Seriously Christmas was in December...



  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Hey now...are lights are up because there is too much snow to put the ladder out....but we don't light them

    Works for me, and in July it'll be too hot.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Now people, what happened to peace on earth and good will toward men? :laugh:

    That we can keep all year. . .as long as they take the lights down.:tongue:

    LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    I still have my christmas lights up but if it counts at all .... I cant find my timer to shut them off because its still burried under 4 feet of snow ... and i cant get the lights down cause they are frozen to the house... i have tried:ohwell: sorry:laugh:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I still have my christmas lights up but if it counts at all .... I cant find my timer to shut them off because its still burried under 4 feet of snow ... and i cant get the lights down cause they are frozen to the house... i have tried:ohwell: sorry:laugh:

    Jackie, this I can understand and forgive.
    We've experienced spells of 60* and 70* recently. No excuses in central NC!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    haha here's an idea, instead of leaving them a note to remind them that it's almost march; Wouldn't it be funny to leave a note saying how many days left until Christmas!!! Better start preparing now!!!:laugh:

    This has to be my note I leave!!

    I'm excited Christmas is coming too! Only 303 more days!!!!! I'm glad you are already in the spirit!:laugh:
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    hahah people leave theirs up all year around here!! :laugh:
  • nort0186
    haha here's an idea, instead of leaving them a note to remind them that it's almost march; Wouldn't it be funny to leave a note saying how many days left until Christmas!!! Better start preparing now!!!:laugh:

    This has to be my note I leave!!

    I'm excited Christmas is coming too! Only 303 more days!!!!! I'm glad you are already in the spirit!:laugh:

    Hey, maybe they'd get the clue!! haha:laugh: or maybe they'd think you were serious...hmmm:huh:
  • CassieNic
    there are people in my neighborhood who still have their christmas lights up...

    they might as well call them Februlights... :noway:
    HEY NOW...

    Christmas lights still present on houses in Febuary

    pretty soon they will have Marchlights...

    :angry: SOME PEOPLE! :huh:

    i still have some up! :laugh: :blushing: but its just one strand of white lights in a a baby evergreen tree, it was our cmas tree two years ago, then we planted it in our front yard, cant remember what kind it was,but its looks really pretty with the lights on.