How do you get the ball rolling?

tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
Like most, I've tried losing weight before, plateaued, got frustrated and gave up. I'm 33 now, though, and I know I need to make this happen. I'm not happy being achy all the time, and I know the extra weight is making me feel older than I am.

I'm not great at working out on my own, but have done well in the past with a gym membership. So I've gotten back into a gym on a long-term contract and found the myfitnesspal app for my droid. I've been tracking for about a week, and see that I'm generally not that bad with what I'm eating -- which is why, probably, I tend to stay about the same weight (246).

I guess that's the long intro into my real question. How do I get the weight to start coming off and keep coming off? I'm going to the gym, on average, 6 days a week for about an hour and change each time. I've been working a lot on the bike, because I've got bad knees that make a lot of the other equipment tough to do without pain. I can generally hit about 500 calories burned after an hour right now. Is that too low? Any tips or hints that you guys remember from when you were first starting? Maybe some good, filling foods that won't kill my calorie intake limit?

(Because, what's so frustrating, the food that's best for you seems to be worst on the checkbook. So I'm always trying to walk that line of healthy and affordable.)


  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    How many calories are you taking in a day? I can't see your diary so I don't know how well you're eating. Burning 500 calories should be more than enough. You should be able to lose if you eat well, and exercise. Just don't under-eat or stock up on junk.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Well, MFP has me at 2090 a day, and I've been coming in right around there during the week I've been using it -- so, I expect, the few weeks before when I started at the gym I was eating about there, too. But in the last two weeks, I've not lost anything, which is frustrating.

    (I think I changed the diary setting ... still figuring out this program. I've not been keeping up with tracking my workouts or water intake very well on here. that's something I suppose I need to do better, too.)
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    How many pounds a week is your weight loss set to? Perhaps you accidental set it to maintainance?
    Otherwise wait at least one more week before you worry about changing things.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    At 2090 a day you'd probably be losing very slowly depending on how big you are. Try dropping it down to around 1500-1700 a day for a week to see if you lose any.
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    Also you asked for food suggestions - If you love green vegetables you should cook up

    garden peas
    snap peas
    snow peas
    and cover them with mint.

    Itś so quick and easy and also totally delicious and you can eat soooo much of it.
    Also if you have the spare calories throw some feta in there as well.
    My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 593 Member
    Not to be all judgey cuz I don't always eat the best either, but since you asked and your diet is public.... You eat a lot of processed foods and drink soda on what seems to be a daily basis. I know it can be hard to figure out how to buy healthy food on a budget but beans & rice (dried) are inexpensive. Frozen veggies go on sale all the time. Wheat bread instead of white (not a huge difference, but better-ish).

    I know there are many people who argue it is calories in & calories out and it doesn't matter what you eat, but I know for me personally 1500 cals a day of junk = less weight loss than 1500 cals a day of healthier foods.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    How many pounds a week is your weight loss set to? Perhaps you accidental set it to maintainance?
    Otherwise wait at least one more week before you worry about changing things.

    I've got it set at 1 lb per week. Should it be higher, then, you guys think?
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Not to be all judgey cuz I don't always eat the best either, but since you asked and your diet is public.... You eat a lot of processed foods and drink soda on what seems to be a daily basis. I know it can be hard to figure out how to buy healthy food on a budget but beans & rice (dried) are inexpensive. Frozen veggies go on sale all the time. Wheat bread instead of white (not a huge difference, but better-ish).

    I know there are many people who argue it is calories in & calories out and it doesn't matter what you eat, but I know for me personally 1500 cals a day of junk = less weight loss than 1500 cals a day of healthier foods.

    I welcome judgey! I'm just starting this thing, and I definitely need help.

    The soda is something that's a (bad) habit that I'm working to break. I've been actually cutting way down and shifting to diet as much as possible. While I know that cuts the calories out, there is obviously still sugar and whatnot in there. But thought, at least for short-term, it was a better option, no? (I've been getting awful headaches as I work to cut back the caffeine, which isn't fun.)

    I generally do eat cracked wheat, which I've found I actually like. So that's good, just because I've before really only liked white bread.

