Skinny Fat Diet?



  • stronglikebull
    What's a good diet plan for a skinny fat person to build muscle and lose the excess fat?

    ~20% caloric surplus, at least 1g protein/lb of body weight, complex carbs like oats and lentils, plenty of fats, heavy compound lift routine no more than 3x/week. look into starting strength or stronglifts 5x5.

    You answered for me :)

    Except if he is relatively happy with his current weight then 20% surplus may be a tad excessive. For bulking, I only go 10-15% but I prefer a slow bulk.

    You can fit "dirty" carbs into the diet no problem as well but you don't get the same macronutrients as you do from "clean" ones obviously.

    hence the "~" :p
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    aaah, didn't know that one :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I believe people are misunderstanding your question?? You consider yourself skinny fat and are trying to become healthier, right?

    :) I vote high protein, smart carbs, and strength training.

    Circuit training will kill more calories and get you there faster.

    This is so easy to type. Why can't I do it? Haha. But anyways, enough about me, good luck to you!!

    This is it! No white carbs! NO SUGAR! (if only I would stick with that.....)

    Apples are white carbs. Just saying. Food racism is bad.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    This is it! No white carbs! NO SUGAR! (if only I would stick with that.....)

    This is not true.

    And it's racist :tongue:
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    High Protein, I aim for about 1 gram per lb of lean body weight

    Good calorie levels, not to low, as you need extra to build muscle

    Lift heavy, a good program that rotates through all muscle groups regularly, resting each group every other day. I personally use P90X, but you can find many great programs online, so you do not have to use that program, though it is a good one.

    You do not need to eat 100% clean, nor avoid all "white" carbs and sugars. You can still build muscle with them in your diet, still be healthy with them - I am a perfect example. Some people do find "they" need to eat 100% clean, or avoid all "whites" - but if you are generally healthy, without a medical reason to do so - you will find you can still get good results without that restriction.

    I make good food choices, and aim for nutrient dense food choices, because I have macro levels I want to meet daily, and I only have so many calories to work with a day. Sio I need bang for my buck.

    But I also eat some "white" carbs and white sugars, occasional junk food, cookies and pizza, a soda, pasta, processed foods, etc.

    Just use common sense and moderation, and stay within your calorie and macro ranges. See what works well for your body, your lifestyle.

    I personally do not avoid any food groups.

    I even have a free day once a week, where I often have all kinds of "bad" things. :)

    Lost 60 lbs total. After slaking off on diet and exercise for a year or so, I did gain some back, which I am re-losing now.

    I have a good amount of muscle, my blood numbers are great, I am losing fat, and inches. Gaining in strength ever week.