Went WAY over on cals. What now?

PixieFire Posts: 45
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Oops! I was doing very well yesterday with eating and exercise, until we went to ikea. I don't know what got into me. we stopped for coffee on the way. That set me back 150 cals. Then as we were checking out i couldn't resist the call of the frozen yogurt. Another 150 cals. With everything else i ate yesterday, i'm over 477 cals. So what now? Do i burn an extra 200 cals today then again tomorrow, then 77 the next day and just not eat those exercise cals? Will that put me back on track? Or will it slow my metabolism to only eat 1000 cals in a day? Thanks for listening!



  • Oops! I was doing very well yesterday with eating and exercise, until we went to ikea. I don't know what got into me. we stopped for coffee on the way. That set me back 150 cals. Then as we were checking out i couldn't resist the call of the frozen yogurt. Another 150 cals. With everything else i ate yesterday, i'm over 477 cals. So what now? Do i burn an extra 200 cals today then again tomorrow, then 77 the next day and just not eat those exercise cals? Will that put me back on track? Or will it slow my metabolism to only eat 1000 cals in a day? Thanks for listening!

  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    If it were me, and this happens to me sometimes, I would just look at today as a chance to try again. I don't worry about burning off cals from yesterday, I just learn from it and try to stay in my limit today. I think as long as you don't make a habit out of it you will be ok.
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    I say start today like its a new day :) One day won't set you back too badly. It would take a week of days like that just for you to maintain your weight and then a week of double the overage just for you to gain 1 pound. (3500 calories to gain; -3500 to lose a pound).

    A little extra exercise wouldn't hurt though! Go for an extra long walk today or something :happy:

    Have a great day, and better luck today! :flowerforyou:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Oops! I was doing very well yesterday with eating and exercise, until we went to ikea. I don't know what got into me. we stopped for coffee on the way. That set me back 150 cals. Then as we were checking out i couldn't resist the call of the frozen yogurt. Another 150 cals. With everything else i ate yesterday, i'm over 477 cals. So what now? Do i burn an extra 200 cals today then again tomorrow, then 77 the next day and just not eat those exercise cals? Will that put me back on track? Or will it slow my metabolism to only eat 1000 cals in a day? Thanks for listening!


    Go for a nice brisk walk so that you dont have this on your mind..for me there is nothing worse than thinking I have gone over or failed myself in some way...even if its cold outside bundle up and just walk a few blocks..you will feel refreshed and like new with no guilt!! :drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    It happens just move forward today is a new day! Sometimes a spike one day is a good thing to shock the system a bit...

    You can do it - smart choices today for a better tomorrow!
  • Bug263
    Bug263 Posts: 90 Member
    if you go 1000 cals for one day it really won't affect you, it's when you do it consistently that it becomes a problem (starvation). But if it were me i wouldn't do 1000 cals just do your regular routine, you a least addressed the fact that you fell off the wagon for a day, just get back on and keep on pushing. it's hard in the beginning, but as you go it gets easier to remember the reasons you started in the first place especially when you start to see results. just keep going and in a few weeks you'll start feeling and looking better, also we all have our bad days don't let it get you down, good luck.
  • gabrielled
    gabrielled Posts: 247 Member
    One day at a time--just like the AA motto. You bombed yesterday. So what? Get up today, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, and move on. Promise yourself that today you will pass on the coffee and the yogurt. Promise yourself you will do the best you can TODAY. That is what you should focus on--TODAY, not yesterday, not tomorrow. Just do what you can to be healthier today. If today is a workout day, try to burn a little more than usual. If you don't, you don't. Just fulfill today's requirement, and if you can do a bit more, do it. Good luck, keep going, and just think of Edison: "I have not failed. I have just discovered 10,000 ways that don't work."
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    I say just forget about it. What happens if you don't make it up tomorrow or the next day? Then you start beating yourself up over that. Pretty soon you just say, "The heck with it!" and stop trying. Better off to just move on. IMO.
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    The good news is that if you have your calorie deficit set to lose 1 lbs per week, you are pretty much maintaining if you go up to 500 calories "over." So, you shouldn't see any effect.

    There's really no problem in taking a maintenance day from time to time. Sure, it will slow your weight loss, but it won't make you gain weight.

    So take a deep breath, and try to find a cup of coffee you like that has less than 150 calories! Even a 50 calorie tall misto with skim milk will save you 100 calories per coffee - If you have one every day you could lose an extra 1/5 lbs per week! Small changes make a big difference!
  • I myself would take an extra walk for the day, or do a bit of extra excercise to make up. Take the stairs instead of the elevator... just something small. :flowerforyou:
  • MrsMMeyer
    MrsMMeyer Posts: 19 Member
    I did the same yesterday, but today is a new day and the beginning of lent. I gave up beer, bread, potatoes, and pasta (all of my favorites). I think that will aid in my weight loss, and if I screw up I just remind myself that tomorrow is another day and another chance and somewhere out there someone has it much worse than I do. good luck to you. :wink:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • I plan most my meals out prior to the day start on this. If I want something and I know I will go over I set a 45 minute workout to earn those extra calories. If I go over by accident... and I am aware of it before the end of the day, a workout,,, can sometimes take out 500 calories you went over.
    Don't know who else does this but if anything it motivates me to excercise to earn some treats time to time.
  • Put the "bad" day behind you and start from scratch the next day. If you're too hard on yourself too many times, you're likely to become frustrated and possibly throw in the towel.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • WOW! Thank you all very much for all the advice and support. To those of you who told me not to dwell on it, you are right. It never helps anyone to focus on the negative. The truth is, I was not beating myself up about it, these things happen. I am just really focused on what I want. I want that one pound gone at the end of my week! So here's the good news. Due to a late lunch I have 268 cals left for today and i'm not hungry at all. Food doesn't even sound good. I think it will be pretty easy for me to get my weekly net cals right back on track. And if not, no big deal. There is always next week.

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    start excercising!:laugh: :tongue:
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