The '**** the Diet, it's Christmas baby & I'll do what I wan

yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
Actual Thread title: The **** The Diet, it's Christmas baby & I'll do what I want' thread

Anyone else as excited by this as I am?

The fact I don't gorge anymore has added even more allure to the whole thing, I look forward to stuffing my face full of all sorts of treats and sipping on some of the unhealthiest liqours money can buy! Now I know a lot of people will want to continue their diet but this topic is for those of us who don't and want to embrace gluttony even if it is only once a year (twice if you're American, Thanksgiving)

So get your knives and forks ready and tell me and all the others what you look forward to putting down your gullett this Christmas.

For me, Baileys + Coffee with Whipped Cream and a Flake!

PS: Please don't make this a debate thread, I understand why people don't want to do this sort of thing & I totally respect that but I'm not that sort of person, as the thread suggest it's for those of us who are going to pig out OINK OINK


  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    :smooched: Well im not hoping to gourge LOL BUT in saying that, a pudding of some sort and maybe a truffle or 2 wouldnt go amiss.
  • winter_vixen
    winter_vixen Posts: 27 Member
    Definitely plenty of fruit mince pies, some amazing seafood that mum's cooking for christmas lunch and the obvious millions of chocolate, wine and Bailey's that is usually consumed!

    Bring on a Christmas where you can really treat yourself without being worried about putting on weight! :) WAHOO!
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    Definitely plenty of fruit mince pies, some amazing seafood that mum's cooking for christmas lunch and the obvious millions of chocolate, wine and Bailey's that is usually consumed!

    Bring on a Christmas where you can really treat yourself without being worried about putting on weight! :) WAHOO!

    During Christmas it is only unhealthy if it's not cooked properly, everything else is fair game ;) Hell I'd probably drink Bleach if it had a festive flavour
  • Whatever's there, I'll eat it!:bigsmile:
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    im gonna cheat my *kitten* off, calling Christmas a cheat day so i can eat eat eat lol
  • Definitely plenty of fruit mince pies, some amazing seafood that mum's cooking for christmas lunch and the obvious millions of chocolate, wine and Bailey's that is usually consumed!

    Bring on a Christmas where you can really treat yourself without being worried about putting on weight! :) WAHOO!

    During Christmas it is only unhealthy if it's not cooked properly, everything else is fair game ;) Hell I'd probably drink Bleach if it had a festive flavour
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    lol, my Christmas dinner is turkey with all the trimmings (no healthy option boiled potatoes, must be roasted), followed by mince pies with cream, cheescake, apple tart with cream, and chocolate. All that washed down with a lot of pina colada (weird I know)... oh, and I've got two celebration tins too... and a chocolate log...
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    Cheese muffins for brekkie, along with buck's fizz
    full veggie christmas dinner including pudding and custard
    buffet style dinner with loads of party food - think cheese, pastry and maybe a salad for some colour!
    All interspersed with copious amounts of different types of alcohol.

    I said i will log it all just so i can shock myself! My aim by logging is to keep it in my mind that I'm not going mad, just allowing myself things I wouldn't normally. Before I would just shovel it all down regardless of whether I'm hungry. I think that has changed......Will let you know on Boxing Day!
  • inge88
    inge88 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm in!!!
    My boyfriend's mum just said: "Oh Inge won't eat that much because she is being healthy." Well, she'd better not watch my plate! And lots of wine!
    Oh and did I mention that I just ate 8 Lindt Lindor chocolates.. never had them before but OMG they are the best ever! Maybe i'll just have number 9... it's almost Xmas after all :)
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    If you cant forget the diet for a couple of days at christmas when can you!!! :D

    bring it on i say!

  • El_Rapido
    El_Rapido Posts: 97 Member
    Warm mince pies, with a HUGE dollop of Courvoisier infused thick double cream.

    Turkey, beef, pigs in blankets, gammon, roast potatoes and stuffing in a gravy lake, bollocks to the veggies!

    Half a tin of Quality Street.

    A case (or 2) of Old Speckled Hen.

    Bring on the gluttony! :)
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    i feel like this but iv also trained myself to be quite reluctant to gorge... i know now when im full and i know when to stop. .... after maybe 3 or 4 mince pies and 5 or 6 glasses of brandy :o)
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    I know it seems a waste...but I have been exercising a lot more this week in pending of xmas. I think I will be doing the same next week to make up for it LOL. The problem that I have (and I suppose alot of others) is the days after! So a cheat day is a great opportunity. BUT I have to remember to hide or throw or dodge the rest of the left overs so Im not eating till long after New Years! Hmm maybe a trifle also would be yummy...oh and some!~
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member

    For me, Baileys + Coffee with Whipped Cream and a Flake!

    Baileys and coffee..yuuuuummmm! Will be indluging in this as well christmas eve. Christmas night i work so i can't then. poo

    Turkey, homemade baked mac and cheese (its a southern thang;) ), rolls, sausage balls, pie, French cookies. Oh yea, i will be a glutinous fool and i don't mind. It is just one day.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Yeah, I don't really care what I eat....cookies are going to be entering my belly by the well as pie.
  • krypt5
    krypt5 Posts: 243 Member
    Going on an ultimate binge. Not a single **** is given.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    We are already getting our Christmas on this week and I managed a 6lb loss! I'm loving the Christmas flavours and smells! I'm making Khalua Christmas mousse and will definately be having some! I'm pretty sure my goose fat roast pots are a one off treat too but I will enjoy responsibly! Happy Christmas everyone!

    Ooh as a side note! It will be interesting to see if people manage to break their plateaus with the 'holiday calorie spike' it might encourage more people to stop starving the weight off!
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I haven't decided yet for completely pigging out or at least somewhat sticking to my calorie goal-However, I will be fighting my family members with forks for my mamaw's turkey dumplings. She makes them in a giant pot and I could easily consume half of said pot.
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    I'm not sure I can gorge anymore (or really want to), but I will be having a breakfast of bacon and sausages, dinner of goose and roasted veg (in the goose fat, of course), and munch all day on homemade Chex Mix and the Lindt Lindor Truffles hubby better put in my stocking!
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Not completely pigging out but am not going to stress if those little extras jump into my mouth......

    Have a good one!!! :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Sue :smile: x