    But you're right, I think, in that what the calories are found in matters. That's my biggest struggle. It's hard to buy a completely separate menu than my wife and little kiddo, and we're usually pretty tight monthly. That's so frustrating, because I know the pre-packaged, processed foods aren't as good for you, but they are much cheaper and easier.

    Sorry if all of this is silly questions and that ... but I've tried doing this on my own several times before, and it just didn't work. Not long-term, anyway. (Tried the Atkins thing years back ... worked pretty well as far as weight loss, but I felt miserable all the time, actually, which eventually led me to abandon that.) So hoping to find some folks here that can help.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    The soda is something that's a (bad) habit that I'm working to break. I've been actually cutting way down and shifting to diet as much as possible. While I know that cuts the calories out, there is obviously still sugar and whatnot in there. But thought, at least for short-term, it was a better option, no? (I've been getting awful headaches as I work to cut back the caffeine, which isn't fun.)

    I feel your pain! I cut mine right down and besides the first two weeks of hell I was getting horrific migraines for about four months. Thank God they seem to have finished.

    Looking at your diary I'm not seeing a lot of fruit and veg there. That will let you eat more and keep you filled. I have around 400 cals less than you but am eating a lot more. (last week isn't too good as I'm at my parents and don't have much control as I'd like)

    My big advice water, water, water. You might need to force it down at first, I did. It's made me feel SO MUCH BETTER. It's awesome.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Are fruits high in calories? I know they are in sugar ... though, obviously, better than processed sugar. But, sadly, I'm not a huge veggie fan. Never have been. I have the few basic staples I can go to, but my taste doesn't branch too far.

    I know I need to up water -- which is better than is shown on here. I keep forgetting to update that. I probably get about half of what I need regularly. Hoping to shift soda intake into water intake. I love iced tea ... would that work to drink that? It is basically just water, yeah?

    I'm a second-shift guy, so have to bring my dinner and a snack to work. Snack-wise, I've been trying to use sunflower seeds. They are seeming to work well, and I don't think they're awful for me.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Are fruits high in calories? I know they are in sugar ... though, obviously, better than processed sugar. But, sadly, I'm not a huge veggie fan. Never have been. I have the few basic staples I can go to, but my taste doesn't branch too far.

    No. I think a punnet of strawberries (250g) is under 100 calories. Apples, oranges, pears and so on are all similar. They're ALL less than one chocolate bar.

    Even if they were they are GOOD calories. It's OK to eat good calories even if they're higher in cals than some things.

    Fruit is awesome :)

    One thing my mother did to learn to like veggies (I honestly love them. I was eating broccoli and Brussels sprouts at 10. Veggies are awesome!) was smother them in sauce while she ate them. It at least gets you used to the taste. Unless you're gagging on them you can eat them. I 'hated' pumpkin for years. HATED it. Until my ex (who loves it) decided he was going to convert me. He started with pumpkin soup. I like that. So I started getting mashed pumpkin. Now I can eat it. It's still not my favorite food but I can enjoy it with other veggies. (and I will never eat tomatoes. The smell makes me nauseous)
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I've generally started having oatmeal for breakfast. seems to fill me up pretty well, and is one of the healthier options out there, I figure. so I think I have that meal set. it's the rest of the day I'm struggling with. ha!

