Make Way For A New ME!!

Hey everyone! I'm fairly new to this site, but may I say that I absolutely LOVE it! I've lost about 10 pounds and have about 55 more to go to my goal! And that goal has never looked more reachable. I have been overweight my entire life and finally was getting down, I was only about 10 pounds away from my goal weight when I got married and had a baby. Man! I don't know what you guys craved when you were pregnant, but for me it was cold cereal, pancakes, Ben and Jerry's ice-cream (the 1000 calories a pint kind, that's right) and three-muskateers candy bars. Bad news. So my baby is almost a year old and I've gotten tired of wearing giant t-shirts every day because I feel ugly in everything else. So how about you? What inspired you to take charge? For me, even though he says I'll always be beautiful to him, I want to feel attractive to my husband again.
