To try or not to try... getting pregnant.



  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I'd go for it. You both want the baby. Life is too short... next thing you know our ovaries shrivel up. LOL I'm TTC myself right now. It doesn't always happen right away... You can always bounce back.
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    I work at an OBGYN office- I cannot tell you how many people go off the pill before they are ready because they think it will take a while to get pregnant. If you're not ready NOW then stay on. But seriously, I don't know how "ready" anyone can ever be! Having a baby is an amazing experience! Good luck!!!! ♥
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Get pregnant now.
    Why have to lose the weight twice?

    Also, you may get pregnant very quickly, it took us like 5 minutes. I know many people take months or years, but......................
  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    Just because you get pregnant, doesn't mean that you have to gain a ridiculous amount of weight. My first son, I gained under 25 lbs, and my 2nd son, I gained about 17 lbs. Pregnancy does not mean you can get out of control and gain so much weight. I think the ultimate decision about wanting to have a baby now, or wait...should be ultimately up to you and your husband. :bigsmile:

    ^^^^THIS.....I was on BC from 17 years of age to 31 years of age took me and my hubby 8 months to conceive our now 3.5 year old son. I gained 32 lbs. with him (lost 37 of it through breastfeeding) 22 months later had my second son gained 17 lbs with him (lost 23 of it also through breastfeeding).
  • I would wait the 3 months and lose the weight so you have a healthier BMI while pregnant and after.
  • candj2009
    candj2009 Posts: 36 Member
    Went off the pill Nov. 2, 2009. Found out I was pregnant Dec. 2, 2009. I honestly though after 7 years on birth control it would take some time. One of my good friends was off of the pill for 2 years before she got pregnant. Everyone is different and do what is best for you. I went into my 2nd pregnancy about 30 lbs. overweight and it was a lot harder on my back and hips than the first one......
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Long story short..(becuase it really is a long story)...When we FINALLY got pg with my youngest, I had just lost 35 pounds and was at 217, I gave birth at 254...I never had ANY problems during pregnancy...the only problem we faced was an emergency c section, and that was because of his heartrate dropping and not coming back fast enough.

    Our other 2 boys were blessings from the adoption stork.(if it was only so easy) .so I didn't gain weight with them! :)

    I would stay stop the pill now, but thats b/c it took us forever!!

    Either way..its your and your husband decision, best of luck to you!
  • etremoi53
    etremoi53 Posts: 45 Member
    I am with the "you need to decide what is right for you" camp. I have three beautiful children, two of them are fully grown and none of them was exactly "planned" for the right time. With childbirth, planning does not work that often but I am hoping you are able to be pregnant when you want to be. With my last child (age 40) I got pregnant just after losing a substantial amount of weight. I gained more than I should have--about 40 pounds with pregnancy and it never really came off like it did the first two times when I was young. Hence the reason I am on this website 13 years later trying to finally lose the "pregnancy weight" haha!

    I suggest that you are careful not to gain too much when you do get pregnant, to keep your weight gain in whatever range your doctor recommends using all the will power you can muster and to eat the very best diet that you can. You should start to take folic acid though, ahead of time so you can prevent birth defects--but you already know that, being a doctor. Good luck with your decision and on embarking on this fantastic parental journey.
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    FYI - you can plan as much as you want but neither your head nor body will truly be ready for what lies ahead! I wish you the very best of luck and hope you enjoy your journey as much as I have mine! :flowerforyou:
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    What I would ask you....if you do not fall pregnant this month or next (whether you tried or not) will you be disappointed?

    When husband and I where "planning" our last pregnancy we had decided to wait till July, but when we didn't fall pregnant a couple of months later (even though we where trying to prevent) we both admitted we where disappointed. We realized that we had decided to try for a baby which meant we wanted a baby...but for some reason (I cannot remember them) we decided to wait.

    So if you have decided you want to have a baby, will you be content with waiting?
  • ygglove
    ygglove Posts: 102 Member
    Aww, I don't know the answer, but I wish you nothing but the best. I have one child already, and I want another, but I refuse to have one at my weight, so I'm exercising for a baby =). Good luck <3
  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    Lainn - I know what you mean and yes, I think I would be disappointed/worried but I'm a bit of a type A planner and don't like it when things aren't on schedule! Haha my husband is the complete opposite. Very chilled!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I say do what you would like to can still lose weight safely while pregnant. There is nothing that says you have to gain a ton of weight while pregnant......:)
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    mrsgrumpypants - That's what I'm afraid of! I've always thought it would take me a few months but what if I'm super fertile!! I suppose the morning sickness may help with the weight loss! ;)

    hahaha! Yep, I've known quite a few girls who lost soooo much weight in their pregnancy unintentionally, just because they were simply too ill to eat! I have had a really bad tummy since I was little whenever I get sick and I often get sick when I have my period so I'm dreading pregnancy but hoping to be wrong haha!

    I think if you don't want to be pregnant right now but would like to in 2-3 months then don't start now as you might regret it. I think if the only thing holding you back is wanting to lose the weight first then I would just go ahead and start trying. Life is too short to base decisions like this around your weight. Of course, during your pregnancy journey there is nothing to stop you from eating well (not in deficit), working out (as allowed) and feeling great.

    Good luck whatever you decide!
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Lainn - I know what you mean and yes, I think I would be disappointed/worried but I'm a bit of a type A planner and don't like it when things aren't on schedule! Haha my husband is the complete opposite. Very chilled!

    Me too and mine too!
  • I would get down to your goal first. Use it as motivation to start "trying." Fortunately, with my 2 girls, I was in really good shape before getting pregnant, and I got pregnant in the first month of trying, and I had just gotten off of the pill. (yes, I know, some people want to punch me. My friends tell me all the time.) I don't know if being in better shape helps with delivery either. You may know that, being a doctor. I had my first in 6 hours and my second in just under 3. Maybe I'm making it up, but I thinks it's all because my body was physically healthy and ready. Also, you will gain weight while pregnant, and if you are already not at your goal weight, you won't want to see those numbers. :) It's going to be easier to lose the baby weight after if you are at your ideal weight.
    Whatever you decide to do, babies are the BEST! What an exciting time for you and your family!