Ever have one of those workouts.....

You hit the snooze button a couple of times....you have all the excuses in the world why today is a good day to skip your planned routine. You finally convince yourself to at least go out and try it...you don't have to beat any records just at least try the routine. Then halfway thru you it hits you....that goose pimply feeling that you are kicking *kitten* and taking names. That feeling you get when you realize your body is capable of more than your mind lets it believe sometimes. That for that workout its not about the number on the scale or "working off" that indulgent meal, its just about your body doing something that feels AMAZING and that you could have missed it all if you had stayed in bed. Well trust me not every workout feels that good but this one did and that feeling, that high is what keeps you coming back. LOVE IT! Have a great day everyone! And hopefully if you were on the fence of whether to skip your workout or not this helped. :)