Is your diet making your skin better or worse?



  • My skin is better. Less spots and much softer. I think it's probably down to the water I drink now not the food I eat
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    Even if it is hormones though, some peoples hormones are out of whack at a higher weight. So Eating better and drinking water cause you to lose weight which could cause your hormones to level out and clear up your skin. That is how it worked for me.
  • ambercanfly
    ambercanfly Posts: 150 Member
    Since starting my diet by skin is looking SO MUCH BETTER.
    I drink 9+ glasses of water every day.
    I try to eat as clean as possible (makes a big difference, I'll break out when I eat crap)
    I take vitamins every day

    If you're doing those things I'm sure you'll skin will slowly start to look better. Good luck!
  • flisafakto
    flisafakto Posts: 143 Member
    Thank you so much for all the input! It's interesting to see how the changes affect different people.

    When I've taken from this is that water definitely helps! Eating better probably means getting more nutrients and natural good stuff, as opposed to processed food deprived of any vitamins etc.

    Working out a lot more (and by this I mean sweating more) has probably affected my skin. I'm just not sure how yet... I think I got eczema for the first time, under my left eye and down my right temple and cheek. It cleared up with some hydrocortisone but it was a brand new thing for me! I'm still not sure if it was diet/exercise that did it though, it could just as easily have been a new face product.

    I still get pimples, and my pores are HUGE and tend to get clogged, but somehow I feel like I've seen less of the tiny little bumps I usually get around my chin. Hopefully it keeps clearing up!