    I like yogurt ... maybe start bringing some of that to work for snacking, along with some fruit/veggies? what's the difference between plain ol' American yogurt and that greek yogurt everyone seems to be talking about?
  • georgia98_98
    georgia98_98 Posts: 123 Member
    I read a few of the other replys but not all... I have been on my weight loss train altogether 2 1/2 months... MFP 2 months... I to am a soda drinker.... I have my MFP set to 2 lbs. a week... I weigh 246 lbs 5'7" my cal. intake is 1390... I start off the day w/ a large brown egg or two depends... along with a pc. of toast (white) w/ I can't belive it's not better spray... 8 oz of sunny d... great in caluicm... Lunch is yogret or even a grilled cheese w/ my water, then supper is whatever I cook, but limtied since, I am cooking for the hubby and 2 kids.. BUT I HAVE MY COKE that is 140 cal.. heehehehehe.... I don't eat healthy either... To b honest w/ u when I did try my wallet took a hit, PLUS after 3 months of eating some of that healthy stuff I got tired and bored... I have lost 13 altogther & can say honestly that I am not bring myself down by being unhappy in the things I eat... I try not to eat REALLY bad things, BUT there again I don't deni myself things either... THAT WOULD BE the same old same old... the I would go back to the boring and not happy, why diet I am done thing/me!!! I excuse 3 days a week & working up to 4 days... I to have BAD KNEES... So when u come up with a answer on that one let me know... The treadmill will kill your knee, mine does anyways... Someone told me the Elliptical Trainer is easy on the knees.. I don't really know though... Great luck...:wink:
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Honestly have no idea. I like my strawberry flavoured no fat yogurt. (Australian brand) Greek yogurt is more expensive and tastes icky. So I stick with my 'non-clean' stuff.

    If you like oatmeal, fantastic! Stick with that. Apples, oranges, kiwi fruit (do you get that in America?) are my main go-to's. if the strawberries are cheap enough I'll get them too. I would like to eat more bananas but they're still really exxy here after the floods in Queensland (I think it was up to $20/kg at one point) but they're coming down again so I'll get them again soon.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    ... I to have BAD KNEES... So when u come up with a answer on that one let me know... The treadmill will kill your knee, mine does anyways... Someone told me the Elliptical Trainer is easy on the knees.. I don't really know though... Great luck...:wink:

    what I've been using with pretty good results and no pain, actually, is the recumbent bike. I can go for an hour on that and have no knee pain. I can go on the arc trainer for like 15 and can't keep it up.
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Drink at least 64 oz to 100 oz of water a day. Moderate the foods you eat, here is some help, idea:

    Workout 6 times a week for 30 min at least:
    here is some free site:

    It takes 80% of healthy eating and only 20% of workout to lose weight.
    Feel free to add me or ask me anything :)

    Good luck!
  • melbaby925
    I checked out your diary and agree with some of the other posters, I would add in more veg and fresh fruit (google low glycemic foods, and check out the fruit offerings there).

    I read something recently that has me changing what I eat as well: It's not that you are what you eat, it is that you are with what you DO with what you eat.

    You're consuming a boat-load of carbs. That means a bunch of sugar unless your fiber intake is sky high, so you might want to cut that down to less than 100g/carbs per day and make those carbs of the beans, soluble fiber/whole grain variety. Which means cutting out on the lasagna and eliminating the oatmeal.

    Also, I have read that if you have lots of protein in the a.m., you will tend to not crave carbs as much throughout the day. That has worked for me pretty well - those days that I start the day with toast and/or oatmeal, I tend to want more sweet things. The days where I have a low carb/low sugar protein shake or eggs and turkey sausage, I tend to eat healthier and not crave the sweets as much.

    Good luck finding the right path for you - don't stress yourself out and take your time to find what fits your body best.
  • georgia98_98
    georgia98_98 Posts: 123 Member
    I will have to try that one.. I guess I 2 need to get a gym membership... if I am paying for it, I would most likely use it, :-)
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    You might like to try non-fat or low-fat plain yogurt with cut-up apple chunks and a small handful of walnuts. 10 walnut halves are 120 cals or so, so don't overdo it, but the yogurt/fruit/nuts thing is one of the most wonderful foods. Give it a shot! You'll get used to no sugar in the yogurt once you start tasting how sweet the apple is. Good luck! Keep posting, all of the great folks here will help.
  • georgia98_98
    georgia98_98 Posts: 123 Member
    Also, I have read that if you have lots of protein in the a.m., you will tend to not crave carbs as much throughout the day. That has worked for me pretty well - those days that I start the day with toast and/or oatmeal, I tend to want more sweet things. The days where I have a low carb/low sugar protein shake or eggs and turkey sausage, I tend to eat healthier and not crave the sweets as much.

    I agree.. when I have my egg(s).. I don't seem to have the sweet tooth affect.... ;-)