I will try asking again

I have started the xmas festivities early and have been eating lots of chocolate but staying within my calorie allowance. Will this make me gain weight or does it not matter as i am not over on my cals. I do feel bloated and tummy looks bigger but as I explained earlier Im not sure if thts due to TOM or the way I have been eating. I have still been exercising 3/4 times a a week. If it is the TOM causing it how loong should the bloatong last. Hope I get some replies this time.


  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    As long as you're staying within your caloric allowances, you won't be gaining weight from chocolate. If it's your TOM, there will definitely be bloating - it varies in women and can go from 0 to 5 pounds of water weight in the stomach area easily. Don't worry about it! Just keep to your schedule of exercise and keep on counting calories, and you'll be right on track. Good for you for working chocolate in and logging it accordingly! I applaud you and good luck with the holidays!
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    It doesn't matter really where your calories come from when it comes to a calorie deficit. As long as you have one, you will still lose weight and not gain. Just try and make healthy choices that your body needs as best you can during this time.