need suggestions

I have gained 3lbs in the last few days and I think its due to my period. :sick: I have done pretty good eating and I've been walking 30 min a day for the past 4 days!!! Do you think its water weight?? Does anyone else have this problem, if so how do I overcome it??!!! Its very frustrating when I'm trying to lose weight:angry:


  • leshawnturner
    I have gained 3lbs in the last few days and I think its due to my period. :sick: I have done pretty good eating and I've been walking 30 min a day for the past 4 days!!! Do you think its water weight?? Does anyone else have this problem, if so how do I overcome it??!!! Its very frustrating when I'm trying to lose weight:angry:
  • nyja33
    nyja33 Posts: 15 Member
    Watch your sodium intake during your time of the month. Most women's weight fluctuates at least a little, on a daily basis. Let nature take it's course. It should correct itself in a few days.
  • emtink
    emtink Posts: 387 Member
    agreed. and are you weighing yourself everyday? that didn't work for me, because i'd have weight fluctuations from day to day. i weigh myself once a week and it gives me a better picture of whether or not i'm acutally losing weight. just a thought...