still don't trust your legitimacy.
  • Hey, I couldn't help but see your post!!

    Look, I'm going to send you an invite to add you - because in a period of 10 weeks I lost close to 40lbs (17.20kg I lost in total) and I am looking to inspire others to help them achieve their goals!

    I would be more than happy to help you along the way and give you advice and hopefully give you the physique you desire at the end of a short period!

    not quite sure how I feel about the legitimacy of this dude....

    LMAO ! I was thinking the same damn thing ! But hey ... ya just never know ! ;)

    Agreed with both. Also, is that healthy?

    You have to trust women's spidey-senses.

    Four pounds a week seems like the Meth Diet...take a bunch of meth and spend 10 weeks dismantling old air conditioners instead of eating.

    I think everyone hits a wall. But you will push through it if you are eating sensibly and exercising.

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    it takes time. you cant lose as fast as you gain lmao stay with it and keep going, you can do it!! :) add me if ya want! :)
  • MJArant
    MJArant Posts: 5 Member
    It does take some time. Just stick to it...and log everything. As for lifting, my thoughts are....lift before if you want to make strength gains...lift after cardio if you wanting to increase endurance and burn more calories.
  • I have lost 30 lbs in 6 weeks and it was purely diet and exercise. No weight loss pills or shots, not starving myself. I just made a drastic change in my diet and exercise routine. It is possible if you are dedicated. But you also have to look at your current weight. Starting out at 260 lbs it is easier for me to drop the weight vice someone who is 150 lbs.
  • I also think you should have your thyroid checked if you are truly eating right and exercising and are getting no results. Good luck with your weight loss. Once you figure out what works for you I'm sure you will do it :)
  • it's definitely not my thyroid I've had that checked multiple times. And it's not muscle mass either LOL I keep getting congratulated on my pregnancy! Oh how embarrassing is that??????
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Thought I'd check back in.... still no open diary. If you really want some assistance you need to be more open.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Everyone's body responds to things differently. So, what works for one person may or may not work for you. The only thing you can do is read articles, listen to people's opinions, DO RESEARCH. Then see what works for you and what doesn't. It takes time and patience to master your own body, but once you do? You'll be thrilled at the progress you make.

    Had I listened to other people and believed what they told as the only way to do it, I would have given up a long time ago.

    My body doesn't respond negatively to carbs, dairy, red meat, sugar, or sodium. My body is ALL about calories in/calories out. I also consume a very large amount of calories (I can maintain my weight consuming around 2500 NET calories!).

    If what you're doing isn't working, don't be afraid to try something else. You never know when you'll hit on something that really works!