Friend Requests



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I rarely add people, but when I do, it is because they are smart, funny and supportive. I don't accept many friend requests because I like to keep my list small.

    *still patiently waiting for an opening* ;)

    I add people for hilarity, snark and general awesomeness. Some people have added me and have turned out to be incredibly supportive, awesome friends.
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    I don't understand the "friend" appeal. Sure, support is great, we all need it.

    After seeing thousands of messages about 'so-and-so' not logging on for (#) days, 'whats-it' burned 357 calories doing "brushing teeth" for (#) minutes, and other messages about how 'whos-it' "completed his/her food and exercise diary...and was under his/her calorie goal" (especially when 'whos-it' hasn't posted any weight change in six months) I've become Friend (all were relatives) Free.

    I see people with hundreds of friends. I couldn't stand sifting through all of those messages!!

    I really like this "You are ignoring this user undo" feature in the message boards though.
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    Some people on their profile say" I will only accept your friend request if you put a message or have your diary open". Its like a bloody job interview!! These ones I dont even bother.

    This ^ . . . . why the secrecy? Ultimately, we all want the same thing.

    Note: I used to pick women my age and similar weight/measurements, but now I'm thinking that I need to add some of the "friskier" members -- those who make me laugh.

    I appreciate those who can whip out witty remarks without thinking. (Alas, my wit comes afterthefact.)

    I'm not competitive, so I don't do challenges.

    I love dogs, so I naturally appreciate the dogs featured in members' profiles.

    I love "characters" --- people who are not afraid to be themselves.

    I love foreign films.

    I love to read psychological-thriller books.

    I play JEWEL QUEST II (computer game), at home, when I'm fighting my carb cravings -- keeps me occupied.

    One of my favorite movies: SNATCH -- makes me laugh like crazy!

    I recenlty saw the movie THE HELP. Afterwards, I was grateful that I was raised in Brooklyn and was exposed to a rainbow of people and that my Puerto Rican parents did not allow nor tolerate the use of ethnic/racial slurs. It's extremely disturbing to know that such blatant prejudice still exists.

    I have come to realize when I don't interact via MFP, I distance myself and thus risk "forgetting" my priority: weight loss. Being mindful of proper nutrition and exercise is just part of the process; being "connected" is crucial because there is definitely a comfort in virtual communication.

    I can respect the MFP members who strictly stick to weight-loss topics, but I like when there's a little more personal interaction.

    I have a Facebook account but limited it to family - I don't like readings that feel like "tweets" -- I don't Tweet.

    Although I was a wife, am a AF veteran, mother and a grandmother, those roles do not define me. I love being independent and being my own person.

    I would love to connect with more free spirits . . .
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    Well I had to laugh because I clicked on someone's profile from something they wrote on a message board and they had fantastic abs then I am reading underneath her picture and is says something along the lines of:

    I won't accept a friend request if:

    You don't include a message
    You are under 21
    Your diary is not open....etc etc!

    Really!!! Wow
  • likeaphoenix28
    I'm just looking for people who are in the same boat as I am, that can help motivate me and vice versa.
  • ashjen1217
    ashjen1217 Posts: 34 Member
    I will friend anyone who wants to lose weight and/or get in shape! I have lots of slim and fit people in my every day life, so it would be great to meet some people here that have the same struggles I do. God knows I could use all the help and inspiration-buddies I can get. I just signed up yesterday and have sent friend requests out and I get so excited when someone accepts. To me it feels that we are all in the same big boat (<--- "big"...see what I did here? LOL!) of wanting to lose the pounds together.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    I have sent a few!! I roll with ROCKSTARS and most of us have COMMON friends and when I continuous see someone giving awesome support and I know I give it...then hey lets become family!! Plus the description and pictures always Seal the Deal!!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I have sent a few!! I roll with ROCKSTARS and most of us have COMMON friends and when I continuous see someone giving awesome support and I know I give it...then hey lets become family!! Plus the description and pictures always Seal the Deal!!

    thats right WE ARE ROCKSTARS !!!!!!!!!!! We run with the Kool Kids !!!!
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I think most of the people on my friends list have done the requesting. Hm. That said, they're a great group! It's awesome to come online and see a bunch of messages complimenting me on a loss, or something I've posted.

    I think I did friend one or two from Scotland, because there is nothing hotter than a Scottish accent. *swoon* (My DH knows this and practices speaking in a Scottish accent once in a while. :smile: )

    I send messages to people who have motorcycles and greyhounds, but I don't necessarily send friend requests. Weird, eh?
  • StarIsMoving
    I will friend anyone who is fairly active and actually logs in to try and accomplish a goal. You want to discuss a topic? Cool. You want to post that you lost? Great! You want to post that you are back on the horse (after getting bucked, lol) - I am so there to cheer ya on.... but if you are going to log on once a month, I am not the friend for you :) I love humor, speak fluent sarcasm, and lead a VERY busy life... but this is important to me too, so I make time. I love the fact we are all fighting the same battle... yet... there are so many different ways to accomplish it! I want to see everyone reaching their goals and maintaining them! :wink: