Hello! (also, any unemployed or broke people here?)


Not first time to fitness pal but wanting a fresh start in the New Year :)

Things will be harder getting started this time as having recently graduated I’m still out of permanent work. This means I no longer have my nice cheap student gym membership, have less of a routine and money to spend on the right food and am generally less motivated to exercise and eat right whilst getting in applications.

However, rather than using this as an excuse, I want to take whatever steps I can take now to getting healthier that I can. It means I have to be patient and accept progress will be slow for the time being.

If anyone is or has lost weight whilst in a similar position I’d love to get your advice/support/friend requests.


  • vtate75
    vtate75 Posts: 221 Member
    I am not out of work and I do have a membership to a gym, but we are constantly strapped for money in my family. My husband and I have four kids and are both teachers...so you can do that math. I just joined a gym after 2 years away, and my advice is to still schedule regular workouts for yourself. Jog or walk for a set period of time. Do lunges, crunches, squats, etc. My next door neighbor is a very in shape woman, and she does not go to a gym at all. You can do it!
  • hello and welcome hope you have a great day Sorry I have a job too but i dont belong to a gym I jst do alot of walking at work and play with the kids and grand kids alot so far seems to be helping but its just me but good luck I feel for oyou have been there before witha family of 5 and didnt get any help anywhere
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    Not unemployed but have a new job with half the pay and living a very tight pay check to pay check, not wanting to lose my home!
    My plan for the new year is to get out and walk, use my wii more!
    For food I will be making soup's I can freeze, so a little money to make a few lunches or dinners.
    Where there's a will there's a way, :flowerforyou:
  • Pdschurig
    Pdschurig Posts: 56 Member
    I do have a job, but hey money is tight and I do not have a gym membership (and have not had one since I left my previous employer 4 years ago since they paid for half). I have lost 52 #s in the last year and a half doing yoga and step. For the yoga I had videos (think youtube) and for the step I can watch anything on tv. Just be creative and you can get some great ideas for workouts on youtube. Good luck!
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    Hey well my situation: unemployed and going to school full-time. I am married have a son and a stepson. We do not have the "extra" money to go out and get a gym membership. So I workout at home. I went to my moms and got her old 5 lb hand weights, and went to walmart and got 30 day shred (jillian michaels). I also to save money will go to aldi's for grocery shopping because until the snow picks up we are way tight. (my husband on top of this job also does lawncare and snow removal. You do not need a gym membership to lose weight at all!
    I have been eating my allowed calories sometimes less and working out at home and drinking water. I have been on this site for roughly 22/23 days and have lost 5 lbs so far!
    Also, in the past I weighed 145 and went down to 118 without a gym membership and to be honest exercising... believe it or not, you can do it!!! (after I got down to 118 I got pregnant with mine and my husbands son, and that is why I am dieting again to get rid of the excess left over weight.... from a year ago :P).
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I have a job, but I'm so broke, it hurts. Yet i chose to live in one of the most expensive cities in the world. You can tell how long it's been since my last pay day by see what I'm eating in my food diary, lol. It's pathetically hilarious :)

    It's easy to eat healthy with little money. Rice, beans, eggs are pretty cheap and I find fruit and veg to be very cheap if you buy it at an off license or the markets as opposed to grocery store. I've lost 50 lbs in 4 months with no gym membership, it can be done! I walk a lot!! Got a monthly pass to the pool down the road for £10! Super excited about it!
  • SlowlyFighting
    SlowlyFighting Posts: 34 Member
    I was in a similar situation last year. I had started uni, couldn't hack it (still not sure why really) and became depressed, as a result I moved back home, quitting everything in mid-December, until in May this year when a girl I had been friends with when I was younger - until I turned into a complete ***** (still regret it) and didn't want to be friends any more - asked me if I wanted to go to the gym with her. So I started that, began beating my depression and weight, and since then have got a new job (just general admin work in an office, but not bad for an unqualified 19-year-old!) and have lost about a stone and a half!

    I've joined here to help motivate me into finishing my weight-loss journey and feel better!

    The job situation for you is grim, my job is probably only mine because it's far beneath graduates, so I wish you the best of luck!
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    I am way older than you, I'll be 63 next week, but I am basically unemployed and do not belong to a gym - can't afford it. I work 3 days @ 4 hrs per day as a Professional Caregiver and live off that small income along with my Social Security. My DH passed away January 2010 with no insurance and tons of medical/hospital bills after not working for two years. So I can relate to little money and making it. Eating healthy does not have to break the bank if we choose wisely. It is harder because your financial situation has changed but it is still doable.

    As far as exercise & working out you don't need a fancy gym. Contact your city hall and see if they offer a gym membership for residents, if you live in an apartment many of those offer gym equipment, find a friend and walk every day 1 - 5 miles or whatever your abilities are, get a Zumba DVD set and work out with that - I have it and it is awesome, Weight Watchers has some awesome exercise DVDs, and there are many others available. Check out pawn shops & garage sales for used equipment small enough to use at home.

    Change is always a challenge for me and I can see where your lifestyle changes are a challenge for you but you have accomplished good things and you can do this. Keep up the good work.
  • Thanks everyone for the responses, reminds me why I like MFP!

    Being a student I’m used to (trying, not always succeeding when deadlines near!) to eating right on tight budget. But staying at parent’s or friends houses when I get temp work means I don’t really have access to my own kitchen at the moment, and therefore it’s not as easy to do things like making my own soups (which I love! Stroken96, I recommend any soup with butternut squash and chilli, Delicious, filling, and perfect for winter).

    Re exercising at home I do own hand weights, but since I have been moving location allot lately and can’t really lug them around with me. Also, the weather has been a bit unpleasant to attempt running. In the end I splashed out my christmas money on a 3 month offer the local fitness centre, giving me access to a gym, pool and fitness classes and worked for me in terms of money and lack of long term commitment needed :)

    Thanks for the ideas and support, I hope everyone had a good holiday!
  • Meg_85
    Meg_85 Posts: 43
    I'm a graduate student and work 1 day a week so $$ is very limited. I have a $10 a month gym membership at Planet Fitness (no frills but it has equipment you need. If that isn't an option check out your local library, I know ours has work out DVD's you can rent for 3 weeks at a time. It is also nice because once you get bored with one type of work out you can switch it up. :smile:
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I'm unemployed and broke as well. Had to quit my job so I could student teach last spring and once that ended I've been s.o.l. on the job front. I refuse to give up my gym membership as working out makes me happy, and I really need that to combat the suckyness of not working! Feel free to add me if you want. Always looking for cheap meal ideas :wink:
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    Not unemployed, but BROKE! Just got done with my undergrad and am spending all my $$$$ applying to grad school, dietetic internships, tuition etc.. and I only work part-time at a hospital in an office job. I can't give up my gym membership though - it keeps me sane!
  • taylorbrown1792
    taylorbrown1792 Posts: 129 Member
    Unemployed AND a student : / no gym for me so me and the boyfriend is investing a good portion of our cash into home gym materials (Weighted vests, weights, jump ropes, etc.) it's helping and plus we can go running anytime we want. A have a loan to pay off so my money goes directly to my payments. At least we have t.v. yoga and my meditation.
  • I'm a stay at home mom with a new baby.. Who's daddy works out of town for 2 weeks at a time. :( So with 1 income we can't afford gym memberships, and being in a new town I have no one I know (or trust, really) to watch the baby for me to get a good workout in.. So my workouts are all body-weight exercises and attempts to get cardio done in doors while the baby naps.. And I would LOVE new friends who do what they can without the luxury of having a gym membership..
  • Good to see other broke people refusing to give up the gym with the rational “it keeps me sane” – glad to know I’m not the only one who feels this way.

    PneumaticEnd – my sister in VA is a broke mum and she signed up to the Y (YMCA). They had really good deals for those finding things financially tough, great facilities and most importantly for her amazing cress facilities (when she worked out the kids saw it as a treat) that were also able to take good care of a 1 month old. Maybe while your little one is so little it’s not ideal but it’s worth considering in the future?
  • cndrlla
    cndrlla Posts: 139 Member
    I'm unemployed (hopefully not for long), and I do not belong to a gym. Honestly, I rarely use a gym because I don't like the confined/enclosed atmosphere. I am more comfortable at home using DVDs when the weather isn't friendly, and enjoy walking/jogging outside when it is. I tried out a bootcamp fitness class in October and learned lots of exercises to incorporate with my fitness plan. Also, I previewed some new DVDs with bootcamp style techniques so I can continue to gain strength. Hopefully, you can find similar activities to get you going while you are away from the gym. :)
  • Uzbeccystani- That is such a great idea, I had no clue they did that! Thanks so much for the tip, I'll have to look into that!!