So I stopped dieting......

I started uni a few months ago and stopped using my diary as I was 132lb and content.... I have been eating Mc D's at least twice a week...indulged in kebabs, fajitas, indian takeaways and even had a few sneaky nights out.....
I was panicking....thinking oh dear.....I must of have put weight on.....I feel fat.... even though I am still in my size 8's (UK. 4 US)

So this morning I thought I am going to have to bite the bullet and weigh myself and start I hop on the scales and I weigh 124lb......I was surprised....shocked and well I cant believe metabolism was so slow before, eating regularly I think has really kick started it......

So now I have dropped 30lb......I was ready to finish at 22lb, now I think its time I exercise and trim what I have....... as I cant remember the last time I worked out!


  • atachauer
    Lucky you!
    It must have boosted your metabolism or you have been shaking your money maker on student club nights....a lot!!!