I need some motivation/help!

I'm stressing out over the holidays and we still have 3 days until christmas. I've been home from uni for 6 days and my weight has gone up 5.5lbs. Now, I'm not completely irrational, I would allow myself minor fluctuations but that seems like a lot, my jeans are too tight and I'm feeling bloated and generally rubbish. I know my diary from the last week hasn't been great. Usually I am much better but its the holidays, I'm around all the tempting food from home and I'm doing the best I can, trying not to have a net intake thats too high but I'm freaking out. Sorry to rant, but does anyone have any comments or suggestions or annnnnnything? I'd be unbelievably grateful!!!


  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Water. Lots and lots of water! (not sure if you're drinking, but you're not logging)

    Don't worry too much. If you're bloated it's probably water weight. You don't track sodium so I don't know if you're over on that, but you seem to be eating out.

    It's only a week or two. From what you've put on your diary you're not that much over so it can't be fat.

    I would suggest logging everything and not just 'quick add' It's OK for a once off, but not every meal.
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    No stress necessary :)
    Moderate the cakes, food you make and just enjoy the holiday. This is what I am doing and got through Halloween, Thanksgiving with no gain so far :)))

    This is my site if you are interested:
  • Read my blog. I've put a lot of information on it. I talk about motivation. I know what you are going through. I've lost 145 pounds in the past 21 months. Motivation is not a problem for me.
    I wish you success.
